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(Nala's POV)

I could make (Y/N) pet and scratch me all day and so far he mostly did because when we got back I showed him off a little by making him do it to the others. They all loved it, but not all of them would say it. Right now he was doing it to me and to me alone while our moms were out hunting, but I was getting a little tired of only my neck getting scratched.

Nala-Now get my ear again.

He did what I said and it just felt so good then soon our moms got back and Sarabi was coming to us and that means I have to share now.


Sarabi-Oh (Y/N), you better have saved some for me.

She laid next to him and he just sighed before he scratched her ears and stuff before she just pulled him into her.

Sarabi-You had him long enough Nala. I think he needs some alone time with his mother.

That annoyed me a lot, but I just got up and walked away to go outside to see the sun going down. While I was looking out I just wanted (Y/N) to myself again, but then I stopped thinking about it when I saw another flying metal bird thing go over and going to where we found (Y/N) again.

Nala's mind-Huh, I thought only (Y/N) had one?

(Aerith's POV)

When Cid tracked down the ship (Y/N) left on we were so happy to have finally found him, but when we got to the ship it was empty and some of the camping gear we kept stored in this was on the floor or gone.

Yuffie-So much for him staying put.

Aerith-He can be anywhere. Can you find anything to go on to track him down?

Yuffie-I can try. It just depends on how long ago he left.

She got to work on trying to find (Y/N) and after a while there was a few tracks to go on from what she said and it looked like a fight and with no body we can at least say he made it out ok at the time, but I was just so worried still.

Yuffie-Well I think it was a heartless and they end at that pile of rocks, so (Y/N) took care of it more or less. Then we got a few... slight new problems.

Aerith-How slight?

Yuffie-It's hard to tell, but I think I see paw prints next to his barely visible footprints.


Yuffie-Well there's no blood, so maybe something harmless and they lead into the tall grass. That's where it ends for me for now.

With no other leads we went into the fields to look for more clues then we saw a lion pop up from the grass and look at us before they ran off.

Yuffie-Let's get moving before they come back with friends.

(Sarabi's POV)

Mufasa was with all of us now to eat and I caught him giving my new cub some looks that I hate, so I kept him on my other side and nuzzled him. While I was giving my cub some love a lioness ran in here and came straight to us and this made both of us curious.

Lioness-Your majesties, I just spotted two other humans out in the fields not too far from here.

Mufasa-Anything else?

Lioness-They both look taller and I think they were both females and one had a pink different looking thing that your man cub is wearing.

(Y/N)-*Gasp* Did she have brown hair and the other have short black hair?

Lioness-I think so.

My cub just looked so happy and if he could describe them... My heart shattered and I don't care who they are, they are not taking my cub away from me, so I pulled him closer to me.

Sarabi-Keep those humans away from here!

Mufasa-No, we give him back and be done with this.


Mufasa-This is not up for discussion Sarabi! We return the man cub and be done with this even if I do it myself!

Rage just filled my heart and when he was about to grab my cub and no doubt drag him out of here from how angry he is. I got into a defensive position when he got up and growled at him and others backed up.

Sarabi-I'm! Keeping! Him!

Mufasa-Sarabi, step aside.


We walked in circles and he stole glances at my cub and I swiped at him to get his eyes back on me. When we were little I took him down all the time and I was always was the better hunter when it comes to speed and technique while he just has power on me.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I think they were about to fight and I know Yuffie and Aerith were here and looking for me. When They jumped at each other and they didn't try to bite each other, but they were scratching at each other and I saw cuts. I was scared, but then saw everyone was watching them fight and moving away from them, so I tried to slowly sneak out and make a run for it. When I made it outside I was pushed down and someone was on top of me then when i looked I saw Nala was really mad.


Nala-Where do you think you're going?!


Nala-You were going to look for those new humans, were you?! You're mine! MINE!!!

(Y/N)-I... um...

She had her nails out and poking my chest again like she was about to scratch me.

Nala-... You're coming with me or I scream for everyone to come out.

She got off me and she would just have to scream to get everyone outside and i'll be caught. I followed her up the rock and she laid down before she looked at me.

Nala-You know what I want.

I just got down and started to pet her and she was loving it, but I looked out to see if I could find the girls and maybe they could see me.

