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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in a dark and scary part of the forest just waiting to wake up, but it was taking forever and I never had a dream this long before. I saw pointing signs on a very tall pole at the end of this path before it splits and maybe now I find out where I am and where to go. When I got to the signs it was easy to read them,... but they made no sense and one that was pointing up said down on it.

(Y/N)'s mind-Who put these here? Is this a joke or something?

This was no use and I would stay put like my mommy and daddy say to do when i'm lost, but this was a dream and those 2 weirdo twin girls are out trying to make me their toy. That was not happening even if this was a dream and I just need to find the rabbit lady to wake up still, but I don't even know where I am or going. This is worse than the time I got lost in a the woods by my home.

???-What's the matter little one? Are you lost?~ *echo*

(Y/N)-Huh?... Who's there?

I looked around for the voice of the lady I just heard, but there was nobody. I looked in the trees, the bushes, then I just tried to leave, but I felt someone poke my back and I jumped.


(Y/N)-I-I know you're there... Come out!

???-Awww, are you scared little boy? I couldn't help, but notice that tiny body trembling.~ *echo*

At that last part I heard where that voice was and it was on top of a branch and I saw flying eyes and a mouth. I tripped back on myself and fell to the ground and the flying laughed while it flying to the tree branch above me then a line started to be drawn in the air in a swirl. I saw it make something and soon I saw a cat, but this was no normal cat and I saw her teeth were kinda sharp.



I ran away when I turned back while running I saw the cat monster was gone, but then I ran into something and fell on the ground. When I looked in front of me I saw the cat monster again and I felt tears coming out of my eyes. I was just so scared and thought I was going to die.

(Y/N)-*Hic* Pl-Pl-Please, d-don't ea- *hic* eat me.

???-Eat you? Now why would I do that?~

She started to float in the air like a hot air balloon and she was floating above me then poked me nose while smile.

???-Just look at that cute little button nose. Just adorable.~

(Y/N)-Wh-Who are you?

???-I'm the Cheshire Cat. *Gasp* Lookie what we have here.~

She just touched and played with my ear and I just scooted away from her and she just smiled at me kinda weird.

Cat-And jumpy like a bunny too. *Chuckles* Not often you see a male around here and you're just a cute cuddly package.~

(Y/N)-Um... My mommy and daddy say not to talk to strangers.

Cat-Daddy? Is he here with here with you.

(Y/N)-... N-No.

Cat-That's a shame, but maybe for the best. Now back to you being lost.

She flipped back, but disappeared when her tail covered her, but then I saw her walk from behind a tree next to me.


(Y/N)-H-H-How did you do that?!

Cat-Guess I just can, but why wonder about that when I can help?

(Y/N)-Um,... I just need to wake up.

Cat-Oh, well then here's 2 things. You can go down this path to see the Mad Hatter or... you can be my little kitten until you wake up.~

I didn't know what to say when she said that and when I backed away from her, but she just landed on the ground finally and was smiling.

Cat-Very well, but if you want my help again it will come at a price... I can be a "very" patient girl.~

(No POV)

After the Cheshire Cat disappeared slowly (Y/N) was scared that she might be faking it then grab him by surprise. He just turned and ran down the path she pointed him down. When he was gone she appeared again and smiled.

Cat-Tick tock little kitten. You'll need me soon enough.~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I kept om running in the woods and soon I saw a way out and it was lighter than it was in here, so I ran to that. When I made it out I saw I was on a rock path now and followed it around a big bush to see a weird house. It was pink, green, purple, and blue and it looked kinda... blocky. I saw a table in the front yard and it was long, had a lot of chairs that all looked different, there was tea stuff on it and some cups were plain, and some had different patterns on it. Nothing was the same and when I got close to the table to get a better look I remembered something the cat said to me about a mad hatter and I don't wanna stay if someone is angry all the time.

(Y/N)'s mind-I gotta get out of here.

I was just about to leave, but just then the door to the house opened and I saw 2 people walk out talking about stuff, but one of them was another rabbit lady and she was wearing a dress.


The lady that must be the Mad Hatter was whistling a song while the rabbit girl was hopping around like it was a dance before they saw me and stopped. I was about to leave hoping they won't get mad at me, but then the Mad Hatter just smiled like she was really happy.

Mad Hatter-A visitor! Come in, take a seat!

They came to the table and I was about to tell them I had to go, but the Mad had put me in a chair then the rabbit sat across the table.

???-I told you someone else would be here!

Mad Hatter-No you didn't. You said the twins might be around. He sure doesn't look like a twin to me.

???-A twin still counts as a someone, so he's like a... half twin.

(Y/N)Um, excuse me, but I gotta-.

Mad Hatter-Ah yes, you're cup of tea. Can't have a tea party without a cup of tea. Here you go.

She just poured me a cup of tea, but I don't even drink tea. She just sat down and they both looked at me and I had to get out of here because this was so uncomfortable.

