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((Y/N)'s POV)

Erelah was taking me to see my mommy after breakfast then my bath and we already ate, so I just had to take a bath with her then we can go see my mommy and if she's all better then she can come home with us. When Erelah was turning on the water I already got my clothes off myself, so it can be a little faster. Next she got her clothes off and stretched her wings before she picked me up, got in the warm bath with me, and she even let me pet one while she got my hair wet and started scrubbing me.

Erelah-Remember, you have to hold my hand and be calm at all times while we're there. Even if the nice people are there to keep us safe, it can be dangerous if you act very hyper and wander off.

(Y/N)-Ok... Do you think my mommy can be better enough to come home with us?

Erelah-Um... Sweetie pie, these things take time.

(Y/N)-It's been days since she got there. How much longer can she need?

Erelah-It just depends because her throwing broken glass at anyone is just unacceptable to have around. We will see and let the doctor decide if she's ready to come home.

(Erelah's POV)

She was going to stay there regardless, but I did not want to hurt my baby's feelings by telling him the truth, so I just spared him of it. After our bath I got him dried off and dressed with me and felt a sick feeling in my stomach the whole time for taking him to such a place.

Erelah's mind-Honestly, the things I do to keep him happy.

When we were ready we were heading out to the asylum to see his mother and I just wanted to turn back every single step of the way. Soon he got tired and I just carried him the rest of the way until I got out of sight and used some light magic to make us invisible before I just flew the rest of the way. When we got there the buildings of this place did look clean and modern-ish for this time and he was excited to go in. I just went up front and spoke to the front desk person and when I brought up (M/N) (L/N) they gave the computer a certain look before they got up.

Woman-Right this way. She just got some medication a bit ago, so she's calm.

That was nice to hear right now at least that at least she won't be at least to keen on yelling at me after rightfully putting her here. We made it to a room and we saw her laying in a bed hooked up to something on a machine then (Y/N) let go of my hand and ran up to his mother to talk to her while she acted the same, but was still very calm if that was the right word for this.


Erelah-What's that machine doing?

Woman-It's sorta shocking her fat, so we can get her down some pounds for the medication to have better effect.

Erelah-How is she doing?

Woman-To put it simply she calls you a literal angel and shows a lot of aggression when told so other wise. No progress so far, so we believe her mind is in something like another world where she can hear and see things that are not even there... Mind if I talk to you out of the room for a moment?

I stepped out with her and closed the door while keeping an eye on (Y/N) through a window.

Erelah-So, what is it?

Woman-Out doctors did some tests and it's worse than they thought. If she doesn't show self improvement soon she will be scheduled for a special kind of brain surgery.

I was surprised to hear that, but also felt little to no sympathy for her since it could be what she needs after what she's done. Maybe if she is better like that I will consider taking her back or maybe leave her here to be watched and cared for still. I still resent her after the harm she tried to inflict on my child.

Erelah-Maybe it's for the best. We'll just be a while for him.

Woman-I must stay to watch incase anything happens. She can still snap.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was on my mommy's tummy and talking to her about everything that happened then soon Erelah came back in with that lady. I think my mommy was ready to come home because she was not mad anymore, so I turned to them.


(Y/N)-Erelah, can mommy come back home with us? She looks a lot better.

Erelah-*Sigh* I'm sorry honey bunch, but she needs to stay here some more. Go ahead and talk to her for a while longer before we have to go. This nice doctor has to do other things with her today.

Doctor-Don't worry though, she's in good hands and will be better before you know it.

I turned back to my mom when I felt her breathing faster and she was looking at Erelah then started to look angry.


She tried to get up, but belts were holding her down, but she was shaking and turning, so both of them ran over here and Erelah took me from my mommy while the doctor pressed a button on the machine and I saw some kind of water go into a tube before I saw it was on my mommy by a piece of tape and it went into her before she started to calm down a bit, but was still talking a little.

Doctor-Maybe it's best if you wait a few weeks before the next visit.

(Y/N)-Can we stay for a little longer?

Erelah-That not a very good idea. Your mother needs to have alone time with the doctor. Just give her a quick goodbye and we'll see her again as soon as we can.

She put me down and I went up to my mommy and gave her a kiss and a hug goodbye before Erelah picked me up again. We left and I saw a lot of people act weird in other rooms or some where out here looking very bored. I wonder if they do anything for fun.

