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((Y/N)'s POV) age: 6

I was just finishing my last chore for the day before I get to go out and play, but what was the point. Everyone I know is sick or busy, so there was nothing to do today and it was just going to be so boring. At least I get to relax for the rest of the day and when I finished I went inside to change a little before I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror to wash the dirt off my face and hands.


(Y/N)'s mind-Today is going to be so boring... Maybe I can find something to do in the woods.

My mommy and daddy are at the market right now, so I just left a note for them that said "owt pllaying" before I left to go play. I know to stay close to town and the castle here, but when I got there there was only rocks, sticks, and trees I can't climb. I remember my best friend and I chased a deer once. We didn't catch it, but it was still fun. With nothing to do I just sat next to a tree and started to use my imagination.

(Y/N)-A place with no chores to do, I can just play, and... oh and new things happen a lot, everyone is fun.

I thought about a lot of other things too and this was kinda fun, but when I was done I was still in this boring world with a boring and men king in the big castle. When I got up I was going to go deeper a bit in the woods and act like this is my world and first rule is no rules. When I think I was deep enough I just stopped to look around and threw a few rocks. When I ran out I was about to leave to go home to nap and maybe I can dream about my new world, but then...

???-*Gasp* Oh my goodness! I'm running late!

I looked to where the voice came from and it sounded like a lady, but when I saw who it was I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw... she was not a real human, but she looked so real.


She was a rabbit person and I never saw one or heard of one... Are animal people real or am I asleep already? If this was a dream and it just might be... I chased after "Mrs. Rabbit" to talk to her.

(Y/N)-Hey wait!

Mrs. Rabbit-I can't! The queen, she will had my head!

(Y/N)-What?!... Do you mean the king?!

She only kept on running and I chased after her in the woods, but I was losing here, but then I saw her get down and crawl into a hole and she got stuck for a bit before she got in and I couldn't see her when I got there because it was so dark.


I don't think it can be that deep and this was most likely a dream, so I slowly got down and crawled in. It was super hard to see, but I stopped when I saw a big hole in here and looked down only to see no bottom.

(Y/N)-Mrs. Rabbit lady?! *echo*

I did not hear her and only my echo and I think I don't want to be here anymore, so I was about to crawl backwards to get out of here, but I felt the ground break a little in front of me and I fell in the hole.

(Y/N)-AAAHHHHHHH!!! *echo*

I kept on falling and when I did I saw a light and wonder if I wake up or die, but then I saw the lights were... lamps. I was confused then I saw chairs, a piano, paintings, and other stuff that would be in a house, so I tried to grab on to them and I was falling a little slower now until i still hit the bottom.

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* Owww!

I slowly got up and looked up and I couldn't even see the top anymore and no way to get back up and I really hope this was a dream. I looked around and saw this was a really weird looking house and there was an open door and that means...

(Y/N)-Mrs. Rabbit.

Maybe she can tell me where I am, so I went through the door and saw a room and I saw a bottle on a table and it had something on it.


I left it alone and looked around to only see a tiny door and when I bent down to open it I saw a forest with some big flowers. I can't fit threw the door, but the rabbit lady had to get through somehow. I looked back at the bottle then took it off the table and took a sip and it tasted awful, but then I saw the bottle was getting bigger... and the table,... and the room. No, I was getting smaller, but the small door looked normal now, so I went to it and opened the door to get outside and when I walked through and turned around there was no wall,... just the door.

(Y/N)-What the?

I turned back and wondered where the rabbit lady went then I saw another table and it had a bowl of cookies and they all said something.


If a bad drink was magic enough to make me shrink, I thought about if these cookies were magic... or at least taste good. I took the star one and bit the top off and I swallowed it and it was kinda dry, but now I started to grow back to normal. The cookie was so tiny now and the trees and flowers were still kinda big for me. I threw the bad cookie away and now I can't fit in the door again.

(Y/N)'s mind-Ok, this has to be a dream. I need to find that rabbit lady again, like a game in a dream.

I started walking and this place looked so weird with the huge flowers and some of them look like they had sleeping faces. When I made it away from the flowers and it was all just weird looking trees I saw two paths and I just played a finger game to pick before I went down one.

(No POV)

While (Y/N) was walking around and looking for Mrs. Rabbit he caught the eyes of 2 people curious about who he was and followed him while they got closer.

((Y/N)'s POV)

This forest was less weird than the darker one I was just in, so I was happy I picked this path. but there was no rabbit lady here or anyone, so for a dream this was starting to feel a little boring, but then I heard something.


(Y/N)-Huh,... hello.

I looked around while walking backwards then I thought it was nothing, but dream stuff. I kept on walking, but now I just feel something inside me. I tried not to turn back around, but I couldn't help it and maybe it was rabbit lady.

(Y/N)-Hello!... Anyone out there?! *echo*

This was getting scary and kinda stupid, so I tried to wake up and I know how to do it, but it's just hard sometimes. I tried to focus and lift my eyebrows up in the real world and it was not working. I wasn't that tired after chores or maybe I just dreamed about doing chores then coming here,...