Mad Hatter-The 3 of us are happy you came little man. A guest of honor if you would.


Just then she took off her hat and there was a smaller chair in there and a mouse was sitting on it until she jumped on the table and the Hatter put her hat back on.



This is just getting weirder and the mouse jumped in a tea cup before the Mad hatter poured another cup for her then the rabbit.

Mad Hatter-Oh, where are our manners? My name is Mad Hatter.

(Y/N)-Um, is that your real name?

Mad Hatter-Why wouldn't it be young man? Anyway, there is the March Hare.

March Hare-More! Tea!

She threw her cup at the Matter Hatter and she ducked then they all laughed when they heard the cup break.

Mad Hatter-And the dormouse is Ellie.

Ellie-Would you like some sugar with tea? 1 lump or 2.

(Y/N)-Umm... I don't really drink tea.

Mad Hatter/March Hare/Ellie-*Gasp*!

Mad Hatter-No tea!

March Hare-Then why come to our party?

Ellie-He just needs more sugar!


Ellie ran to grab a big jar of sugar then came to me and put 2 lumps in my tea cup.

March Hare-HE NEEDS MORE!!!

The March Hare climbed on the table and grabbed the jar and poured the whole thing and my cup was now buried in sugar and I had no idea what to say or do about this.

March Hare-B-Better?

(Y/N)-I'm... just gonna go.

Mad Hatter-Go? This is your party now.


Mad Hatter-You see, when you came here we were going to make this a random tea party, but now that you're here it would only make sense it would to be celebrating you.

Ellie-And your so cute.~

She jumped on my lap and climbed up my shirt to kiss my cheek before she let go and jumped into the piled of sugar and came out laughing. I tried to get up and just leave, but the March hare grabbed me to pick me up and danced on table with me in her arms while they were all laughing until she fell off and I landed on top of her and quickly got off.

(Y/N)-You're all crazy!

Mad Hatter-Oh, you're too kind sweetie. Back to the party!

(Mad Hatter's POV)

We brought our little guest back to the table and I just put him on my lap while I poured a cup of tea for myself. This party was indeed extra special with our special little boy here and we found that his name was (Y/N).

Ellie-Who keeps him?


Mad Hatter-Keep him? Will not's be silly. He came to my house, so it's me.

Just then he jumped off my lap and the March hare and Ellie took that as he was up for grabs and I won't be losing. He tried to run, but the March Hare Dove at him, but I snatched him up and it was funny, so I busted out in laughter with my friends.

(Y/N)-Let me go! I have to find a rabbit to get home!

March Hare-Hey, i'm rabbit! Hahahahaha!

(Y/N)-No, a white one!

Just then all of out laughing stopped and my felt like it died for a moment. This was the exact opposite of funny and I don't like it.

Ellie-Is-... Is that-?

Mad Hatter-Oh, he's just being silly. He just... needs more tea, that's it!

If he's looking for that white rabbit then that means... He will be taken by "her". That won't happen, i'm not letting her have him, he came to us first, so by her way, he belongs to us!... He just won't leave and i'll make sure.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I don't know what was so bad about this rabbit to them, but it doesn't matter that much since this was a dream. Mad Hatter tried to get me to drink some tea, but I still don't want to then she thought of something.

Mad Hatter-How about this. You drink just one cup and we'll take you to the rabbit.

March Hare-What?!

Ellie-You lost your mind twice if-!

Mad hatter-Now, now, it's only polite to help. Why don't was make his first cup of tea a good one. Ellie, we need pure sugar, STAT!!!

Ellie ran around the table until she ran in the house and came back with a new bowl of sugar since the last one was poured out on my last cup. She put 2 lumps in my cup and if this is a dream, it's just one cup, and they help me now I just took the cup and when I drank it they all looked happy and this tasted nasty to me, but I finished it.

(Y/N)-There. Now you'll help me?

Mad Hatter-Oh, you're such a silly little boy. You can't leave or she might find you here.

March Hare-We can't have her find you, oh no, no, no, we can't.

Ellie-You came to us, so you can belong to us now!

Their smiles looked the smile, but they were starting to creep me out, so I pushed away from the Mad Hatter as hard as I could and she didn't even try, so I fell on the ground. They just laughed at me and I just got up and ran, but now I was starting to feel really heavy and tired.

March Hare-I got him!

She ran on top of the table again and grabbed me before i could fall again and she covered my face in kisses, so I closed my eyes for a bit, but soon I opened them up again to see them again. Ellie was on the Mad Hatter's hat while March Hare was still carrying me and they were taking me in the house before I just blacked out again.


(Mad Hatter's POV)

We just put him on my bed and I just got all my ribbons out and was prepared to use a lot for this and I got his arms, March Hare got his legs, and Ellie gave him a blind fold and I got a great idea for when he wakes him.

Mad Hatter's mind-We can throw him a surprise welcome to your new home party!


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