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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was still in this sleeping bag and it was getting close to night now and I couldn't leave all day. Sarabi and Nala were next to me almost all the time, but I was never alone and now other lions came in dragging a few dead Zebras and I already ate some fruit a bird gave me earlier because Sarabi told them too. While the lions were eating another came him and I knew who he was and he was looking at me kinda mad.


He just went to go eat with the others and I just turned to the wall to not look at him then soon I felt Nala jump on me. She licked my ear and it felt so weird, so I hid completely in the sleeping bag and she just kinda laughed. I stayed hidden in the sleeping bag until Nala got off me.

Sarabi-(Y/N), come out here.

I just poked my head out and bumped it into Sarabi when I did then saw her laying across the top of my sleeping bag kinda curled up.


She leaned to me and licked my cheek while smiling and I looked to see everyone looking at us.

Sarabi-Go on, lay your head on me.

She wanted me to use her as a pillow and when I slowly did I saw that other lion man come over and he looked serious and Sarabi was just looking at him. I think I heard her growl on the inside a little and her tail was going up and down a little.

Sarabi-Mufasa, we talked about this.

Mufasa-You talked about this. I just said I would allow it.

Sarabi-And like it or not he's our cub now. I saw the looks you were giving him.

He only went to the other side of Sarabi and laid down next to her, so I guess everyone was getting ready to go to sleep. Nala was being licked by her mom before she was picked up and taken to the others to sleep and Sarabi curled up with me. She was kinda comfy to sleep on and my sleeping bag was pretty warm from being in the shade of the cave all day, but I was in it. I still didn't feel comfortable sleeping like this, not far from a lion who might hate me, a small lion girl who treated me like a toy or something, and Sarabi that wants to be the boss of me.

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Sarabi's POV)

When I woke up early in the morning I saw a few others were up, but my new cub was still resting his little head on me while he was snuggled up in his thing. I just stayed while others got up until the sun light was starting to come in, so I nudged him a bit to wake him up, but something adorable happened.


He turned his body a bit and looked at me with those closed eyes and I just started to lick them a bit and this made him move his hands up to rub his face. He slowly opened his eyes and it just looked so cute.



I licked him again and I heard my husband yawn before he just got up and left me to go outside. That would annoy me, but I got over it and just then Nala came over still waking up a little and helped herself to lay on top of my new cub.


Nala-Can I play outside with (Y/N)?

Sarabi-Hmmm... I guess he can come out of time out, but i'll be watching you 2.


She woke up completely and pounced my cub to make him wake up more and when I told her to play gentle she just went to playfully pawing him while we went outside. I rested on a nice rock and Nala's mom, Sarafina came over to talk with me while our cubs played. When Nala pinned him did and made him rub her back with his hand she clearly loved it.


Sarafina-Sarabi, are you having more problems with Mufasa over this new cub of yours.

Sarabi-Mufasa just need time to come around. The man cub is here to stay.

Sarafina looked a little worried and this made me a little suspicious and I just hope...

Sarabi-Do you not approve of my cub?

Sarafina-No, no, no, it's just... I saw something last night when I woke up in the middle of the night.


Sarafina-Well, I don't know how to tell you this, but-...

(Short Timeskip)

(Mufasa's POV)

I was just on top of pride rock by myself thinking about my lost son and the cruel betrayal from my brother. Suddenly I heard very fast footsteps and when I turned I saw my wife behind me and she was furious.




That was true, but I talked myself out of it for her granted I was inches away from doing it, but I have to play dumb to this.

Mufasa-I never did anything like that.

Sarabi-If I found out that it's true-!... Stay away from "my" new cub. *growl*

She walked down the rock and I never wanted a cub of man. I wanted one of our own, but only when the time was right. I'll talk to her about this in private somewhere and if this man cub really does become a problem... Maybe I will get rid of them.

(Nala's POV)

My best friend knows just how I like him "petting" me and I saw other cubs looking over here, but i'm not sharing. He's "my" best friend! I snuggled on top of him some more with my head in the middle of his neck while they were watching to let them know he's mine.

Nala-Do that thing when you scratch behind my ear.

He did what I said and I loved it and soon my mom came over and was looking at us.


Mommy-What are you 2 doing?

Nala-He just makes me feel so good when he pets and scratches me.

Mommy-... Let me see.

Nala-Mom, he's busy already.

Mommy-I just want to see. Do it.

She got down and (Y/N) scratched behind her ear and I could see she likes it then he used his other hand to get me again. When he stopped we got made, but then we saw Simba's mom come over and she was kinda mad.


Sarabi-What's going on here?

Mommy-Sarabi, you should try this. It feels amazing.

Sarabi-Right now, I need to give my son a bath.

(Sarabi's POV)

I took my son from them and pulled him with me to a place I had some space to lick him clean in peace and he acts like Simba when I gave him a bath this way. Nala was getting one too by here mom and Sarafina talked about what I saw my cub doing to them... I wonder...



Sarabi-Do what they were talking about to me?

(Y/N)-Then can you stop licking-?


He just got to work and I had to admit that it felt really good for him scratching my ear. It was almost enough to make me forget about what Mufasa tried to do,... but it still made me very mad on the inside and if he tries to do it again, he will remember when you threaten a mother's cub.

Sarabi-Sweetie, where did you learn this? Is this a man thing?

(Y/N)-I-It's just petting... Does this mean I can go out by myself.

Sarabi-No... You're lucky this feels so good or you would be back in timeout.

He kept on going and Nala and Sarafina can fight over his free hand because he's my cub, so he will not stop with me. Something popped in my head again and it was from what Sarafina told me.

(Flashback Start)


(Flashback End)

Sarabi's mind-You... You're not "ever" touching him.

(No POV)

Meanwhile at the ship something was beeping and blinking and it was some kind of tracker, but the question was... Who was finally tracking down the gummi ship and when will they get here?


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