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(Aerial's POV)

I left (Y/N) on the island and he has shade, so he'll be fine,... maybe... I shouldn't be long anyway. I know my daddy was a bit more busy today than usual, so I snuck into out palace and saw him napping in his thrown and I loved my luck right now. He had his trident where he usually keeps it when he doesn't wield it. My sisters, Sabastian, and Flounder don't even know i'm doing this for a human and if my daddy finds out about this, matters will only get worse.


I took his trident and rushed out of the palace quietly as possible to hurry back. I know a few tricks,... kinda. It's my only chance to sneak him past my daddy and get him home. When I got away I still could not afford to slow down because I have to return this before he wakes up and notices his trident is gone.

(Yuffie's POV)

It was some nice sight seeing and we found some shells to make (Y/N) a necklace for a nice gift, but it was time to head back to the ship. He knows better to stay away from the water if he knows he can't swim and he looks like a smart kid for his age. Should be common sense for him to stay away from the edge. When we got above water from directly below the ship from the ocean floor we climbed in.

Yuffie-Hey, we're back. Hope you weren't too bored.

The was no answer and Aerith was the first to freak out and scream when we saw he wasn't here and there was a trail of water in here that was not ours. My heart sank thinking of what could've happen.


Yuffie-We came directly up, so he couldn't have just sank!

Aerith-What about an giant octopus or whatever else might be in this world?!

With that, the possibility of him being dead... was very likely and I was about to cry, but Aerith Quickly got on the control panel and turned on the radar that looks for hearts and I went to her said to see too. Everything underneath us was moving too fast or moving period, so it could not be him underwater.

Aerith-He's probably on a boat or something. Close the door, we're going.

I just did what she said before she made the ship take off and we kept an eye out for boats or anything he could be on.

(Aerial's POV)

I made it back to the island (Y/N) was on and I guess the poor thing was so stressed and exhausted he fell asleep. Maybe it's better this was because I don't know how a human would react to something like this in case our magic is different.

Aerial's mind-Wait, do humans have magic?... Ah, Aerial, stay focused!

I tried my best to focus on this spell to not mess up because I don't accidently want to blast him. After a few minutes of mustering up the courage I took point and pictured what I wanted and when I hit (Y/N) the blast was harmless, but what I wanted came true. I put him in a protective bubble and even water will turn to something like air when it gets inside bit by bit. I could've turned him into a merman, but I think he would freak out and I would have to steal the trident again which was very risky. I just need to bring the bubble to land again for it to pop. I just carefully got the bubble in the water without waking him for what might be the scariest part for him and when I got in the water there was something in the sky and I saw it was the weird boat from earlier. That means... I can't let them see me and him like this, not yet. I have to get him to the man land or they'll ask questions where their might be very few answers.

Aerial's mind-Just a little longer (Y/N).

I finally went under the water with him and and headed straight for my place where I keep all my human stuff at. On the way I took the most private path, but something happened that just made a lot harder... I felt the bubble wiggle a bit and when I turned back I saw he was waking up.


(Y/N)-*Breathing faster* Wh-Where are we?! Help, heeelllp!

I quickly went to him before he starts to attract any unwanted attention to us, but when I tried shushing him and reason with him he was just too scared to listen until I did something I did not want to do.

Aerial-(Y/N)!!!... Good, now i'm taking you to the main land, but we have to be very careful, ok. We're going to stop somewhere for a while until it's safe and you'll be alright. Ok?

He was trying to slow his breathing thanks to my now calm talking and when I was about to leave this tunnel and so close to my hiding place for him I ran into my best friend at the worst time and he saw who and what I had with me and was really surprised, yet worried.


Flounder-Aerial,... what are you doing?

Aerial-It's not what it looks like, I swear!

Flounder-You have a human and your dad's trident.

Aerial-I'm just trying to help him get to the main land. Please, you can't tell anyone, especially my daddy. I'm going to put the trident back soon enough when I get him to safety... Trust me.

Flounder-... Ok, fine, but if we get caught you know wh-.

Aerial-It'll be fine. Thank you.

I swam past him and he followed me to my Grotto and when we pushed the rock door out of the way we got in and pushed it back into place. I stopped him in the middle of the room and looked at the trident in my hand and had to hurry.

Aerial-Flounder, stay and watch him for a moment, i'll be right back.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Aerial just left us here alone and I wasn't surprised a fish could talk because I saw worse, but I wonder where she was going. I didn't care that much since Yuffie and Aerith are looking for me and they have swimming stuff, so they can get here. They found me with the lions on top of a very tall rock, they can find me in a cave with a mermaid.

(Y/N)'s mind-They'll find me. I know they will.

I just looked around and saw this place was full of vases, mirrors, and other junk they might've fell here. I guess she found them and put them here.

(Aerial's POV)

I made it to the palace and my daddy was still napping, thank goodness. I'll just put it back, wait for another opportunity like this, and he should be none the wiser. When I put it back where he left I was just about to turn to leave, but just then I heard my daddy just about to wake up by yawning and I started to panic. With no time to leave i just swam right in front of him and made it look like I just got here.


Daddy-*Groan*... Aerial, what are you doing here?

Aerial-Oh, I uh... just wanted to talk about something.

Daddy-About what?

Ok, so I kinda backed myself into a corner right there, so I need to think of something and quick then I came up with something.

Aerial-I wanted to apologize for not coming to the performance last week.

That actually made me sick to my stomach have to apologize for something I didn't even want to do in the first place and what made it worse is that he accepted it. We spoke a bit longer before I left and sighed in relief when I made it outside and rushed back to my Grotto where I saw (Y/N) looked nervous still and Flounder looked more nervous of him. He was such a guppy at times.


Aerial-Hey, are you alright? Can you breath just fine in there?

He just nodded his head a little, but didn't look at me and this must be a lot to adjust to for him, but it won't be for long. I just need my daddy to take his eyes off his trident for a while then i'll get him back home where my daddy can't hurt him.

Aerial's mind-I wonder what he's seen in his world.

I just wanted to ask him what he thinks about all this stuff and what they can do because sometimes I feel like a special bird I know can be... a little wrong about things. When i looked at him in the middle of the room in the light, the way the bubble sparkles and shines, and he's just curled up and... I wonder... I went up to the bubble and if the only way to pop it is to bring it on land again... I put my arm through the bubble and I felt the water just come off my arm very fast and I touched his hair for a moment before he jumped a fell back. It was so dry, but soft and smooth.

Aerial's mind-This is amazing!... Wait, get a grip, you can't get too attached!

I just pulled out and the bubble was still there to keep him safe and I didn't take my eyes off him because I couldn't. How could eye because this is by far the best thing I ever brought in here! The way everything in here is from his world and now he's just sitting in the middle... like a prized treasure...

Aerial's mind-No!

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

Flounder was just watching me and I was just fighting with myself and (Y/N) was just so cute and when I found something to feed him from the palace a few minutes ago I think he likes he loves crab cakes like how my daddy likes them. He chubby cheeks got a bit bigger with food in them and the way they move... I tried to remember my plan and that I must do it...

Aerial's mind-But it might be a while before I get another chance like that and I have to take care of him. He's just a guppy... a very precious, cute "human" guppy... No harm in enjoying his stay while I wait.~


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