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(Ayaka's POV)

I texted my sister a while ago and she was coming back with the girls and (Y/N) and they should've already ate, so I just started to marinate some meat for lunch. I was happy that his neglectful mother was out of the picture and she was most likely "happier" somewhere else. I just won't bring her up until he does by himself and let him be happy until I have to say a bitter little lie to him. When I heard the front door open I got off the couch and went to go greet the girls, but when I looked at them I saw why they were quiet. Yuri was holding (Y/N) while he was sleeping her and it was just so adorable.


I just walked up to them and got a closer look at (Y/N) and smiled before Yuri went to his room to put him down and the rest of us went to the living only for Yuri to quickly join us.

Ayaka-What time did you all go to bed last night.

Nana-Relax, we didn't stay up too late. That would mean less cuddle time with him.

Yuzu-We went to bed around 11-ish.

Ayaka-My, that's way too late for someone his age.

Nana-Relax, he still got 8 hours sleep with us.

Ayaka-Even so, he needs to be on a sleeping schedule. He was still clearly tired.

Sumire-Actually that was from Nana and her friends cooing and doting on him until it lured him back to sleep while he was still waking up.

Nana only laughed a little at that and I guess he's still rested, but tonight he will be sleeping with me to make sure he gets all the rest he clearly needs.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was starting to wake up when I felt something weird on my face again and again with some noise. I think I heard and felt this before and when I tried to open my eyes they got covered by a hand and the feeling kept on going. I quickly realized someone was kissing me over and over until I moved the hand away from me and saw who was doing it and they were smiling at me.


Ayaka-Well good morning. I thought you needed to wake up.~

She took the blanket off me and it was cold then she put me on her lap before she got up to hold me. She took me out to the living room and sat on the couch with me and just rubbed my head and back. She even did this thing where she scratched the back of my head and neck and it just felt so good.

Ayaka-Your hair is getting a little greasy. We need to get you in a bath soon mister. Did the girls give you one this morning at Nana's?

(Y/N)-Um... I got in one myself.

Ayaka-Well you still need some help. We'll just have to take care of that right now.

(Ayaka's POV)

He wasn't that bad, but my sister is with the girls in Yuzu's room right now talking about stuff and I wanted some one on one time with my new baby boy. I took him to the bathroom and got us both stripped down before I got the water and everything going and he was holding still to let me clean him to be such a good boy. A mother giving her son a bath is one of the purest ways for us to bond and when we soaked I just watched him play with the water and it was so hypnotizing to watch, but soon it was time to get out with him. I got us both dried off and dressed, but what I left the bathroom I saw (Y/N)'s door closed.

Ayaka's mind-Who was that?

I think it was the girls and maybe it was for a surprise, so I just let it be to not ruin it and I don't think the girls would do anything mean to him. I decided to take (Y/N) to my room and just cuddled with him.

(Y/N)-Can I go play something? I'm bored.

Ayaka-Oh, why don't we play our own little game?

(Y/N)-Like what?

I thought of something Nana and I played with our parents when we were little, so I went to grab some paper and some color pencils for drawing then gave him some space to draw. He just went on ahead and started to draw and I guess I can get him some coloring books along with other toys. He will be living here now, so it only makes since that he will need those things to be occupied when i'm cooking and other things like that while the girls are not around. While I was adoring him there was a knock on my door and when I answered it I saw it was my sister and her friends were with her too.


Nana-Yo, we need the little guy!

Ayaka-What for?

Mae-Yuri just got done with his first outfit and wants him to try it on.

Ayaka-Well, I guess she did put a lot of work into it, but we'll let (Y/N) decide if he wants to do it.

We all turned to (Y/N) and the girls just saw he was drawing and coloring, but now he was looking at us with a nervous and flustered expression and while it was cute I was not going to make him do something he doesn't want right now.


(Y/N)-Well... what is it?

Nana-It's so adorable and it has to be a surprise until you come see!

Maiko-Yuri worked really hard on it and is waiting right now.

(Y/N)-Umm... I guess.

That made them very happy and I would like to see this too, so I got my baby myself to take him there and wondered what Yuri made.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

(Yuri's POV)

I was getting my little model dressed up myself as well as a private little photo op for me with him doing poses that I helped him get into while the others were waiting in the living room for him. I gave the clothes one last look to make sure there was no lose threads then bent down to my model.


Yuri-Does anything pinch or poke you or feel uncomfortable?


Yuri-Then let's get you out there and show everyone how adorable you look.~

I took his hand and lead him out to the others and when they saw him in his little tux I made easy to put on him all of them except Yuzu and Sumire got up to come coo at him.


He was getting all flustered and that just made Ayaka, Nana, and her friends coo even more then Nana and her friends got their phones out to do pictures. They have nothing on the pictures I have of him.

Nana-Oh my god! Hey, can you make peace signs and look over here!

Mae-No, put your hands behind your back and try to act like a butler.

Maiko-Big smiles!~

Soon I think they overwhelmed him a little and he ran off for his room to go hide and they wanted to go after him, but Ayaka thought it would be fine if he had little bit of space for now to calm down.

Yuri's mind-What is she smiling for?

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was getting changed to look less cute for everyone and maybe if I look and dress ugly they would leave me alone. When I got this costume off I saw something on my bed and it was a present. I went to it and opened it and took out what was inside and it was fluffy blanket and a note fell off it.


I put the blanket on my bed and picked up the note and it had my name on it, so I opened it.

(Y/N)-I made this just for you. Come to the shed in the backyard tonight for a surprise.

It had no name and I wonder who left this in here. Maybe it was when my door closed when I got out of the bath with Ayaka, so it can't be her.

(Y/N)'s mind-Who left this here?... I guess i'll just go tonight and find out.


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