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(No POV)

While (Y/N) was finally waking up in the cave with the raptors something else was going on during the search. Soldiers were out looking in an area far from the cave and carefully calling out for a boy they were forced to call out to, but most if not, all thought he would be dead. They still had to find the raptors and the only way they could find them was for the raptors to come to them, not even mentioning the others they had to find and take down.





All the men stopped from the heavy footsteps but saw nothing and they were getting closer until they got farther and farther away. They all calmed down a bit and called in to report, but the question was... Where were the footsteps heading?



The indominious rex was just done killing a regular dinosaur just a while ago for fun because she was already full. She still felt empty inside and thought killing would help more and when she saw a flock of pterodactyls that were eating the prey she killed and ran over and caught one of them to bite them in half.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up in the cave and saw the others were still on me, but I saw Blue and Delta were awake. I tried to get up and they looked at me before they pushed me back down onto Echo and I think that woke her up because her arms wrapped around me, and she started to kiss and lick the top of my head. I tried to move away, but she just followed me and when I bumped my head into Charlie, I saw her slowly open her eyes and smile. Soon they all started to get up and off me and now I tried to run, but Blue and Delta got in front of me and started to growl.


Blue picked me up and took me outside with the others then started to run with me and they were going as fast as a car. When we got to a river they got some of their clothes off except the things on their arms and legs, but then I saw they were really a part of them. They got all my clothes off before they got in the water and it was just so cold that I tried to get out, but they won't let me go. They poured more water onto me and when I couldn't take it anymore, I started to cry.


She started to check me to see if I was hurt, but I was just so cold and when we got out of the water it was colder and we only used the sun to dry off. It took forever, but we all got dressed again and Blue gave me to Charlie before they started to run again. Soon I could see the park and when they did too, they ran to it then we got there, and everybody was gone. They went into a few buildings and found us food and drinks and I was so hungry, so I just took what they gave me, which was chips and stuff like that, but they were only holding them to me and saying...


After they found more food and we were done eating they all gave me kisses before they heard something that sounded like a car outside. They all quickly got very mad and pulled out their knives. Went up against a wall and peeked outside.

Lady-You all have your assignments, Find medical supplies, food, and water for the evacuations. Keep your eyes peeled.

I heard the car door close, and others must be here and they could help me, but Echo covered my mouth and hid behind the counter with me. I tried to scream, but she kept me quiet, and when I saw the others sneak out outside without the others knowing I was scared they were going to hurt or kill them. Echo rubbed my head slowly like she was trying to calm me and soon I saw Charlie pull some guy back in here through a broken window. She pulled her knife out of him and Echo covered my eyes, but I saw everything.


I tried screaming for help again, but Echo wouldn't take her hand off my mouth. After a while, I heard voices outside trying to call their friends, but I knew what happened to them. I was crying and trying to get away, but it only worked when I heard a window break, something being shot outside, and something sounded like a dinosaur then I felt Echo's hand move down a bit, so I bit it. She finally let go a little and I made a run for it and pulled away from her, but I saw a flying dinosaur in here.


It was coming for me and I screamed, but Echo jumped over me and grabbed its mouth to point it away from her and stabbed it before they even fell to the ground.


I made it outside to see the soldiers here and the flying dinosaurs, but there were 2 different ones in the air and they had a lady with them before they dropped here in the giant lake.


Just then I was grabbed and was flying in the air before I was dropped and grabbed again by a normal dinosaur and was dropped again before I fell in the water screaming, but the worst part is... I can't swim.

(No POV)

While under the water the woman was in the stomach of a very moody and pissed-off humanoid Mosasaurs. She was in a very bad mood since the incident and her half-sister already saw that side. When she saw splashing in the water she swam up to the figure, but when she got a closer look...



((Y/N)'s POV)

I was sinking and trying to swim up, but soon I landed on something, and it lifted me up and out of the water. I was coughing and trying to catch my breath and when I could, but when I opened my eyes, I saw what I was on... A giant hand, so I looked up and saw "her" smiling at me. She put me against her giant chest and hugged me like I was a hamster because of how big she was.


She was petting me with one finger, and it was still bigger than me and I gripped onto her when I looked at the water and I know it was so deep. I can drown and it was really scaring me.

Mosasaurus-*Chuckles* Hmmm.~... Hmm?... *Growl*.

I looked to see other flying dinosaurs coming down and I was moved down until I was stuck in the middle of her boobs and shirt, but I felt the water on my feet, so I pulled them out of the water. I saw her grab some of the dinosaurs and dunked them deep in the water to drown them then she did the same in the others until the rest left.


She turned away and pulled me out and back on her hands before she just licked me and now I was more wet again. She even kissed me a bunch of times and I don't want to be here, but I still can't swim and be easy to catch if I don't die first. She laid back in the water to float and she put me on her belly.


We heard that from far away and we looked where I came from, and I saw the girls looking at us and they were mad.



She turned back to me and lifted up her dress blanket thingy and put it over me like a blanket and it was actually dry somehow, I even saw some water look like little balls just rolling off it. She was scrubbing me like it was a towel then wrapped me up in it. My head was sticking out and she was petting me with the tip of her finger while smiling at the raptor girls and this got them more mad. I tried to get out and when I did, I almost slipped into the water and screamed, but she caught me.


She pushed me back in her shirt and boobs and when I tried to get out again, she growled and looked a little mad and I wonder if this is what a puppy feels if an adult gets mad at them. She pushed me deeper into where I could not see anything, but mostly her lying back.

(No POV)

Since (Y/N) can't swim, it was like being trapped on a floating island and meanwhile, the raptor girls were glaring at the one that had their baby. The Mosasaurus only smiled that they couldn't get in and she could enjoy her baby in peace, and she would get some "stored food" under the water for them to eat. There was a spot under the water that had a heater bubbling under the water, hot enough to cook her food in and designed to not heat up her entire habitat. While the "new mother" was resting with her "baby" the raptors were trying to think of something and thanks to their trainer, they knew how to properly plan.

Raptor Girls-*Growl*.


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