(Erelah's POV)

I was happy to be leaving this place because that was scary for me to see her freak out like that with my child on top of her just trying to show her some affection because she noticed I was there. As far as i'm concerned she does belong in there. When we made it to the lobby I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I did I saw that it was a doctor that works here.



Erelah-Hello... Can I help you?

Doctor-I couldn't help, but notice you came from one of my patients rooms. The one that calls you an angel.


Doctor-Well,... I think she may be right.~

He put on a smile and I could tell he was flirting with me and in front of my child and I don't want to be mean to him after he is just looking for someone to love. I just have to let him down gently.

Erelah-Oh, um,... i'm flattered, I truly am. I just have a lot on my plate right now... It's not you, it's me.

Doctor-Come on, just one date. I don't mind helping you with you problems too.~

Erelah-Sorry, but these are my problems and I just got my hands full. I'm sure you can find someone better than me though.

I just turned and walked away with my child in my arms and I could feel his gaze on me. I really didn't have time for a relation ship because I have (Y/N) to give my full attention and even if I didn't, i'm an angel and he's still alive, so he has a life to live and I have a job to do.


Erelah-Yes honey?

(Y/N)-I think that doctor man is coming back.

I just turned and it was him again trying to catch up to me and I guess he's the kind to not take no for an answer and while I admire them at times, there's just those moments where you just need to accept the answer.

Doctor-Hey, wait up!

I kept on walking, but he got in front of me to get my attention and I mentally sighed.

Doctor-Mind if I just walk with you while i'm on lunch? Names Ron.

Erelah-I'm sorry, but i'm just not looking for a relationship right now.

Ron-Come on, what do you need help with? Money, time management, emotional stuff? I can help with all those things.

Erelah-I'm trying to be nice, but my answer to be your girlfriend is no.

Ron-Come on, you're like my dream girl. I always had thing for big soft- uh, hair! You really do have nice looking hair.

Erelah-Ugh, you beast!

I just walked past him and I don't know exactly what he wanted to say in the heat of that moment, but i'm not stupid. He was not thinking of my hair and for the record when he goes to the after life nobody sees anything wrong or different with nudity and learn to see people for who they really are. When we got back home I put my child down and he went to go play his games while I just grabbed a good book and watched him before it was time to get lunch started and I think a nice sandwich and chips will do just fine.

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

I think I had enough time to relax and enjoy myself with my child for a while and he already ate, so it was time for me to get back to work. I went online and to the houses I found and pulled them up. It was going to be so hard to chose because they were all the size I wanted, nice and secluded for a quiet area, and close enough to the city for our needs and social interactions when we choose so.


While I was thinking on which house it should be I heard yelling outside and it was a couple fighting and it caught my child's attention, so I just casted a spell to block out the sound with a thick layer of light. I could tell he didn't like those 2 strangers fighting.

Erelah-It's ok honey. Just play your game.

(Y/N)-... Hey, do you have love arrows to shoot them with and make them stop?

Erelah-*Giggles* I'm not cupid.

(Y/N)-Is there something you can do?

Erelah-Awww, sweetie. I know you hate it when others fight. You wanna cuddle?~

(Y/N)-... Kinda... Yes.

He came over and I put the computer aside and he crawled on to me then I wrapped my arms and wings around him. He got really comfy and nuzzled into me before he saw something and looked a little confused.

(Y/N)-Hey Erelah, what's with the house on the computer?

Erelah-Oh, um... *Sigh* I wanted to keep this a secret for a little longer, but... I was planning for us to move somewhere nicer.

(Y/N)-You mean like when my mommy comes back?

Erelah-Well, no... I'm sure if she's doing better she can move in with us.

(Y/N)-But... we live here.

Erelah-But do you want a nicer place where nobody fights and you can play outside with no mean people to bother or hurt you? I think there's an open field to play in with your name on it.~

(Y/N)-... Can we get some games for outside and play with my mommy too, when she comes back?


He looked like he was starting to like this idea now and I was happy to see this. Now he wants to get things for almost every sport he knows about and I just kissed his head. He was more than happy to help me pick now.

Erelah's mind-I truly am blessed to have you and gifted to live in a nice home with you.~


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