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(Jill's' POV)

I was trying to tell Chris we needed a transport for (Y/N) soon, but he said there will be one when he comes back with someone he found. (Y/N) was getting scared out here and he should be because it's very dangerous right now, so he was holding on to me. I tried my best to comfort him and I could only do so much when he asked about his mom and dad and I don't have the heart to tell him we can only do our best, but we just can't save everyone. Chris should be here soon and we can get him out of here and we can wrap all this up.

Jill's mind-Please hurry Chris.

(Chris's POV)

I was searching the area and Mia was right behind me after I found her in a cell still wrapping my head around that Ozwell D. Spencer was here a long time ago. She was quiet until she asked something, so I turned around to look at her.


Mia-Where's Ethan? Where's my daughter?

Chris-They're safe. We have them secure in a facility and by now they should be receiving a vaccine to help with any contamination with anything like the mold from Miranda. Everything will be fine.

Mia-What?! No, not Ethan, he can't have it!

Chris-Mia, calm down. Our scientists know what-.

Mia-No, you don't understand! You need to call them before they kill him!

Chris-... What are you talking about?

((Y/N)'s POV)

It was almost night and I could hear more monsters out here, so I held on to Jill because she was super strong from her stories. I wanted my mommy and daddy still, but when I heard a gunshot I jumped a little and held Jill tighter.

Jill-You're going to be alright. You'll leave in a little bit.

(Y/N)-*Whimper* Wh-Why are there so many monsters?

Jill-... Here, let's just get you on the helicopter right now for safety.

Just then we started to hear crying getting closer and soon we saw Chris and my neighbor Mia coming and she was crying.


Chris-Get both of them in the helicopter and get them out of-.



I looked to where the noise came from and then there a whole bunch of the monsters and everyone started to shoot them. The guns were so loud my ears started to hurt and Jill got me in the ship with Mia then I saw even more big monsters come out.


I looked to who called my name and when I did I saw it was Alcian and she looked so mad, but I was not going back to her.


She started to walk over here and even when she was getting shot she kept on coming and even sliced up some of the soldiers. they only time she stopped was when she got hurt too much, but she would only walk again in a few seconds.

Chris-Fall back! Get on the evac!

Everyone did what he said, but some of the people were killed still while the helicopter was taking off. When it closed I thing we were safe, but they were throwing stuff at the helicopter now while we were getting away and they couldn't hit us anymore. We were going away, but Chris was mad and I looked at Mia still crying. I just got off Jill and since Mia was next to us I only scooted a little bit until I bumped into her and she looked at me.


(Y/N)-Hey... Was Chris mean to you too?

Mia-*Sniffle* No... I-It's ok.

I felt bad for her, so I gave her a hug to help her feel better and she gave one back. My mommy and daddy are still back there and I know they have to go back, they have to.

(Mia's POV)

When Chris called the lab Ethan and my daughter were at they told us what happened and how they said Ethan's body just fell apart made my heart shatter. I should've told Ethan while I had the chance and maybe he would still be alive. My neighbor's kid was trying to comfort me and I don't see his parents here, but I don't want to pry into that. I just needed someone to hug right now after losing my husband and I pulled him on my lap. It made me feel a little better and after all this I think we've all been through way too much and if his parents are... not in the picture anymore, i'll step in and help someone at least.

(Y/N)-Mia... these men are going to help us, right?

Mia-Yes, they are.

(Y/N)-My mommy and daddy are still back there and i saw my mommy acting weird... They can help her too, right?

Mia-... Yes.

How do you answer a question like that honestly to a kid his age? I was lucky they wanted me alive, but they had no reason to keep his parents alive. If he saw his mom acting weird then who knows what they did to her and assuming if he even saw his dad... I guess I will have to step in to help him, at least for a bit.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

(Jill's POV)

I was getting a little annoyed at this sight of this woman holding her little neighbor and I wanted to hold him again, but I kept myself at bay. We just about made it to the facility and got inside and when we made it to the room where her daughter was, fair was fair, so I took (Y/N)'s hand and she just looked at me.

Mia-What are you doing?

Jill-I just thought since you were going to have your daughter and want time alone with her, I would just take him off your hands.

Mia-I'll be just fine. I'm his neighbor, so i'm the closet one he has right now.

Jill-... (Y/N), do you remember that promise I made with you? How I was watching you until your mommy and daddy come back?

(Y/N)-Um, yeah.

Jill-Well come on. You need to get a little medicine, so you stay healthy.

He listened to me let go of Mia and I saw her gave a little surprised look out of the corner of my eye, but ignored it. I took him to go get his shot and little to no surprise he was scared of needles and held on tightly to me and I miss this feeling.

Doctor-He's going to feel kinda fatigue, but he'll be fine.

Jill-Alright. Little man could use a nap.

He was still getting over the fact he just got a shot and he was easy to hold and walk around with from how small he is. I have so much intel and thanks to a few pictures and my little witness we can cover a lot of info.

Jill's mind-I just need to give her a call when we're alone.

(Alcian's POV)

I was marching up to Mother Miranda's quarters and when I got there I saw her still in a little foul mood and the was probably as good as she will be be right now and i'm very low on options. I want my pet back and Mother Miranda is the only one that can help me, so I got on my hands and knees to beg to her.


Alcian-Mother please, it's my pet! They took him and I need help to get him back.

Miranda-Pet?... I see, so that boy is gone?

Alcian-Yes mother. I just want him back. I'll do anything.

Miranda-Save the petty pleading. I thought about his and saw the boy for myself... Return to your castle at once and I will do what must be done.

I hoped it was in the name of getting my pet back, even if it's just a side job for her. I just got up and headed back to my castle in shame and empty handed, but my anger still burned wildly.

Alcian's mind-When I find who took him, I will make them beg that I will kill them.

(Mia's POV)

I was holding my daughter right now and I don't know what was with that lady. He was my neighbor and may not have known him a whole lot, but at least he's somewhat familiar with him. At the end of the day when Chris finds me a new home or something i'll be taking (Y/N) with me. It only makes since. I just looked at Rose and seeing as she will be forced to grow up without a dad which is heartbreaking to me in a whole other way, but maybe...

Mia-Hey baby girl, what do you think about having a big brother?~


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