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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was waking up and there was something in my mouth and I tasted metal on it and it was hard. While I was trying to wake up I felt Erelah petting my head and it felt nice, but I felt so hot and sweaty under this blanket, so I tried to push it off, but when my neck wasn't under the blanket anymore it felt so cold and wet then the blanket was pulled back up.

Erelah-No, don't do that. Careful not to bite down.~ *whisper*

I was trying to open my eyes, but the light hurts right now, so I closed them again for a bit longer. Soon I heard a beeping noise and I know what it was now then Erelah took out the thermometer.

Erelah-Just barely out of the one hundreds. This and your runny nose tells me you just have a little cold honey.

I could finally open my eyes then looked at Erelah to see her reaching for something and when she turned back I saw what she had, but thanks to my plugged up nose, I did not smell it.


Erelah-Let's get food in that tummy then we're going to put you in a bath while I wash this bedding.

She kissed my head then got a slice of the grilled ham and cheese and dipped it in the tomato soup before she held it to me. I took a bite and it was a little hard to taste because my mouth felt a little yuckie, but it tasted pretty good still.

(Erelah's POV)

I didn't sleep at all last night and thank the lord I did not because I noticed him sweating more and more, sometimes when I took his temperature I would see it go up a bit. I remember constantly checking on him while I was making this and that was a lot of running back and forth from here and the kitchen, but I couldn't help it. After he was done eating his sandwiches and drank his soup I took him out of bed and brought him to the bathroom to get his bath ready for him. I don't want to fill it up too much if he's just going to be alone, but before I fill it you, I want to scrub him down to get all that sweat off him and he's not just sitting in it.

Erelah-Come on. Let's get this sweaty and dirty clothes off you.

He just held his arms up and when I was taking his shirt off I could feel it sticking to his back and his shirt was soaked back there. I the rest of his clothes off before I put him in the bath and his hair can wait, i'm starting with his body first. During his bath he just sneezed and now snot was coming out of his nose.

Erelah-Poor honey bunch. Here let me get that.~

He sat still while I got a wet rag to get his nose and went back to scrubbing him. After I got his body and hair washed I started to fill the bath with warm water until I thought it was enough and stopped it.

(Y/N)-Can I have a few toys in here?

Erelah-Sorry sweetie, but you need to rest. It's not the time to play in the bath, but after this we'll watch cartoons and even play some of your video games. I love you.~

I kissed his head before I went to got put the sheets in the wash first then i'll do that blanket. After that I went back to the bathroom with a nice book to stay close and watch him soak while I have something to do. Poor thing looked kinda bored in there and I wanted him to have fun, but rest can be the best thing for him. I can easily cure something like this, but this way he's more likely to know who to come to for this "if" his mother does come back.

(Timeskip 5 Minutes)

I was still reading and watching my child soak and I think it will be good to get him out soon, but then the phone rang in the next room. I just sighed before I got up to go answer the phone and when I did I started to head back to the bathroom.


Doctor-Yes, I wish to talk to Erelah.

Erelah-This is her.

Doctor-Hello, i'm the doctor you saw last time you were here with my patients son and i'm calling to tell you about an incident.

Erelah-What happened?

Doctor-Ms. (L/N) had a panic attack and resulted as a direct danger to herself over her belief of you being an angel. She's fine now, but we are required to call the emergency contact for permission since we can not get a hold of any other relatives.


Doctor-Yes, her lipotomy was scheduled to be decided later on, but with your permission we can give it to her by the end of the day.

I know she was correct about me being an angel, but even her actions should put her in there. (Y/N) also does want his old mother back and when I looked at him... I already have a room set up for her anyway.

Erelah-Ok. When will she be able to be released after?

Doctor-That has not yet to be determined, but we will get back to you on that. Have a good day.

Erelah-You too.

I hung up the phone and (Y/N) looked at me with so much hope in his eyes and it made me smile because he was so adorable. I just went over to him and bent down to his height.

(Y/N)-Is my mommy coming home now?

Erelah-Not right now, but soon.~

A smile came on his face and he gave me a hug then I gave it back while taking him out of his bath and I might need to get changed anyway.

Erelah-How about we get you dried off then dressed in some clean clothes and cuddle on the couch.

He just clung to me and when I got a towel to start drying him off he surprised kissed my cheek and I just giggled at him. While I was getting him dressed he talked about the stuff he wants to do when his mother comes here, but I don't know how she will function entirely and she will have a few extra rules to follow.

((M/N)'s POV)

I was strapped on a rolling table trying to get off and stop them from taking me somewhere. I was yelling and screaming at them, but they won't listen to me. I knew one of these fuckers were talking to that angel and soon we made it to a room with a door that said M.R.I. and I already did this and they said they found nothing, but a bipolar whatever it is.

Doctor-Nurse, I want another scan done and a full analysis this time... *Sigh* I need some coffee after this.

Nurse-We will be able to know all we need by tomorrow.


Something about this doesn't feel right... What are they up too?

((Y/N)'s POV)

Erelah was holding me while I was wrapped in a blanket and even took me out to wipe all the sweat off me with a towel. She gave me some orange slices and orange juice to help with my runny and plugged up nose and it was. The T.V. was off now and it was really quiet since Erelah said too much noise and T.V. might just give me a headache then soon she started to hum a song while balls of light started to fly out of her.

She got up while holding me like a baby then started dancing slowly and when I looked into her eyes... I felt... lighter and better already. When she was down she kissed my head before she slowly sat back down still smiling and she never took her eyes off me the whole time.

(Y/N)-Woah... Your singing, it's-... It's so pretty.

Erelah-Why thank you, but I don't think i'm that good. Plenty of angels sing better than me.

(Y/N)-Well,... I think you're the bestest singer I ever heard.

Erelah-Awww, *chuckles* you're the sweetest child I ever met. Come here.~

She started to cover my face in kisses until I was about to sneeze, but she put a tissue on my nose in time. After she cleaned my nose and threw away the tissue she just laid down with me on top of her.

Erelah-I think we can take a little nap and hopefully when you wake up, you'll be all better.

(Y/N)-If i'm better, can we have something for desert?

Erelah-Maybe I can make a healthy dessert. We don't want too many sweets to upset that tummy, now do we?~


Erelah-That's right. Now close those eyes honey bunch. We just need a good nap.~

(Erelah's POV)

I will cure him in his sleep, so he can sleep peacefully and I did enjoy taking care of him like this today. As for the compliment on my singing it made me feel so happy that he loved my voice and called me the best he ever heard. It's no surprise because other than musicals in his shows and movies his mother sang while she was drunk on new years and I had notes for her. Speaking of which, I decided to wait a few weeks after her surgery to make sure she was fully healed and if she comes back, hopefully she will be easier for me, but that won't be for a while. I just closed my eyes and was about to enjoy a nap with my little bundle of joy and after I might take him out at night for some sight seeing.

Erelah's mind-What should we see first?... Maybe a river at night. I always loved the way the moonlight dances in the water.

(No POV)

While the 2 were asleep, somewhere not too far away from them was going out on a hunt in the woods to also explore their new territory to round up a few humans by order of their alpha.



Kinda seems like a origin story for your fallen angel from your other book 🤔