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(Timeskip 1 Week)

(Erelah's POV)

I had moving people focus on moving the furniture where I wanted them into our new house and in the mean time I was focusing on my baby. I know I can do this all by myself, but (Y/N) got a little scared of this move at times and I wanted to give him my full attention and love to help him know everything was going to be ok. I don't want him to feel stressed at all as long as I can help with it. Right now I was playing a little hand game with him while the truck was being unloaded and not to brag, but if it was me doing this, I would already be done. I saw him looking around and now he looked unsure again, so I just pulled him to my lap and held him firmly.

Erelah-Honey bunch, we talked about this. I know moving can be scary at times.~

I gave him some kisses and thought it would be a good time to head inside and the bed should be in our room by now and I did like how all of this was coming along. When we made it to our room I saw it was finished and the rest of the house should be down after, so I just snuggled in bed with him.

Erelah-Hey, can you talk to me?~

(Y/N)-... When's my mommy coming again?

I frustrated me to hear him talking about "her" again and I did store her stuff in my magic for safe keeping at least for now, but I really don't want her here.

Erelah-She has to get better first. In a few weeks we'll hear how she's doing.~

I just gave him some kisses before I gave him some playful ones on his neck to tickle him and get him in a better mood. That makes this 10 times and I put him in his own little bed and tucked him in with his little toy to cuddle with.

Erelah-Stay here while I go check on some stuff before they leave. I'll bring you a little treat for being so good for me today.~

I gave his nose a little bop and kissed his head then he giggled a little before I left. Poor thing stayed up late last night and didn't take a single nap on his own yet, so he deserves to at least properly rest. While I was checking the house to see how they were doing I overheard some of the men.

Man#1-My son was talking about going to this place with his friends for camping and making a video. Some kind of new trend around here or something.

Man#2-Like an abandon building or graveyard?

Man#1-No. Some place called Dark Blood Woods.

Man#2-Why is it called that?

Man#3-Don't worry about it. Probably someone made up a name their town to get attention and likes online.

Man#1-It's 2 towns over to get there and he plans to stay a week. I said no beer and I already made sure to take his wallet and none of his friends are old enough to get it themselves.

Man#3-Yeah,... that's gonna work.

I never heard of such a place, but it was probably nothing and just to be safe that will be a place my child never goes. When the men were finally done some of them were trying to be a little too friendly to me before they left. They was kinda uncomfortable, but I know the desires of most humans in this world, so I let it slide because they helped me. After that I got the little treat I promised and went to give it to my baby, but when I got to my room... I saw him sleeping already.


He looked so peaceful and it would be a shame to wake him up right now, so i'll leave him be to make some dinner and when i'm done i'll wake him up and he can have his treat for dessert.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was waking up to being shaken a little and kisses on my head and when I opened my eyes a little I was picked up and my head was on Erelah's shoulder, so I could not see her. I was a little cold until she wrapped her wings around me and they just felt so good.

Erelah-Did you have a good nap?~

(Y/N)-... Yeah.

Erelah-Well good, you had a long and hard day. I made you something special for dinner.~

When she sat down she put me on her lap still in her warm wings, but I could see her and the food now and it looked so good.


I tried to reach out of the wings and for a fork, but Erelah stopped me then grabbed the fork and knife.

Erelah-No honey bunch, I had a long day too and I thought it would be nice to feed you. Also I don't want you to be holding a knife or choking on a big bite.

She started to cut up the steak before she got a bite for me and when I got the bite it was best thing I ever had in my life. She was feeding me everything one bite at a time and she even had a plate for herself and I just felt so full after. After dinner she even gave me an ice cream sandwich, but she fed it to me. She even had some of the chocolate on her fingers, so I licked them off her fingers and she just laughed.

Erelah-You're such a silly boy.~

She kissed my cheek before she got up and held me with one arm while she put the plates in the sink. When she was done she took me to the living room and turned off the lights and it was a little scary, but then...

Erelah-You wanna see something cool?~

She waved her hand a few times and small lights started to come out of her hand and floated in the room to make it light in here. I reached for one and tried to grab it, but my hand went through it.

(Erelah's POV)

He was fascinated by my little lights I made for him and he tried to reach for me even if he can't grab them. It was nice to be done with this whole moving thing and I can relax knowing my child is safe, his mother is somewhere safe and where she can't hurt or bother us, and I don't need to hide my wings much out here. After a while it was time for our bath and I loved the way the bathroom looked in this house, so there was some more room in here and I even had a few things remodeled for us.


I had that small storage room in the destroyed and expanded the back room while replacing the floor, adding a second sink, and had a few more lights installed and it came out beautifully. The bath was the same size as before and that's fine because now the shower is separate incase I ever need to just wash us off and not sit in dirty water. Our bath was the same as the others and it only took one wing to distract him while I got to work.

(Y/N)-Can we watch a movie before bed?

Erelah-If you're good for our bath.

(Y/N)-I wanna watch a scary movie like a big boy.

Erelah-My word, a scary movie? What gave you that idea?

(Y/N)-While we were moving and you were talking to the moving people I heard kids talking about scary movies outside and watched one on a tablet.

Erelah-I'm sorry, but i'm putting my foot down. No scary movies. They will give you nightmares and the language they use in all of them is nothing I want you watching. At best, I will allow PG-13, but I will have to check it first.

(Y/N)-Well... maybe an action movie.


Thank the lord I got him away from those bad influences when I did because I don't want him watching a movie about people dying from monsters or demons or whatever. After our bath I got us both dried off and dressed in some pajamas and I found a PG movie for him to watch. I just cuddled with him on the couch and this was nice, but then I heard something outside and it kinda scared my child, so I put him on the couch.

Erelah-Stay. Here.

I went outside by the front door and when I did I started to look with help from my lights and I soon found the culprit and I saw it chewing up my child's new game he liked to play.


I know that it was just an animal, but my baby will be upset if he finds out about this and I can easily fix this,... but it still made me angry from a couple of reasons. They destroyed a toy my child loved, they scared him while he was happy, interrupted me cuddling with my child, but most of all...

Erelah-You're a huge danger to my child... leave.

The bear only came running at me and tried to claw and bite me, but I stopped both attacks then threw it to the ground. I blinded it with a light barrier I put in the layer before the eye lids, but this was a bright one, so this will hurt them enough to put fear in their heart to let them know that they are not welcome here. Soon I took the light away and it ran away roaring and even bumped into a few trees and ran straight into one. I can get a replacement in the morning, but right now I went back inside and saw my child on the couch where I left him.


I just sat down and he helped himself to my lap and tried to pull on my wing to use it as a blanket, so I covered him.

(Y/N)-Are you ok? What happened? I heard a big scary sound outside.

Erelah-Oh you know, it was just an animal. They just got mad when I told them they were not welcome here at the moment. Nobody got hurt.

He just checked out my body for injuries most likely and it was heartwarming that he cared so much for me. I just pulled him into a nice hug and he nuzzled into me before he went back to the movie. My mind went back to that bear and a tad bit of rage returned to my heart.

Erelah's mind-I know I must forgive them because they were just a curious animal, but... I can't.

I resent that bear almost as much as I do his mother, but I just need to get my mind on something else. The movie wasn't doing it, so I got the laptop and looked up something we can do for fun tomorrow and there was this state fair in another town in 2 days and it would be nice to take him on some rides and I can flying us there to a safe and close distance. I decided to keep it a surprise for him.


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