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(Erelah's POV)

It's been 2 days and today was the day that the fair was in another town and when I told my child yesterday that he was going he was very excited because he never went to one before. I said we can't go on all the rides he was not tall enough to go on, but there are some I can go on with him. He was so eager that for once he woke me up and tried to pull me to the front door to just go, but I told him we need a bath and breakfast first. That did make him a little sad that he has to wait a little longer and it's only 8:23 in the morning, so I don't think it was open yet. It gave me plenty of time to let us soak in a bath together after a nice breakfast and I felt like spoiling him a little more today, so I made a special kind of pancakes.



Erelah-You don't mind sharing with me, right?

(Y/N)-No... What are those nuts on the pancakes? I don't really like nuts unless it's on ice cream.

Erelah-How about you just try it. I made them extra special and tasty, just for you. Now open up and say ahh for me.~

He looked iffy even when I was bring the bite to him and he even made that cutest little "ahh" noise before he took the bite and loved it.

Erelah-Cinnamon and pecans just for my special little angel.~

I poked his little nose and his closed his eyes when I got too close to them and the face he gave me in that brief moment made my heart flutter. I was about to get a bite for him again, but this time he grabbed my arm to stop me.

(Y/N)-Can I feed you?

This was a very pleasant surprise indeed and I welcomed it and he was kinda shaky, but I helped in getting my bite. I went back to feeding him and when he wanted to take turns feeding each other for fun it felt like he was spoiling me. When the food was all gone I took us to a bath and maybe on my next shopping trip I should get Epson salt for us. It was time for us to get out when I saw our fingers were starting to wrinkle and (Y/N) even wanted to help dry us both off, but I did most of the work then got us dressed. We still had to wait for a bit and he was just so eager to go and I can understand why because his mother would never take him before.

Erelah's mind-Honestly, this moment is so happy, yet very sad. Such an incompetent mother.

When it was finally a good time to go he was so excited he jumped into my arms before I could open my wings and held on tight to him. I started to fly at a safe, yet quick pace for him and my light barrier showed be reflecting off light to cloak us and I kept this up until we made it to the fair which was just opening and found a good place to land and hidden from public eyes to uncloak and put my wings away.

(Y/N)-I wanna go on a roller coaster first!

Erelah-First we have to see if you're tall enough, so don't be too sad if you can't go on all the rides.

(Y/N)-Can you use your magic to make me taller?

Erelah-*Shh*... Don't talk about that in public. Our little secret. *whisper*


Erelah-Also I can't and even if I could I wouldn't change your body. You're perfect just the way god made you. *whisper*

We got in line to get in and I got use both wrist bands, so he can play as long as he wants until he gets tuckered out. First we went on a ride that was when you get to spin a wheel to spin your cart and I made sure not to go too fast to make him sick. He still loved it and next he wanted to go on a ride called "The Zipper" only for him to find out he was not tall enough, so I let him play a game here to make him feel better. He even won a prize all by himself and he was pretty proud of it.


I'll store it when we get somewhere a little more private and give it back to him when we get home. We did that first before we went on another ride and this ride was called "Twister" We were with 2 other people, both girls that looked in their early 20's and they were adoring my child. I did feel uneasy, but relaxed since there were trying nothing bad or could reach him thanks to the seats, but when the ride was over I was in a little hurry to get him out of there. While I was walking and carrying him I accidently bumped into a woman and she had a child with her too.


Erelah-Oh, sorry.

???-Don't worry about it.

Erelah-Is this little guy yours?

???-He is. I took him out to get him away from home for a while.

Erelah-As did I. Moving was really hard on the poor thing.

???-Oh, I get it. Well have a nice day.

She picked up her child and I continued to walk away and it was kinda nice to know that others out there care for their children as much as me.

(Timeskip 5 Hours)

My child had a very good time today. We went on plenty of rides, had some treats, played a few games, played in the fun house, and I gave him a few joy rides of my own. After all that my baby was simply exhausted and even wanted me to hold him, so he could rest, so I think it was time to call it a day.

Erelah-Are you ready to go home honey bunch?

(Y/N)-*Yawn* No. I wanna stay.

Erelah-You look so tired and if I didn't know you better, I say someone was about ready for a nap.

(Y/N)-... No.

I could hear the grogginess in his voice and he went on everything he could today and had lots of fun. I can easily take him again sometime, but now he was going to bed, so I just walked out while stroking his head and he was not complaining while we left. While I was leaving out the exit I saw that woman again and I guess her child was worn out too and when she saw me I just waved a little at her while I still walked off and she waved back.