(3 Minutes Earlier)

(Yuffie's POV)

No tracks, no leads, no (Y/N), no luck, no nothing. This was annoying me and Aerith was getting sick of this too. My idea is to get somewhere high and look around more and there was a huge rock we were heading for. On the were there we saw more animals and I knew how to avoid them then when we got close...

Aerith-*Gasp* Look!

She was pointing near the top of the rock and when I did I saw (Y?N) walking up there with some lion cub and I felt so happy!


Yuffie-I got him! Get the ships ready!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Nala was making me scratch behind her ear and rub her cheek while I was still looking for the girls. They just have to be here if there's 2 of them and I was scared that they won't find me and leave if they don't know i'm here. Soon were heard something before something came up on the side of the rock and I knew who it was.



She ran up to me and I ran to her and jumped for her to catch me then spun around with me.

Yuffie-You had us worried sick! Are you hurt?!

(Y/N)-I went to a castle then monsters showed up and I came back here then-.

I looked to see Nala looking very mad and Yuffie looked to her and smiled.

Yuffie-Aww, this a new friend of yours?

She walked up to Nala and bent down to her then started to pet her while looking at me before she got back up. Nala jumped up and grabbed my leg.


Yuffie looked kinda surprised by this, but not a lot before she grabbed the back of Nala's neck and lifted her away from me.

Yuffie-So you can talk? That's kinda cool, but i'll be taking my little buddy now.

Nala-MOM!!! ANYONE!!!

Yuffie put her down before she jumped off the side of the rock and I held on tight to her screaming and she was getting away really fast. I was not going to let go of her and while we ran in the fields very fast I soon saw the ships again then I saw Aerith outside one of them.


Aerith-*Gasp* Sweetie!~

When we got to her she took me from Yuffie and she gave me a hug and I missed her too.

Yuffie-Get him buckled in and take this ship. I got the other one.

Aerith-I was so worried about you. You're filthy and smell. You're getting a bath first thing mister.

She took me in the ship while Yuffie went in the other one and Aerith buckled me in a seat and got this ship going no problem. When we started flying we were going pretty fast before we soon slowed down and got back to the garage. She did not waste time to unbuckle me and take me out and I held on to her and I just wanted to go to bed and see if they found my home yet, but she was going somewhere else.

(Y/N)-Are we going to the bath right now? I thought we were going to see how much closer you are to finding my home.

Aerith-I said first thing is a bath and I meant it. If I find so much as a scratch on you... *Sigh* Let's just hope I don't.

(Aerith's POV)

His home was the last thing on my mind, his well being was my top priority and he was not going to leave my sight until i'm sure he's completely safe. When we got to the bath house I got us both ready to go in and I checked his whole body 3 times and nothing new, so I held him while I turned on the water for us. Then reached for some shampoo.

Aerith-You must've been so scared without us. Did anyone try to hurt you?~


Just then my body acted on it's own and squeezed the bottle really hard, but thankfully it was a pump, not a squeeze bottle. I was only trying to comfort him, but now...

Aerith-... Awwww, who tried to hurt you?~

(Y/N)-I was at a castle with animal people then 3 bad guys came in with knives before monsters came and-.


My grip was too much and shampoo scattered a bit, but it didn't get in his eyes. I was furious on the inside, but did a good job at hiding it.

Aerith-Oh, forgot that this wasn't a squeeze bottle. I'm sorry.

(Y/N)-It's ok.

Aerith-Just hold still and let's get you nice and clean.

I kissed his head and he held still while I got started on him and leaned him back into me. I tried to focus on him, but I occasionally slipped into a little fantasy, but I got one I really enjoyed.

(Fantasy Start)

I was snuggling my baby boy and humming him a nice and soothing lullaby while he was sleeping on my lap. Our second lullaby was in the glass box full of rusty and dirty razor wire with salt and sand on them with the 3 that threatened my baby screaming. Just then my baby woke up and smiled at me.

Aerith-Did they wake you up honey bunch?~

(Y/N)-Yeah,... I was dreaming about you.

Aerith-*Gasp* Well that just won't go unpunished.

I got up with my baby clinging to me and started a fire under the box and went back to rock him back to sleep while they tried to hold in their screams more.

(Y/N)-I love you mom.

Aerith-I love you too, but it's nap time.~

He went back to sleep on my lap while I just enjoyed my show in front of me.

(Fantasy End)



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