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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was about to go to bed after I get some water and I turned on every light here to get to the kitchen, but I was still scared. I tried to tell Jill I was brave enough to get water on my own and now I kinda wish she was with me, but I can't call or she just might treat me like baby or something again. I just drank my water then I heard footsteps behind me then I kinda jumped while I turned around and saw Mia smiling at me.


Mia-Hey, it's ok.. Are still scared after what happened these past few days?

I didn't answer, but I did look at the ground and she just came up to me and took my cup to put it on the counter before she picked me up. I felt her rub my back and kinda jumped with me then gave me a kiss on my cheek.

Mia-Poor thing... I know we never talked much before since my family moved in, but I think you just need a familiar face right now.~

She gave me another kiss and I remember what she said about my parents and what if they really are gone for good.

Mia-You can sleep with me tonight honey. I bet Rose would like a buddy in our room tonight.~

???-Sorry, but that won't be happening.

We both turned and I jumped a bit again then we saw Jill leaning on a wall before she walked over to us.


Jill-He only came out to get a drink before bed with me. I can also picture if your daughter cries at night, that will just wake him up.

Mia-My daughter happens to be a sound sleeper. I think I can't say the same for your work phone or whatever.

Jill-Well then, why not let him pick?

Mia-... Fine... We won't be mad no matter what you choose honey.~

Mia put me down and pet my head, but I still don't want to hurt someone's feelings. Jill was ready to sleep with me tonight and Mia just wants to me nice to me, but Jill did save us from the monsters back at the lab. On the other hand Mia lost Ethan and might need someone to help her feel better. I don't know what to do and I tried to say both of them, but they both said there was not enough room because Mia is going to sleep with Rose too and there's only room for one more.

(Y/N)-Well... maybe I can go with Jill then... I can do something with you in the morning.

Jill-How sweet are you? Come on, time for bed.~

(Mia's POV)

I watched both of them leave the kitchen and I felt so angry and cheated. He would be on his way to my room if it weren't for her coming out here and just ruining the whole moment. I don't care if he's going to be living here and I have many nights ahead, I wanted him tonight. When I went back to my room I just got my daughter out of her crib and sat in the rocking chair with her.


Mia-Hey baby girl, big brother won't be with us tonight, but he'll be all ours in the morning and when the bad lady leaves, nobody can bother us.~

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up and Jill was still sleeping and I was still sleepy after last night because I was scared still and even had a nightmare about those monsters and being back with Alcian as a pet for her again. I didn't tell her about it and lied, but she only played with my ears, hair, and nose to calm me down. I just shook her a bit to try and wake her up and when she did she just smiled at me before she sat up and stretched.

Jill-Morning. *yawn* Come on, let's get in a shower. You're starting to stink.

She took me out of bed with her and took me to the bathroom with her and I was a little sweaty. When we got to the hallway we were going to the bathroom for a shower, but we saw Mia in the hallway too and she had her baby in a towel.


Mia-Oh (Y/N), I was just about to come get you.

Jill-We were just going to go take a shower.

Mia-I'll take him then. He did say he would be with me in the morning and I happened to be getting in the shower after this. He'll just take one in my room before I do.

She took my hand before she took me from Jill and I guess I did promise her I would. I just waved Jill bye before I got into Mia's room and she closed her door before she took me to her bathroom.

Mia-The shower is very simple to use. Let me know if you need hope. I'll just be getting Rose dressed.

I went into the bathroom and closed the door and got my clothes off before I turned on the water and it was like the one at my house, so I got in and when I was washing myself I had a weird feeling and looked out of the shower to see nobody. I think it's just being in a new shower at my neighbor's house. I just cleared my throat a little and I was going to be a little careful.

(Mia's POV)

I was so happy and got Rose excited too while my new son was in the shower and he'll be eating next to me and my little girl. When I had my baby all dressed I just waited until I heard a noise in the bathroom and it sounded a little weird and when I cracked open the door... I heard humming.

Mia's mind-Does he sing in the shower? That's so cute.~

I just went to go get some of his clothes and dropped it off in the bathroom for him and got his dirty ones and he didn't notice me, so I got to hear his humming again. When I left I silently shut the door and took my daughter downstairs with me to get started on breakfast.

Mia-Baby girl, big brother is just as cute as you. You're going to love playing with him.~

(Cop's POV)

I was just out on patrol and was on a motorcycle to keep an eye on traffic and give out tickets and shit. So far it was an easy day today with almost no tickets given out, but soon I got a report about a dispute between a drunk and a woman a few blocks away from me. I was the first to respond and when I got there I saw 5 men on the ground bleeding in the snow and someone was crouching down. Since they were the only one left here I had a strong feeling it was them, so I pulled out my gun.

Cop-Police, freeze and hands where I can see them!

I saw them start to turn around a stand up and she was... tall then I saw another woman walk out from the alleyway.


Cop-Hands up!

???-What do we do with this one mother?

???-You already know the answer. Just hurry and let's get a move on.

???-With pleasure.~

The tall lady was walking to me and I warned her to stop and when she didn't take that warning I just shot her 3 times,... but she only flinched a little and only rolled her eyes looking annoyed before she grabbed me by the arm I had my gun in and lifted me in the air. She was only using one arm and I tried kicking her, but she just smirked at me before I saw sword like nails come out of her other hand.

Cop-What the-?!


(Alcian's POV)

I easily just sliced this stupid man's arm and head off like butter and dropped his remains in the snow. Mother and I got a move on and I was not very happy with her plan for (Y/N), but in the end she still said he would be my pet still like she let me in the first place... I just have to share.

Miranda-It's not too far now. We'll have him back soon enough.

Alcian-Yes mother.

Miranda-But before we go... There's nothing wrong with having a few allies. Bring forth the ones that are still in one piece.

Alcian-Yes mother.

I grabbed the 5 morons and tossed them at my mothers feet and she stepped forth and smiled and I did too then reached between my breasts to pull out something i'll need later.


Alcian's mind-You'll be back where you belong very soon... my precious man puppy.~


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