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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was waking up from being stuck in a giant shirt all night and heard that Dominica was still sleeping, and I think Tessa was too. I still could not get out if I tried, but soon I felt Dominica get up and move her arms to where I could get out, but I slid down her belly and landed on her lap. I looked up and I her just smiling at me before she picked me up and started to lick me with that huge tongue of hers, but she stopped when we heard growling and looked over to see Tessa was awake now and not happy.


They both got up and Tessa tried to take me back, but Dominica turned me away from her and then growled back. Suddenly Tessa tried to quickly reach past Dominica and grab me, but she almost got bit instead and I was held far away from her.


This was getting really scary like last time and I think I know how to stop them from fighting, but I know what might happen instead. If they fight, I can die somehow, so I tried to think of sad thoughts and that wasn't very hard right now.

(No POV)

Soon (Y/N) made himself cry to kill tensions between the 2 and he only wanted to do it for a bit to stop a fight, but now he got a little carried away. He couldn't stop and while the 2 giant dinosaur girls were trying to calm him, a group of other girls heard this from a distance.

((Y/N)'s POV)

It took a bit, but I finally stopped mostly crying and they weren't fighting anymore, so I just wiped my tears. They both just walked together in the forest together with me still in Dominca's hand and Tessa was touching my head. Dominica didn't like it, but they didn't try and fight again. I just completely stopped crying and tried looking at the sky hoping there would be a helicopter or something that showed someone was looking for me, but there was nothing. Suddenly something came out of the tree and snatched me from Dominca's hand, and I was screaming until we landed, and I heard Tessa and Dominca roar before I saw who had me.


(Y/N)'s mind-Blue?!

She started to run away with me in her arms and Tessa and Dominica started to chase us. I couldn't think of anything sad to cry to try and stop them because so many crazy things were happening now. Blue ran as fast as a car, but Dominica and Tessa kept up until Blue found a stream and ran with it until we soon saw a waterfall that she just jumped off of while holding me tight.


We landed in the water, and she stayed under the water with me, and I couldn't breathe and thought I was going to drown, but then I heard something from out of the water that was hard to hear.

Tessa/Dominica-Rrrrrrrraaaaaauuuuugggghhhhh! *muffled*

When we finally got above the water, I saw that Tessa and Dominica were gone, and Blue swam with me to the edge. We got out of the water, and I was still catching my breath while she just kissed me a bunch of times.


She didn't even rest back into the forest with me being held like a baby in her arms then she suddenly started to run. Soon we made it to the park, and it was empty of people now then I thought for a second... What if everyone just forgot about me? I was scared if that was true, but I snapped out of it when we made it to a cage where there used to be baby dangerous dinosaurs that would play with toys that you can watch then the others came out of a door and looked happy to see me.


They all just hugged and kissed me before they saw how wet I was before they took me to a small room that was empty now and closed the door. I looked at the toys that had teeth marks on them or looked like they were new then suddenly Blue put me down to pick up a ball and stepped back before she rolled it to me... I just kicked it back to her and she smiled like she just wanted to play and the others wanted to too. I did what they wanted kind of, but I thought about everyone else again...

(Y/N)-They wouldn't just leave me... Would they?

((M/N)'s POV)

I was at the drop zone where everyone had come back from the island, but after an hour of looking, I could not find my baby. I was panicking thinking he might've been dead and I would never see him again, but then I felt someone tap on my shoulder and I turned to see a woman in a lab coat.


???-Hello, are you Felix's sister?


???-I have some news regarding your son.

Just then I knew where this was going, and my heart just shattered then her eyes opened wide, and she put her arms up a little.

???-No, no, no, he's not dead. He's actually alive... Just not here.


???-It's a long story, but let's go somewhere more private first. We're doing our best to handle this situation to get your son back.

I just followed her, and I felt so many things, but mostly angry. If they left my son behind for whatever reason I'm going to be super pissed. She pulled me into a room before she started off with that she and my brother were working on something for a while before my son even came. He was exposed to it during an accident and the effects were meant to calm down humanoid dinosaurs, but instead attracted them to him. The story went on, but now I had a pretty good idea of what was going on and I stood up beyond angry that my son was left behind and being practically kidnapped by humanoid animals.

Valore-Ma'am, please calm down.


Valore-Please, we're sending in a crew that is heading out tomorrow. The humanoids do not act hostel to him at all, so he's perfectly fine and even somewhat protected... These are military-trained professionals that are going to be armed to the teeth with the best weapons for this job and I promise you will have your son back home.

I just got angrier until I broke down crying and fell back on my seat from worry. If anything happens to my baby after I helped send him there, I don't know if I can ever forgive myself.

(Timeskip 4 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

The girls were still forcing me to play with them in here until I got tired and just wanted to sit down. Echo grabbed me and put me on her lap to cuddle with me and the other girls piled on us. When my stomach growled a little Blue left the room and came back with bags of chips, water bottles, and candy bars then dropped them on the ground before she grabbed them and gave them to me. The others went to get their food and I just opened a bag of (Favorite Chips) and a bottle of water. The girls didn't look so happy with chips and stuff like this and I would really like a burger right now too, but I know they don't know how to make them or they're all bad now.


When I was done eating, I didn't want to play anymore then Charlie came to me and laid down next to me before she pulled me in to cuddle me and I tried to get away, but she held me tighter. I don't know what time it was anymore, but I already felt tighter and just wanted to sleep through this.

(Y/N)'s mind-They can't leave me here. They will come back to help me. My mommy and daddy will know and send people here for me... I just need to wait a little longer.

(No POV)

When night finally struck in the city a plane, boats, and a few helicopters took off to head to the island. They had 4 mission priorities given by their boss and the request of a woman. 1 was to find a child still on the island said to have a chemical on him that attracts the humanoids, 1 was to gather 2 of each species before dangerous activity from a volcano on the island can become a problem, and the other 2 were classified.

???-Alright men, you got your assignments, and after we gain a foothold on the island. Any regular Dino you capture goes through me first... I plan to treasure nature's first weapon... Teeth.

Just when the man turned around, he smiled from the excitement of expanding his collection and getting that huge check from his employers while coming back views as a hero.


Ken's mind-This is going to be a hell of a mission... Now to find my 3 main targets when I get there.


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