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((Y/N)'s POV)

This morning was very, very nice because Erelah was giving me a massage before and after a bath, breakfast was good and healthy, and I was in her wings almost all the time this morning. Right now we were outside under a tree and she was telling me more about werewolves that we saw last night after I told her what happened in my nightmare. I wanted to play a game after she was done talking and we played bean bag toss for a bit and it was kinda hard. While we were played we switched sides and while I was by the bushes I heard something that kinda scared me and made me jump.




She started to run over here and quickly picked me up in her arms and wrapped me in her wings.

Erelah-Oh my, what is it?! Are you hurt, did something get you?!

(Y/N)-I heard something in the bushes.

She just walked over to them and held me tighter before she pushed the leaves side to side and soon we just saw a bird fly out past us, but I still jumped when it got close. She just smiled before she liked down at me and rubbed my head.

Erelah-*Giggles* You're ok. No big bad wolves are going to hurt you on my watch.~

She kissed my head before she put me down while holding my hand and walking back to the house and on the porch before she stopped to bend down to me.

(Y/N)-What are you doing?

Erelah-Pardon me, but I just want to check you. I know you're most likely not hurt, but it's more for me.

I just let her check me and she was done after she did it twice before we went back to our game for a while. After we played other games it was almost time for lunch, so she took me back inside and let me watch T.V. while she made food.

(Erelah's POV)

So far there was no signs of werewolves today and that was a relief, but I won't be letting my guard down since they can be very stubborn creatures at times. I was just going to make us sandwiches with some chips for lunch while I was watching my child just trying to calm myself for him being too far away. I was trying to restrain myself, but something happened that made my body go stiff for a moment with fear and anger.




(Y/N)-I got it!

Erelah-No!... I mean, let me get it.

I walked up to the front door and when I opened it I saw nobody, but there was a envelope on the ground, so I picked it up and it was from the institution where I had his mother and it just looked like a bill that was paid for by her own bank account which should no doubt be over drawn now. I'll put some money in there later since i'm not worried about a few hundred, but this was also a huge relief for me that nobody was here to try to harm us. I just went back to the kitchen to finish the sandwiches before I brought them back out to my child for dinner and a show.


(Y/N)-Who was at the door?

Erelah-Just some mail.

I sat on the ground and picked him up off the couch to put him on my lap to eat and my nerves completely went down from having my child where I wanted him. He was just eating and enjoying himself before I heard something outside and looked out the window to see a car parked outside and it looked like this people meant trouble. There was also something on the car that I found repulsive since these kind of people are not at all tolerant or accepting of pretty much anything that slightly annoys them.


(Y/N)-Who are they?

Erelah-Honey bunch, let's get you to your room. I'll take care of this.

I took him to his room myself before I closed his curtains and locked his door from the inside, so he can only open it for me when I come back to retrieve him. I went outside and when I did I saw the 3 people out here trying to take my child's toys and I find it unforgivable. As I walked up to them they caught sight of me and I won't show my wings or magic unless they make me, but let's just hope it does not come to that.


Woman-Well hi there darlin.

Man#1-Better go on back inside while we finish "business" out here.

This made all of them chuckle a bit and I was not even going to amuse them since I know they don't plan on leaving quietly no matter what.

Erelah-I'll ask this politely this once. I have a child here, so I would appreciate it if you put our stuff back and leave.

Man#2-Ohh, we got ourselves a tough, rich, white girl. How about we formally introduce ourselves.

Both of the men drew out their weapons to me while the woman had a cocky smirk on her face and I said a mental pray for the lord to forgive me for the harm I must inflict in order to protect my child.

(Drew's POV)

I grabbed my axe tighter and I don't give a flying fuck who this white bitch thinks she is. I can't stand rich folk and neither do Luke or Annie. As we surrounded her I charged at her with my axe ready to go right into that pretty fucking skull of hers, but something else happened... She caught it with one hand and pushed me far back to the trees while she kept my axe only to throw it to the ground.

Drew-*Cough* *cough*... You... YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!

