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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was trying to find out who left the blanket, but I did lay in it and it was so comfy for a while before I got started. I tried asking them all first, but they all said they didn't give me. Yuri said she was going to give me another one soon, Nana and Ayaka covered me in kisses and hugged me in the middle of them, Yuri said she was too busy "doing nothing", and Sumire said she had no idea what I was talking about until I showed her and wrapped myself in the blanket on my bed and she just had a nose bleed before she left my room.

(Y/N)'s mind-Ok, so they won't tell me, but it has to be one of them... How can I find out?

I tried thinking of ways to trick and then I thought about what the blanket and maybe if they see me in it in the living room they might ask me if I love it then I got them. I just went to my room and got the blanket before I went out to the living room then got on the couch with it and covered myself. I just need to wait now.

(Timeskip 5 Minutes)

I heard a door open down the hall and the first one to come out was Yuzu and she was looking at me before she came over.


Yuzu-Where did you get this?

(Y/N)-It was a gift from one of you... Did you make this?

Yuzu-If I was going to give you a gift, it would be more thought through than just a blanket... I don't even know how to knit.

(Y/N)-Who does?

Yuzu-Well, I know Sumire doesn't knit, Ayaka might, but I know Yuri knows how since she makes clothes.

That did make sense and I was about to get up and tell Yuri I know it was her that made this blanket, but Yuzu sat next to me and pulled me closer to her.

Yuzu-Where do you think you're going? I'm getting some alone time with you.

(Y/N)-Um,... how long?

Yuzu-For... For as long as I want.

She just pulled me down and my head was on her lap then she started to pet my head for a bit, but then her face got kinda pink. She quickly stopped to get up and walk away without saying anything and I don't know what I did to make her so mad. I just got up and went to Yuri's room and knocked then she opened her door.


Yuri-Well hi there. Trying to get a peek and your little surprise from me?~

She tickled my nose a bit and I stopped her then tried to look past her to see what she was working on, but she blocked me.

Yuri-Nice try. Did you need anything?

(Y/N)-I know it was you that made that blanket. Yuri said you can knit.

Yuri-I told you I didn't make it. I'm working on summer outfits right now. Bye.

She closed the door and I still think it was her that made that blanket, but why does she want me to go to the shed at night? I went into the backyard and to the shed right now, but when I opened it there was nothing here. I even looked in the boxes a little and it was just gardening stuff, so maybe she was going to finish making some clothes then wanted me to try some on tonight. When I got back inside I saw Ayaka walking by and when she saw me she walked up to me and bent down to me with a smile on her face.


Ayaka-What were you doing outside? Did you want to play?

(Y/N)-No... I mean...

Ayaka-Hmm? *Giggles* You're just too cute.~

She grabbed me and stood up to hold me then took me back outside and Yuzu did say she might be good at knitting too.

(Y/N)-Hey Ayaka.

Ayaka-What is it?

(Y/N)-Do you know how to knit?

Ayaka-Hmm... I know a bit by stitching clothes back together. Are you talking about that blanket again?

I just nodded my head and she gave me a kiss on my cheek.

Ayaka-I didn't make it, but i'll be more than happy to do it.~

She put me down and started to play catch with me with a ball and sometimes I would drop it. Sometimes she had a really bad aim and I would have to run to catch the ball and after a while of playing with her I got tired and I was about to walk back inside, but she carried me inside. She just put me on the couch next to the blanket and poked my nose and kissed my forehead.

Ayaka-Stay right here and i'll get you some juice.

She left and when she did I saw Sumire come in then she saw me and come over still looking she was as bored as always.


I don't think she made the blanket for me because Yuzu said she does not knit then when she sat next to me and leaned to me a bit I backed up, but she pulled me on her lap.

Sumire-You made madam president flustered and embarrassed again.

(Y/N)-Um... what?

Sumire-Maybe I should do it to you.

Did she make that blanket and was going to get pay back in the shed or something tonight? She lifted my shirt and squeezed my side a bit very fast and it really tickled, so I was laughing really hard now.

(Y/N)-Hahaha! No, *wheezing* no, stop! HAHAHAHAHA!!!


She kept on going and when I was out of breath she finally stopped and I was so tired again and leaned on her. She was kinda comfy, but she brought her arm up to her nose before she put me back on the couch and walked off kinda fast. While I was watching that I saw Ayaka standing there with the juice kinda laughing.


