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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was sitting in Yuffie's lap while we were all having dinner and Cid made some good chili and Aerith said I was a little messy eating it, so she helped clean my face sometimes and aside from that this was pretty nice. After we were done eating Leon left saying her needed some more alone time, Merlin said he was going to go out for some tea, and Cid went back on the computer to find my home.

Yuffie-Do you want to play something before bed?

(Y/N)-Like that board game?

Aerith-Maybe a different one since that game takes a while to play.

(Y/N)-Like what?

She just got up to grab a game for us and it looked kinda fun and Yuffie had me lay my head on her lap while we played. She even played with my hair a little and I let her. The whole game was still kinda long and in the middle of it I was starting to feel tired, but I acted like I was not and kept on playing, so Aerith doesn't try to stop the game and put me to bed yet.


We all looked over to Cid and he looked like he finally found something and I hope it was my home, so we got up to go look.

Yuffie-What did you find?

(Y/N)-Is it my home?!

Cid-Not exactly, but I found something like a fragment of a random world in another and if it's yours then it might react to your heart if it's from your world.

(Y/N)-Fragment?... What's a fragment?

Cid-Just a small piece of something and if it's really your world then this can be a huge step closer to getting you home.

Aerith-That's... wonderful news.

Cid-You head out in the morning with him and see if you can find something.

I was just so happy that I was finally getting somewhere to go home and back to my mom and dad. I wanted to go right now, but Yuffie and Aerith said we have to go to bed first.

(Aerith's POV)

We had to go tomorrow or it would just look bad, but I don't wanna say goodbye to him even if I can go visit his home. I barely made it when he left the first time he was missing and now... I can't. I'll go, but who's to say we find anything or if it's a fragment from his world.

(Yuffie's POV)

That's just like Cid to always kill a good mood when it matters the most, but just takes the cake and I was not having it. Even if we find this fragment i'll make sure it doesn't lead to (Y/N) leaving us. If his parents were so careless to lose him like this once because they didn't want to watch him then I say "Don't mind if I keep him".

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were getting ready to go and Leon was gonna come too, but the girls both said no and they would be fine and he should stay incase something bad happens. We finally left after I got buckled in and we took off. This was actually nicer than the other times I was in here and soon we finally got to a world, but when we looked out the window I was a little confused.


(Y/N)-Um... Is this the right place?

Yuffie-Says so on here. Look.

I looked at the radar and there was a red dot close bye and I don't know how small this fra-... um... something or whatever, but if it's a piece of a world then it should still be big enough to see and poking out of water like an island.

(Aerith's POV)

I was confused, but at the same time relieved that we found nothing, but (Y/N) just got out of his seat, opened the door, and looked out into the ocean. I just went up to him and picked him up to carry him away from the door.

Aerith-Come on, we're leaving.

(Y/N)-What?! But what if this thing is under water?! We can't leave! You said you would help me get back home... Maybe you can dive real fast to look.


There was scuba gear in hear and he was giving me a look that he was begging for us to look and if I don't do this, it would break his heart.

Aerith-*Sigh* Fine, we'll go... You stay up here and no going in the water.

(Y/N)-I can't swim without floaties anyway.

Yuffie and I just got suited up while (Y/N) was in his chair watching the waves of the ocean pass by. He should be fine as long as he listens to me and stays away from the door to where he can fall out and drown. I didn't want to do this, but we jumped in the water to start searching for anything that might be from another world and see if it reacts or something.

(???'s POV)

I was by myself right now just enjoying my treasures from the surface world and dreaming when I get to see it. It's always the same here and yesterday I found a sunken boat from the surface with dead a human next to it and I thought it was so sad, but my daddy said to pay them no mind, but what if they had a family and friends waiting for them. I just sighed before I went out for a swim alone when later I saw something weird floating on the surface and it didn't look like any boat i've ever seen.

Ariel's mind-What is that?

((Y/N)'s POV)

It was boring and quiet right now and thought I would always hate this, but it was nice. No running or anything, I can just relax. I was just laying on the floor looking out the door and watching the ocean while the ship was rocking a little. Soon I saw something come out of the water and it was kinda hard to see since it was far away, but I saw the color red. I didn't move at first, but I scooted up a bit for a closer look to see what it was then I saw it was getting closer,... and kinda first. I thought it might be Aerith and I could just be seeing things like her hair red, but when they got close I got a good look... it was not her and they had a fish tail.


I quickly ran away from the door and under the desk hoping they can't come in.

