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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was with Hoskins and other people at a camp on the beach and I got a tablet to play games on while they talked about stuff. They said I don't need to worry and just be myself right now since my job was supposed to be super easy. I wasn't really playing in case dinosaurs came here and tried to eat us or maybe the girls find me. Later Hoskins came over and he had a smile on his face, and I put the tablet down to listen to him.


Hoskins-Hey, you ready?

(Y/N)-What am I doing?

Hoskins-You're gonna just sit somewhere and help us catch the runaways.


Hoskins-Cool it, you'll be in a cage made of solid steel. They won't get to you, and we'll be armed and ready to take them down.

(Y/N)-B-... But I don't wanna do it.

Hoskins-*Sigh* Think of it this way kid. Even if the slim chance they get to you... What have they done to you so far? I saw some of the camera feeds.


(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

I was in a cage in the woods while the others were close by, and I was so scared and trying not to cry. All he gave me was food and water in here, but I couldn't eat anything because I started to feel sick. I just listened to everything, and I jumped sometimes at small noises that were just nothing.

(Y/N)-*Whimper*... Pl-Please, let me out!... L-Let me out of here!

I kept on screaming hoping they would listen to me because I did not want to do this in the first place, but soon something did happen, and I just stopped screaming and froze.





They were getting close and when I saw something pushing trees and branches, I could not look away from it until the dinosaur came out and it was the T-rex girl.


T-Rex-*Sniff* *sniff*

I just need to be still, and she can't see, right? She grabbed the cage a little and looked in here, but she couldn't see me because I'm not moving. Everyone knows that. Soon she put her fingers in here and started to pull on them to get them off while growling and looking at me... SHE CAN SEE ME!!!


She was trying to get in still, but then I heard something like gunshots and saw darts go into her arm, but that just made her mad. She looked where I saw more men come out to help me, but then something grabbed one of the men and when I saw it change colors, I saw who it was before she bit him in half, and I remember what Hoskins called her.



The men started to shoot her too, but she only kept on killing them until the T-rex broke in the cage and reached in to grab me. I was only screaming when she was taking me out then she ran with me, but when I turned back, I saw a net coming at us and wrapped around her legs then she fell. I fell out of her hand, and I don't want to be here anymore, I don't want to see dinosaurs, and I don't want to be with these soldier people anymore!

(Y/N)'s mind-I JUST WANNA GO HOME!!!

When I got up to run, I heard her roar at me, but I did not stop. When I made it over a hill, I heard something before I saw Hoskins drive in front of me with an ATV.


Hoskins-Where do you think you're going?


Hoskins-Maybe you forgot that you're helping us capture-.


I tried running again, but he chased me and grabbed my arm then pulled on me. I tried to scream and pull away, but he was taking me with him until we heard fast and huge footsteps then we saw both dinosaur girls come out of different parts of the trees and surrounded us.



We did not move until he held me up in front of him and he turned me back-to-back to the girls.

Hoskins-You'll be fine kid. You're what they want, and I heard most dinosaurs know how to trade. We'll come back with more firepower.


(No POV)

Both girls saw how "their baby" was in distress and it made them very mad at the one "holding their baby hostage". They were both growling and hissing at Hoskins while he went closer to the T-rex hoping she knew more about this.

Hoskins-Hey, you want him?... Yeah, you do.

Her baby was still screaming and crying and when she saw how close he was she just took them both in her hands and separated them.

Hoskins-Wait, not me! I gave you what you want-!

She threw him to the ground and before he could get up, she stomped on him, and her sharp nails impaled him through his back.


(Y/N) was still screaming and trying to get away, but she kept in in her hand and turned back to the indominious. She was not happy that the T-rex had what she wanted, and she doesn't know much... but she knows that she wanted the boy "alive". When (Y/N)'s screaming just turned to crying they both noticed this, but the T-rex was still defensive of him and was extremely sketchy of her getting close, but the slightest growl from her made his crying a little louder. The 2 dinosaurs stayed in a standoff both looking at each other and (Y/N) and tensions slowly died between them.

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

(Y/N) was out cold in the T-rex's hand and the way they saw it the calmer things were the less likely he was to cry. To the T-rex, this was completely confusing to her since she loved it when her mother killed and scared off others when she was little to make her feel safe. She never smelled a male of her kind or so she thinks, so something must be different... She still hated the indominious getting close, but neither was willing to put (Y/N) in danger by fighting, yet neither was willing to share.

(Timeskip To Night)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was starting to wake up still feeling really tired still then I saw I was still in a hand and when I looked, I saw the girls just staring at each other while walking in a circle a little before they stopped, but still didn't look away.


It was dark outside now and I tried to get out of her hand again, but she only looked at me and so did the indominious rex. I was going to cry again then my stomach growled and that's when I felt really hungry, and the T-rex looked back at the indominious rex before she took a step back then the indominious took a step forward. I looked down to see Hoskins was dead, so I looked away.



My stomach growled again and the indominious finally looked away before she ran into the forest and the T-rex smiled and brought me to her cheek.


She walked off with me into the forest, but soon a regular dinosaur was thrown in front of us then the indominious came out and stepped on it with a smile like she won a fight.

She pushed it to us a bit with her foot and the T-rex stepped closer and was about to take it but was stopped by the indominious and reached for a tree branch and broke it off and did it a few times to make a pile.

T-rex-*Growl* *hmph*.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

Both girls were on different sides of the fire, and I named both of them. The T-rex was named Tessa and the indominious was Dominica. Tess wouldn't let me go while this dinosaur was being cooked and Dominca tried to fight her for me again, but they stopped when I tried to make a run for it, she blocked me, but before she could grab me Tessa got me first. Now I was stuck on her lap by her dinosaur-skinned bottom and when I tried to get away or moved too much, she put me closer to the middle by a bit and I don't wanna get too close. Soon she grabbed some meat on a stick and took a bite before she tore off a piece and held it to me. It didn't smell that good, but I was so hungry, so I took a bite, and it was kind of good just like with the raptors when they cooked.

(Y/N)'s mind-Mommy... I wish I never came here.

After we ate she laid down with me and Dominica did the same too, but still away from us and Tessa had me in one hand and used the other like a blanket. I was kind of warm, but I would rather be in a bed. She even gave me some kisses before she held me tighter and closed her eyes and maybe if I stay awake long enough while she goes to sleep I can get away.

(Timeskip 4 Hours)

(No POV)

Dominica was still awake while she was pretending to be asleep since she knows (Y/N) has a thing for trying to run and when gets away from her, she'll take him back without a fight. When he finally slipped out of the sleeping girl's grip, he was kind of groggy from laying down too long but tried to wake up. Not before Dominica blocked him with her tail then sat up to quickly grab him and cover his mouth.

Dominica-*Chuckles* Hmmm.~

She stuffed him in her shirt to really trap him before she carefully laid back down to not crush him and she heard his muffles through her shirt, but she only smiled. (Y/N) could breathe fine, but he could not get out and felt her pet him through her shirt while she went to sleep.


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