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((Y/N)'s POV)

Claire was taking me back to the lab after she got a call from Jill saying that she was coming back already. It's been only one day, but when I asked Claire if they beat the monsters and everyone else she answered me in a way that my mommy does when she's lying. She was not a good liar, but Clare made it sound true when she talked about it, so I don't know if she's lying or not and I just hoped my mommy and daddy were coming back or at least that Jill was ok.

(Y/N)-Did they say anyone got hurt?

Claire-Sorry, but I don't know. The man just told me everyone was coming back, so i'm taking you back to Jill.

When we made it back to the lab place I didn't like it because there was nothing to do here. I would already do anything to get out of here when we got to the entrance. Claire just bent down to me and smiled before she just pet my head.

Claire-Just stay here and wait for Jill. Be good.

(Y/N)-Ok... What are you gonna do?

Claire-Well, you'll see me again someday. I'll say that much.

She gave me a hug goodbye before the man took me to the back rooms and when I made it back there I saw Mia on a bed ready a book while her baby was asleep.


She looked at me and was very happy, but she put a finger to her lips, so I stayed quiet while she came up to me and took my hand. She brought me to the bed and put me on her lap then gave me a kiss.

Mia-Welcome back, we've been talking about you.~ *whisper*

(Y/N)-Huh? For what? *whisper*

Mia-Let's talk a little about how serious and dangerous that mean place was first then i'll explain. *whisper*

(Jill's POV)

We were on our way back in shame because now the whole damn village was on high alert, so Chris and his team had to jump out of the plane to plant the bomb while another carrier was on it's way, giving them a 3 hour window to plant the bomb and get hold their ground to get out of there. I had the honor of staying on the plane to fight off the flyers literally tearing this metal bird apart.

Jill's mind-This would great on my career.

When we landed we all went through protocol to check for contamination and we all came back clean. I told Claire to drop him off and when I get here I plan to just take him home and get him out of this place, but when I got to the room I saw him crying a little into... "her".


Jill-What happened? Why is he crying?

Mia-Nothing. Don't you have a mission to be on?

Jill-That's none of your business. I'm just here to take him home.

Mia-Yeah, I don't think that's happening. I already called in my favor thanks to this whole mess. He's coming home with me and my daughter.

Jill-No, i'm taking him home with me, "now".

We just glared at each other and (Y/N) was whimpering a little still, but then something happened that made her baby girl cry and put me on high alert.

I still had a pistol with 8 shots left and a knife after the attack to get back here, so I have to conserve it incase this is real. Mia picked up her baby and took (Y/N)'s hand and I let that slide for now and went to a wall phone in here to see if anything was happening,... but there was no answer.

Jill-Shit... Come on.

I pulled out my gun and knife and (Y/N) was scared while Mia was trying to calm him and her daughter down before we stepped out in the hall.

Jill-The emergency exit isn't far. This way.

We made our way down the hall and so far there was no anything as far as I could tell, but when we made it near the lab area something broke the glass wall and fell into the hallway before it got up and I could hear (Y/N) breathing faster in a state of panic from here.


I gave it a shot to the head before I ran up to it and jumped in the air to kick it in the chest making them fall to the ground. I finished it off by driving my knife into it's head and sliced it to the side only to see the head pop like a balloon. I turned back and saw how (Y/N) was so troubled by this and I went up to him not caring about Mia that much since she had to have seen these things before.


Jill-Hey, we're going to get out of here, you just need to stay close to me. Ok.

He was still crying, but nodded his head before we pressed on with my 7 shots left. The exit was just at the end of this hallway and we're home free, but then 3 others should up and one was on all fours.

Jill-Get back!

I had to use 6 of my shots to get rid of 2 of them, but the one on all fours was quicker than the others and that made them a harder target and to top it off, I can't waste a single shot.

Jill-Come on, come on! Hold still!

I took a shot and got it's arm making it fall over a little, but not die and when it got back up it crawled over a little before it lunged at us and I thought fast and threw my knife at it's head and it fell to the ground showing it was heading for my new son and out of anger I took my knife out before I stomped on it's head turning it to mush. With no more turns or anything up ahead I just picked up and away from Mia before we all just ran down the hall and saw a few out in the lobby.

Jill-Keep running! Don't stop!

We dashed out the front door and it was glass, so it won't hold for long and thankfully there was sirens off in the distance. We kept on running until we made it across the street and military vehicles pulled up as we heard glass shatter then panic in their voices soon lead to gunfire. I just put (Y/N) down and started to check him and he only clung to me.


Jill-Are you ok?! Did you get scratched at all or anything, "anything"?!


I was still not chancing it and if I find so much as a drop of blood i'm called for a transport to the nearest facility to help him, but thankfully there was nothing.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I had no idea what was happening, but those monsters were scarier than some of the other monsters. Jill was just... her stories were cool, but seeing her do that was awesome, but very, very, very scary. She picked me up again and she pet the back of my head.

Jill-Come on, let's go get you in a nice and cozy home.~

Mia-Excuse me, I said he was coming with me.

Jill-And I just saved you and your daughter, consider it payment.

They kept on fighting and this made me miss Claire because when I was with her nobody was fighting then I thought of something that sounds fair for both of them. I just tried to take deep breaths to stop crying and when I did...

(Y/N)-M-Maybe we c-c-can b-both go to Mia's.


(Y/N)-You know... l-like a sleep over.

Mia-... Fine. We have a guest room she can stay in for the night.

Jill-... Then it's only fair if both guests get the same treatment.

I could see they were mad at each other still, but maybe i can try to make them friends and something good might happen... I just don't want any bad things to happen anymore.

(Timeskip 4 Hours)

We made it back to Mia's house while the sun was still up a little and she let me go to my house to grab some clothes to bring over and Jill came with me to help me out. I didn't want to be alone either. I put my clothes in a suitcase and Jill took some of my mom's robes since they fit and we went back to Mia's. I saw Mia sitting on the couch while Jill had her arms on my shoulders then i saw Rose was looking at me too.


Mia-I left the door to the guest room open upstairs and (Y/N), if you want to sleep in a bigger bed tonight, my door will be open.

Jill-He's fine. Where's your bathroom? We need a shower.

She only looked at her before Jill walked off with me and I knew where the bathroom was and I was about to let her go in alone, but she pulled me in with her.

Jill-You need one too mister. Come on, let's get these off you... Damn they're filthy.

She took all my clothes off and I don't know what to do because I was told never to do this with strangers, but she saved me. When she was done with me she got her clothes off and turned on some water.

Jill-Come on, you're getting scrubbed down first.

I slowly got in and when she got in with me and turned the bath into a shower she started to wash my hair, so I closed my eyes.

(Mia's POV)

Rose had a bath earlier and was still very clean, so i put her down for a nap before i went to my room for a shower myself and I felt mad that the soldier was taking a shower with "my son" or until at least his parents are confirmed dead or something and I take him legally right, then, and there.

Mia's mind-Just a little longer Mia. You lost your husband, but you have your daughter and son to look after now... He just needs his new mommy to cuddle tonight.~

(No POV)

While everyone was in a shower or asleep something was coming off (Y/N)'s pants and it was only a tiny spec... of mold. It was moving to a wall and went into a crack to hide and this made someone smile.

Miranda's mind-Found you... my children.~


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