Ayaka-How adorable you two were.~

I was kinda embarrassed and felt my face getting a little warmer, so I tried to hide behind the couch a bit.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

Ayaka was holding me on the couch and made me lay my head on her lap and it was actually really comfy. When we heard the doorbell ring she had to get up and I kinda wished someone else got the door. I was so comfy. When she came back she had a box with her.

Ayaka-It's for you.


She put it down and somewhere on the sticker it said "For (Y/N)", so I tried ripping off the tape , but Ayaka got a knife to cut the tape and box open and when we opened it I saw what was inside and I couldn't believe it while it was still growing.


My mom would not get me one because she said I don't need it, but a friends mom had this and when I tried it, it was good at massaged my neck. I pressed the power button and it turned on then I saw a note on the back of it and it said "take me with you tonight". There was no way they could know I want this, so maybe my mommy sent this as a present, but she can't be here, her trip just started.

(Y/N)'s mind-If it wasn't the girls... Who got me this?

(Ayaka's POV)

A blanket was something I can make home made or buy him something better, but I saw him enjoy this gift from a stranger and it made me feel annoyed. He was happy on my lap a moment ago and I was not going to be out done by some toy, so I grabbed him and pulled him away from that thing.

Ayaka-Can I take a look to see if it's ok? We don't know who gave that to you and if they did something to it. You could get hurt.

(Y/N)-Oh,... ok.

Ayaka-Let's let it run on it's own for a while then i'll check, but you still have a lap pillow with lots of love.~

We went back as we were before and whoever is trying to buy my new baby's love... I don't think I can forgive them.

(Timeskip To Night)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Ayaka said that thing got really hot and showed me that it caught on fire. I was kinda sad because I really wanted one, but right now it was night and everyone was going to bed. When I thought the coast was clear I snuck out of my room and went in the back yard then to the shed like the notes said. The light was on inside and when I get in I saw it was still empty with some boxes in here.

(Y/N)-Hello... Who's here?

???-Oh little (Y/N), thank goodness you're still ok.

I looked to where the voice came from and I remembered it, but when the girl came out I knew who it was... It was my neighbor and babysitter.



Matsuri-My poor little angel. You must've been so scared to be so far away from home.~

(Y/N)-A-A li-.

Matsuri just got on the ground and patted her lap and it was a rule back at her house that I have to lay on her or if she was looking at her brother, he would have to do it. She was just petting my head and moved my hair away from my ear before she blew softly into it and it always made my back tingle a bit each time, but she hates it if you move.

Matsuri-Where's the gift I told you to bring?

(Y/N)-It... caught on fire.

Matsuri-*Gasp* Did it hurt you?! I wasn't gonna smash it until after!

She checked me and saw I was ok and I was confused while she was calming down a little now.

(Y/N)-What?... Why would you get it if you were gonna break it?

Matsuri-I had to show you I was far superior than some toy to take care of you. Stay still and i'll show you.~

She made me look straight into her lap and I could still breath through her dress, but when she started to rub my neck... it felt so good, but not that warm. After a bit she made me look back up to her and I was about to talk, but she put her finger to my mouth.

Matsuri-I know I was better, I could feel how you were like putty on me...

She snapped her fingers 3 times and that means to get up and arms up. She took my shirt off, so I put my arms down.

Matsuri-Such a relief. You're skin is just as good as I left it. I guess they must've been decent thus far, so your mommy wasn't completely wrong.

(Y/N)-What are you doing here?

Matsuri-Isn't it obvious. I already left your mother a very angry voicemail when she didn't answer my calls and i'm taking you home. I've been worried sick the moment she said I wouldn't be babysitting you for the year.

(Y/N)-But my mommy said I need to stay here.

(Matsuri's POV)

I know he defies his mother at times, but I made sure that he knows better than to defy me like my sister does. I gave my fingers 1 loud snap and he knows that means he's done something bad and to not move or speak unless told to.

Matsuri-In the morning we will pack up and i'm taking you home and there will be no arguments.

(Y/N)-... My mo-.

He saw how angry I was and I snapped my fingers then he went silent and it was very clear this people were an extremely bad influence on him and we will be getting ready to leave first thing in the morning.

Matsuri-Bed. Let's go.

I took his hand and he didn't fight me as he silently lead me back to his room and I got in with him to go to sleep.

Matsuri's mind-You were such a good boy before. Thank goodness they didn't damage you too much before I could save you.


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