(Luke's POV)

I couldn't believe my eyes to see Drew fly so far back, but I snapped out of it and charged at this whore and planned on cutting her belly open, but she just kicked my hand to make my machete go high up in the air before she kicked me again to make be go back and make me hit the car. Annie got scared and decided to run in the house behind the bitches back while I ran back up to the bitch again, but my weapon came back down and got me in my arm that made me go down.


I fell to the ground while looking at the blade in my arm and it was bleeding then she came over and pulled the blade out of my arm which made me scream more, but then something weird happened. She held her arm to my wound before her hand started to light up and my wound was closing, but it still hurt like hell and I passed out from the pain.

(Erelah's POV)

That takes care of him and he won't be feeling pain, but he will definitely feel woozy from blood lose and his other friend was still down, but then I noticed something...

Erelah's mind-Where's that woman?!

I looked around and didn't see her and I don't know if she just ran off screaming, but my suspicions were confirmed when I saw the door opened I panicked and ran inside. When I got in I saw some dirt tricked in and a faint smell of weed and whatever else she's been living in, IN MY HOME!!!

Erelah-Where are you?!... I know you're in here and you better leave!... Just come out and leave and all we be fine! You can take your friends and go!

I was being serious if it meant making her leave because what happened outside in order to protect my child should've put the fear of god into her. I searched my house for her, but then I heard something.





The pounding continued and when I looked down the hallway I saw the woman and she was holding a knife.


It was clear she was not coming for me, but for my baby to hold him hostage and my body acted on it's own and spread my wings before I thrusted to her and grabbed her so fast she dropped the knife. I didn't hear (Y/N) and I am sick and tired of everyone scaring my son! She looked at me and saw my wings, but I didn't care since she just threatened the life of my of child. I took her back outside and piled the 3 up and woke up the man that past out with my magic and he was very frantic until he caught sight of my wings.


Erelah-You 3 will listen to me! You will leave and never come back here or even dare to show your faces to me again, you will never harm another again because the way you're going... There are very dark places in hell where you will not want to be, but you have your names on it.

Lady-Y-... You're... an... an...

Erelah-An "guardian" angel. Hints "my" child you put in danger by coming here.

Man#1-Y-You wouldn't kill us... W-W-W-Would you?

Erelah-I dare not dirty my hands with sin.


Erelah-Enough talk, LEAVE!!!

I stretched my wings to seem more threatening and it made them scramble to get up and get back in their car while tossing the few things they tried to steal out. I turned around and saw (Y/N) looking at me through a window and I heart sunk when he saw me like that.


I put my wings away in shame of what I did while he watched even if it was to protect him. I don't want him to see me like some brute that threatens others when i'm mad because then i'm not better than his mother. Soon I saw him run outside and up to me and the look on his face... he was looking at me in awe.

(Y/N)-That was cool!

Erelah-Huh,... cool?

(Y/N)-Yeah, you made those meanies scared! That mean lady tried to make me open the door when I told her I couldn't looked so scared of you! My mommy never did something like that!

Erelah-Sweetie, I just want you know I did that because they were very bad and I don't do this to everyone.

(Y/N)-Yeah, you're nice. Oh, and those mean looking mean looked like they were about to pee their pants and-.

I just let him go on as I took him back inside and looked back at the weapons on the ground they left and were no doubt coming back or at the very least they better not. I might be a guardian angel and would never kill them, but I can show them that we might be seen as guardians of light and the silver city, but we also bestow judgement and in rare occasions "punishments".

(No POV)

It didn't take long when the 3 made it into town... and crashed... into a building 2 blocks down from a police station. When they were arrested and were on tested for drugs and they were not only coming back positive for a lot of things and the lady was also over the drinking limit, but something was also a red flag to the cops.



Cop-You're not wounded.



They kept on going and the only thing the cops were talking about now was to either put these 3 in jail, prison, or an asylum. Everyone was recording this and posting this on whatever social media app they use and from the way they were acting, they might go viral. Meanwhile Erelah was dealing with (Y/N) admiring how she scared 3 bad people off to protect him and how cool he thought that was.

(Y/N)-You're like a super hero!

Erelah-Honey, i'm not a super hero... I'm "your" guardian angel.~



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