Erelah's mind-Such a caring soul like me. I can see her becoming an angel when her time comes.

I got somewhere private and when all the noise was gone I heard his soft snores telling me he was already napping. I carefully flew home while nobody could see him to not wake him up or disturb him too much to keep him awake. On the way home I heard something in some woods and I stopped for a bit since something about it was off...

That was too loud to be any normal howl if I could hear it from all the way up here... Maybe i'm just a little fried right now. I'll just take a nap with my child when we get back home.

(No POV)

Erelah flew off to go home and ignored to strange howl there was an alpha wolf scouting her area with a little help. Only there was something about this wolf... It was glowing a little and when it saw a coyote passing by on a territory she marked... It really pissed her off and lead her to jump out of the pushes to pounce and dig her teeth into the coyotes neck.



((Y/N)'s POV)

I was walking up by myself and I saw Erelah was sleeping too while cuddling with me. I slipped out of her arms while she was still asleep and I wanted to play a video game in the living room and saw it was getting dark outside now. I just turned on some lights before it could get scary and when I turned on the lights outside I saw an animal outside and they looked so small and cute.


I opened the door and it ran off, but I saw it go into a hole in the wood with it's head poking out now like it was scared.

(Y/N)-Hey, I won't hurt you.

I just reached out to try and pet it and I wonder if I catch it I can keep them as a pet. The closer I got they were looking side to side, but they were cornered and have to let me pet them now.

(Erelah's POV)



I shot my eyes open and saw (Y/N) was not in bed with me and I panicked before I got up and ran to where I heard him screaming and crying. When I found him, he was outside crying and holding his hand and I went down to him.


Erelah-Honey what happened?! Let me see!

I grabbed his hand and his finger was bleeding a lot like it got bit and scratched and I wasted no time to heal him and picked him up to take him back inside. He was still crying because he was most likely scared now. It took a while, but I got him to calm down and stop crying when I just wrapped him in my wings and rocked him back and forth.

Erelah-Can you tell me what happened now?

(Y/N)-... I just wanted to pet a squirrel or something like it then it bit and scratched me.

Erelah-Honey, you can't just go around and pet random wild animals you know nothing about.~

I knew it was his fault and this is how most learn, but I mostly blamed myself... I should've been there, I should've woke up the second he got out of bed, I let him slip out of my arms, IT'S MY FAULT MY BABY GOT HURT!!!

Erelah-Sweetie pie,... i'm going to do some online shopping for us ok. Just stay close to me in here. You just can't be too far from me right now.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was still a little sad from what happened and I saw Blair reach over for my mom's computer on the table and I wanted to play my game now. I saw my controller by the T.V. and I just got off Erelah's lap, but then...


She grabbed and pulled me back on her lap and my head landed on her chest and I could hear it beating kinda fast until it slowed down with her breathing a little.

Erelah-I... think that's a little too far sweetie.

(Y/N)-I only got off to get my controller.

Erelah-Here, let me get it.

She carried me with her to get my controller and we went back to the couch to sit down and she got back on the computer with me on her lap still. I just started to play my game and I tried to scoot off her lap and too her side, but she used her soft wing to slowly push me back to where I was before she kissed my head then went back to shopping.

*Stomach growl*

Erelah-Oh my, I forgot about dinner!

She took me with her to the kitchen and put me on a chair where she could watch me while she was cooking something. This was getting a little weird, but maybe she was just making sure I was ok after getting hurt. I never got hurt like that before and it was scary.

(Erelah's POV)

Being this far from (Y/N) right now was killing me, but letting him starve like this is out of the question. I needed my orders now and by the time I got the food in I went back to my baby relieved that nothing happened.



Erelah-*Gasp* Baby, do you feel ok?

(Y/N)-My nose is a little runny.

Erelah-Then it's a good thing I made the right choice for dinner. I'll take your temperature in a bit.

(Y/N)-But I don't feel hot.

I just ignored that statement and wrapped my wings around him and I know he loves it. I just felt antsy about my orders coming and they should be here tomorrow. I was focused on dangers around the new house and his irresponsible mother being gone that I looked over he still has that curious nature of his and it's going to get him hurt.

Erelah's mind-Until i'm sure I know your safe you're not leaving my sight until you're completely secure, comfortable, and still feel loved... If that happens i'm sure living you alone for 15... 5 minutes will be ok.


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