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(Matsuri's POV)

It was morning and I made my presence known to the others and as for the reason i'm here I will tell them that in fair time. (Y/N) put in a word for me to help ease their suspicions, so they know I am his babysitter and they told me their names. During breakfast we all just had cereal, nothing special and I had (Y/N) sit next to me while we all ate. I was getting looks and I already expected them, so it didn't bother me as much.

Ayaka-Well this was a pleasant surprise, but may I ask exactly why you're here? I'm sure you must know that his mother brought him here.

Matsuri-I guess it will be best to tell you now. I don't agree with her decision, so I tried to call and left a message that I will be bringing him back home.

Everyone was surprised to hear that, but Ayaka just kept her smile and looked calm and unphased like it was no difference to her. To me it proves that she's unfit to care for my adorable neighbor.

Ayaka-... Excuse me?

Matsuri-We'll be out by the end of the da-.

Ayaka-That won't be happening.


Ayaka-Unless I hear it from his mom herself, i'm afraid I have the most legal custody over him at this time.

This was really starting to piss me off and I called his mom and put the phone on the table and on speaker while it was ringing. When it went to voicemail I just hung up in anger.

Ayaka-I guess she must be busy right now.

Matsuri-I'm still taking him back. I was hired as a 24/7 babysitter when he turned 3. "Legally".

Ayaka-Well I was hired this time and have proof.

I just grabbed (Y/N) and pulled him on my lap and there was no way I was going to leave him here with her. No doubt my darling sister is scared, defenseless, and misses me to death!


(Aki's POV)

It was nice to be without my sister here and not being forced to wear girl clothes in the house. I was going to take full advantage of this time.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Matsuri and Ayaka were kinda fighting a think because they were not yelling, but they were not saying nice things and Sumire took me and had me on her lap now. I didn't like them fighting because Ayaka is really nice and Matsuri is... well... she's nice, but the very bossy kind and calls her brother her sister. Yuzu and the others trying to slowly leave with me, but I got up and got them both to look at me.


(Y/N)-Stop fighting!... I mean,... is there something you can do to stop?

Matsuri-He's right... Let's let "him" pick.

They both looked at me and now I was scared of hurting someone feelings then Ayaka got up and picked me up.

Ayaka-Now that's not fair to put him on the spot. His mother left him with me and if you have an issue with that then you'll have to take it up with her.

Matsuri-She won't answer.

Ayaka-Well then I don't know what else to say.

Matsuri-Fine... I'll just stay until she answers.

Ayaka-... Very well then, but you will be having to share a room or find a spare room.

Matsuri-... Fine. I'll take the room closet to his.

Ayaka-Sorry, but that would be my room. We can talk about this while the girls take (Y/N) upstairs.

Just then Yuri grabbed me and they started to take me upstairs and to Sumire's room and her room looked like it belonged to a princess or something. I was still worried about them fighting, but then Sumire took me from Yuri and she didn't like it.


Sumire-What? It's my room, so I should have second ranked authority right now.

Yuri-Who has 1st?

She just pointed to Yuzu and she was a little surprised by this and I was put on the bed and now they were looking at me.

Yuzu-This is a waste of time. She isn't even a student and we are not a hotel. What's her problem anyway?

(Y/N)-Um, Matsuri is nice to me and her brother... kinda... She's just really bossy and wanted to watch me for the year my mommy was gone.

Yuri-Speaking of which... You were planning on staying here, right?

(Y/N)-Oh,... umm...

Yuzu-It doesn't really matter. He's staying.

She sat next to me and they all looked at me like I was doing something they didn't like and I think they were waiting for an answer.

(Y/N)-I mean... we did pack up a little when she made me.

Sumire-Oh... Well then you have some unpacking to do again.

Yuzu-He's not going back downstairs right now.

Yuri-No, that wasn't my answer. Did you want to go back with her, yes or no?

(Yuri's POV)

His silence was enough of an answer for me and it made me feel mad that after how much I grown attached to him, he was just going to leave. Nana would not be happy about this if she was here... I was working on a surprise for more observation and I was hoping to test it, but it will need to come soon now.

Yuri-Guys, i'll be back. I have something I need to take care of.

(Yuzu's POV)

Yuri just left the room and it was just me and Sumire with (Y/N) now and I was really bothered by this. I don't want him to leave even if he makes me feel so weird, happy, and angry that I can't be around him for long. There was no way that, that was happening and he was going to stay here and I don't care where this babysitter of his goes.

Yuzu's mind-If I have to get Ayaka to call his mom to get the police involved, I will.

(Sumire's POV)

Madam president seems troubled by all this and this does upset me too that a stranger walked in here and is demanding to take (Y/N) from us. I have something for him in here, but it's supposed to be for madam president, kinda.

Sumire's mind-Now is as good of time as ever now.

Sumire-(Y/N), stand up for me.

He slowly did what I said and I went to my closet and grabbed a sack that was left over from the time we had a sack rack at school and Madam president came in first thanks to her little chest not grabbed attention of the boys and distracted the rest of us.


I pored out the others costumes I kept in here and brought out the sack and it would work better in Christmas time and I got him in this while he was just waking up and too tired to fight.

Sumire-Can you step in this, please?

I put it on the ground and he strapped in and I pulled it up and to no surprise he won't fit completely, but only his head stuck out perfectly when I pulled on the rope a little, careful not to choke him. When I was done I knew it was going to be cute, but the fluff just reaching below his chin and when he turned his head he giggled a bit which made it look more adorable and madam president was flustered by this. I fought the erg to cave in and picked him up to cradle him in my arms.

Sumire-It's early, but... M-Merry Christmas madam president!

I put him on her lap and her face became so red and when he was about to fall she grabbed him and held him close... The sight of someone as cute as madam president being held by her like she was given a gift... My nose was bleeding and I was starting to black out.



(Ayaka's POV)

I know what I did to (M/N) was awful, but I can't bring myself to harm a child. We negotiated and she said she decided to attend school here and will be moving in, but she tried to be in the same room as (Y/N) and I can't and won't do that for a few reasons. In the end she will be moved upstairs into our last free room and even this bothers me, but I can't make a scene and I can always pull (Y/N) into my room.

Matsuri-So it's settled. I will be back in a few hours to head to my room. I will just get things to make it feel more like home.

I don't mind taking in another cutie, but she will know who the caretaker is and (Y/N) will be mine. I always did give off a motherly vibe and maybe i'll call my sister to come to a park with us for some fun today.

(Matsuri's POV)

She waved me goodbye and the fool doesn't know my true plan. I will only stay until I remind (Y/N) how much more capable I am at caring for him than her. I will make my temporary room into a little paradise where I can comfort and sooth him back into my arms and will let me take him back home. It's like they say, "Why use the stick when the carrot works".

Matsuri's mind-We'll be out of here by the end of the month at best.

(No POV)

Meanwhile at Nishiki's tavern she just had to call the cops on an aggressive drunk that just ran off with a bottle without paying. He was running in an ally just punching, kicking, and knocking stuff over and it was mostly garbage that he tripped himself into after which made him more irritable.


He threw the bottle at the wall before he left to go be somewhere alone to blow off more steam or just get more angry and he saw a park full of trees that he could be alone in or so he thought, but didn't care.


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