(Y/N)'s mind-Did I dream about doing chores?... What is wrong with me?

I tried to do my trick again and again, but I was not feeling it work at all then when I took a step back I bumped into something kinda soft and when I turned around I saw 2 girls and they looked the same.


One of the got behind me, so I was in the middle of them now before they bent over still looking down at me with smiles on their faces.


???-Who are you?

???-*Gasp* I was about to ask them that!

???-Is that so?!

???-It is!

???-Very amazing!

These girls were kinda weird and I tried to slowly walk away while they were still happy for what they said a bit ago, but then they both saw me trying to leave and looked a little mad.


The both played leap frog until they got to me and one of the girls jumped over me and I looked up while she was still above me and I saw the back park of her underwear said "Dee" then I remembered my mommy telling me looking at stuff like that was very bad. I quickly looked away, but I think I know what one of their names was and this was a dream, so I don't think i'll tell my mommy this part when I wake up.

Dee-This little one has bad manners sister Dum.

Dum-Yes, very bad. No hug, handshake, or a hi.

If they want a handshake I don't think that's too bad, but when I held my hand out a little Dee looked a little mad be she bent over to get close to my face before she stuck her tongue at me.

Dee-No, I want a hug now!

She grabbed me and lifted me up while she got back up and leaned back a bit and she gave me a tight hug for a bit.

Dum-Now me!

Dum took me from Dee and did the same thing as her the Dee took me back before it was a game for them to take and hug me.

Dee-He's so soft!

Dum-He's better than my teddy bear.

Dee-He's better than my teddy bear!


She both got into a group hug with me in the middle and I had my face in Dum's neck or I think it was Dum. I got passed back to both of them a lot to know now, but I thought about what they just said.

Dum-Do you remember the last we saw a boy?!

Dee-I don't know, no how.


Dum-Hm, what?

Dee-What kind of question is that?! He's asking about our teddy bears!

(Y/N)-No, I-.

Dum-Well why didn't you say so?! Well, I love my teddy bear so much because they have a good smell to it. You however have the smell I was looking for, the smell of a rare thing.

(Y/N)-I don't-. Wait, how do you-?

Dee-And my teddy bear is my favorite because they are soft, but you're better to hold and feel better in my arms, so we get to share!


This was getting very weird and they started to walk with me and I didn't know what to ask about first anymore until I remembered the boy thing.

Dee-What's your name? You know mine from my undies, I told you my sister's, so you tell us yours.

I was surprised and embarrassed that she knew that I saw, but she didn't even care and was still smiling at me.

(Y/N)-Um... i'm (Y/N)... What did you mean by the last time you saw a boy?

Dum-Oh, it means we have not seen a boy for a long time!

(Y/N)-No, I mean-.

Dee-*Gasp* Dum, what do you think boys like? Do they like cuddling, make-up, and everything we like?

Dum-Hmmmm... Put him down and let's find out.

They finally put me down and I wanted to get away from them, but the bent over me in L shapes.

Dee-I want to try first.

She sat down and pulled me into a hug before she laid down and lifted me above her with her arms and legs and I felt like I was going to fall.

Dee-This is fun! He's so cute!

Dum bent over her sister to get closer to me and she tickled me under my chin and when I wiggled too much and fell on top of Dee they both awed at me.

Dum-Let's bring him to our bed! We finally found something to put in the middle of us!~


Even if this was dream I did not want to go with them, but they picked me up again and would not let me go.

Dee-Hey, stop that!

Dum-We're just going home. You don't need to struggle like that.

Dee-We can dance together, play games, catch rocking horseflies, play splash war in the bath,-!

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

They were still saying stuff we could do and some of them were weird, but Dum said something that made me have enough.

Dum-The we get to snuggle in bed every night, but pesky clothpeekers ruined out pajamas weeks ago.

Dee-I think it feels better without them.

That was it and I had to think of something incase this dream does not end fast enough and I thought about what they like then I thought of something and I hope it works.

(Y/N)-Hey look, it's... uh... my house!

Dee/Dum-*Gasp* Where?!

When she turned quickly I twisted myself to make her let me go and when I hit the ground I just ran and Dee turned and looked mad, but Dum...

Dum-I don't see a house anywhere.

Dee-He lied Dum! Look!

She turned her sister and now they started to chase me and I made it into the forest again and hid in a bush since this works a lot with my friends when we play hide and seek. Soon i saw them playing leap frog or rolling over each other while they ran by.

Dee-Find him!

Dum-(Y/N) honey bear! What's going to be in the middle of our bed now?!


They both kept on saying weird things while trying to find me, but when they were gone I came out. This dream was getting weird and I still can't wake up, so I thought about waiting, but maybe if I find the rabbit lady, I can wake up.

(No POV)

With the twins looking for (Y/N) he had to be careful while looking for Mrs. Rabbit, but while he was walking in the woods again another pair of eyes was watching him and she did enjoy her little show and decided to wait a while longer before she introduces herself.



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