(Ariel's POV)

I saw something move from inside the thing and I think it was a human, so no doubt they saw me. I was about to quickly swim away before matters get worse, but then I thought... What if they're stuck out here and need help. I thought about that poor person at the bottom of the sea and I don't want another to be added, so I pressed on, but I was careful to hide my tail now. I made it to the door and when I did it looked so fascinating in here. Whatever kind of boat this is, it's not made of wood and the floor was so smooth.

Ariel-Hello... Hello... I'm here to help.

There was no answer, but I know someone was here and they were likely hiding from me because they were scared, but maybe I can calm them down and convince them what they saw wasn't real.

Ariel-Please, if you're here answer me. If you're stuck out here I can help.

Maybe they went into a room, so I hopped in and dragged myself on the floor and I was captivated about how amazing everything look, but then I saw something that made my heart stop for a moment.


Ariel's mind-Oh no!

They looked terrified of me and scattered back a bit and I could hear their whimpers from her and it made me feel bad. I know i'm scary, but he must be so lost, confused, and scared right now probably waiting for his family or someone he knows to save him. He sees my tail, so no point in turning back know because that will only scare them even more.

Ariel-Please don't be scared. I'm a friend.

???-Stay away!

The poor thing was shaking with fear and I don't blame him that much. I need to think of a way to gain his trust. I just backed away from him to show him I was not here to get him.

Ariel-See, i'm nice... I'm just going to slowly come over.

I did what I said and the closer I got I realized i've never been this close with a human before and this one was so small and cute. When I got too close for his liking he panicked and tried to crawl and run to the other side of this boat, but he slipped on the trail of water I left behind and a wave came by that tilted the boat enough to make him slide into the ocean and I heard from other mermaids and mermen that some humans can't swim, especially the little ones. I rushed to the door and when I made it I did not see him above water, so he must be under. I quickly got in the water and looked around to see him slowly going down while trying to swim, but was failing, so I grabbed him and swam off as fast as I could to a nearby island I know about and when we got above water he was coughing.

Ariel-It's ok, you're going to be alright.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I could not stop coughing while we were getting away from the ship and I tried to get her to let go, but she would not let go. Soon we made it to an small island and there was a few trees, a bit of grass, and a beach and she put me somewhere I could sit while I kept on coughing.

???-Let it out little one.

When I finally stopped I just looked at her and she was kinda smiling, but I backed away a bit from her.

(Y/N)-Who are you?!... We need to go back!

???-Oh, well i'm Ariel,... a mermaid and I don't think going back is a good idea. That boat is sitting in the middle of nowhere, nobody will find it.

(Y/N)-No, I have 2 friends coming back! Take me back!

Ariel-... Did they swim?

I just nodded my head yes to her and she didn't look too happy.

Ariel-There's nothing, but ocean for miles.

(Y/N)-No, they have scuba gear and they're just just looking for something!

She had no idea what I was talking about and it was impossible to explain everything to make her understand, but she still won't take me back because she doesn't believe me. When I started to cry she just pulled me into a hug and did not let go and soon I got tired of fighting.

Ariel-You poor thing.~

(Ariel's POV)

I have no idea what he was talking about and it made no sense, but all I know is that if I take him back to that boat to leave him there he will die. Such a young human should not die, especially alone like that with false hope and even if I did take him back to leave him there, I would've killed him. I can take him close to the main land, but the closest on is going right over my fathers kingdom and if he sees me with him...

Ariel's mind-He wouldn't want to hurt a child because their human.... Would he?

(Fantasy Start)

I was swimming as fast as I could to get this child to the main land where he can get proper help. On the way my father came out of nowhere and he looked at me on the surface water where he really hates to see me a lot, but got more made when he saw the human child in my arms.


Daddy-Ariel, what do you think you're doing?!

Ariel-Daddy please, i'm just trying to get him home! He won't tell anyone about us!

Daddy-They have seen too much! They are a danger to us now!

Ariel-They're a child!

Daddy-... I will do what I must to protect our people.

He rushed to me and yanked the human child out of my arms and dragged him underwater and I went after them.


He threw the child further down and they couldn't breath or swim while my daddy pointed his trident at him before...

(Fantasy End)

I was holding him tighter while he was still crying and I didn't want to believe my daddy would do something so awful,... but I didn't want to chance it. It's a days away swim to another main land and I don't think they'll make it that long food and if I come out here too much my daddy always finds out with time... I need to hide him somewhere he won't think to look at least for a while and in time I got an idea, but I needed one thing...

Aerith's mind-My daddy's trident.


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