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(Minnie's POV)

We were all heading into town and the guards were surrounding us to make sure nobody with ill intentions will get too close to us. We were only met with most if not all the towns people in front of the castle and during my speech with (Y/N) and Daisy at my side and most of them were understanding enough. (Y/N) was just a child in need of our help and we shall wait until I feel that the proper help to get him home comes along. With that most left peacefully and there was just the very few that needed to be escorted away and I was happy that (Y/N) was safe and ok with my people now.



I just turned and I saw another person that kinda looks like (Y/N) and they sounded like a girl.


Minnie-Who are you?

???-My name is Aqua your highness. I heard you're speech and how you wish to help this boy return home. I can help with that.

(Y/N)-You can get me home?

Aqua-I just need you to describe it to as best you can.

Just then she got down on one knee and looked at him and I had a feeling in my hurt that really hurt and did not like this. I thought of something and got in between them and she was surprised by this and Daisy grabbed (Y/N) from behind me to hold him close.

Minnie-Forgive me, but i'm afraid I must be picky on who I trust with him right now. We had an assassination attempt on him not long before my speech. I'm going to need a reason to believe you really plan to help.

Aqua-How can I prove it, your highness?

Minnie-Hmmm... I have heard about monsters running around town, so if you can help get rid of them then I will listen to what you have to offer.

Aqua-Monsters... It shall be done.

She turned and left and I felt at ease that she was gone and with that I think a lap around town in the carriage would not hurt. During the ride I had (Y/N) rest his head on my lap and Daisy put him up on hers, so now he was laying across us. When we were almost done the carriage got hit and sent falling on its side and broke the top off a bit. It was enough for us to crawl out and I was so mad when I saw (Y/N) crying before I saw who or what did it and it was simply terrifying and others were running away to hide.


It was looking at us and I just got up and tried to run for (Y/N), but it hit the ground and the shockwave was so hard it sent us flying back and I couldn't see him anymore. I got up to look for him, but I think I only caught a glimpse of him running scared before I saw I was about to be attacked again. I braced myself and closed my eyes, but the attack never came then I saw Aqua and she had a sword that looked kinda weird.


Aqua-Go, get to safety!

I grabbed Daisy since she was almost out cold and just ran into an alley she stayed to fight the beast and I went around to start looking for (Y/N).

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

(Aqua's POV)

I think that takes care of the last of the heartless here after I finished this one off. Everyone was safe and there was no sign of the queen, but I looked for her since this had to prove I meant well. While I was looking around for her and that princes since they're the ones that most likely the ones who have the child. Soon I only heard crying and whimpering in an alley and when I checked it out I saw the child and he must be terrified, so I slowly walked to him and he saw me when I bent down to his level.


Aqua-Hi there... Remember me?... It's (Y/N), right?


Aqua-Don't be scared of me. I just want help... Can you tell me about your home?

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* Well... I saw m-m-more monsters there. *hic* It hit me in a ship and it took me away from my home... We had a state fair in town.

Ok, so heartless most likely showed up, but I guess it would be extremely difficult for someone his age to describe his home world. I saw him crying a little harder, so I went to him and pulled him into a hug and he winced a bit. I checked him real fast and he had bandages on him, poor thing. He doesn't know about any of the rules to keep order in the worlds no doubt, so leaving him here is no debate, but I need to see how he got here.

Aqua-Can you show me how you got here?

(Y/N)-I-I came in another ship. In the fields.

Aqua-Lead the way.

He took my hand and pulled me with him and soon we made it to a field and I saw ship behind some cones and he told me it belonged to more friends of his that he was planning on waiting for. I don't know how to fully work a gummi ship since I just have my glider, but I can find out how to take off. I don't mean to worry the queen, but others saw me with (Y/N), so she's bound to find out he's with me. I just buckled him in a seat and looked around and it was a little confusing at first, but I think I got the hang of it for the most part.

Aqua-Let's see.



I looked out the window and it was another heartless and it was huge, also far too dangerous for (Y/N) to stay close n this ship and I can't risk it wrecking this thing.


Aqua-Why now?!

The ship got hit again and I thought of something fast and ran to (Y/N) to cast a spell on a bracelet and gave it to him to help us find each other again and hopefully soon.

Aqua-I need you to trust me when I say I "will" find you! Just hold on to this!

I know it was going to be scary, but I got the ship ready to launch and got the door to slowly close behind me with (Y/N) still inside. Next I summoned my keyblade to cut it's arm and make it let go of the ship and watched it take off and I got ready to fight.

Aqua's mind-We will meet again (Y/N). I promise... We are connected now.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was still in my seat and thought about Aqua saving me then about Aerith and Yuffie. I don't know where I was going, but maybe I was going back to where Aerith and Yuffie are. This ship was going pretty fast and when it landed the flash hurt my eyes a little, so I covered them then I saw I was in a field and something about this look familiar. I just got out and looked at the bracelet on my arm that Aqua gave me and since she did save me maybe she might know Aerith and Yuffie, so i'll keep this since it might have a tracker on it or something. I looked around and I swear I was here before, but then something jumped in front of me.


I just screamed and ran then it started to chase me. I ran up a hill and climbed up some rocks and it was still after me. I made up up top first and saw it still coming, so I grabbed a rock threw it at the monster and I hit it. It didn't go do, so I got more rocks and some missed, but I hit a big rock that the monster had it's hand on and it fell on the monster. It finally fell and brought more rocks with it and when it hit the ground the rocks fell on top of it and it disappeared.

(Y/N)-... I killed it?... Hahaha, yes I killed it! Yeah-ah-ah!

I was jumping around because I was just so happy because I finally killed a monster all by myself. When I got tired I just looked down to where the monster was and felt pretty good.

(Y/N)-Ahhh, if only Aerith and Yuffie could see this. I can look at this all da-...

Just then I turned and I saw someone I knew and they looked pretty mad at me.



It was Nala and I jumped back a bit and she walked up to me while still looking mad, but she can't hurt me. I'm bigger and I just killed a monster and she never killed one.

Nala-You're in big trouble when we get back. Our queen had everyone looking for you.

(Y/N)-Well i'm not going back. I just killed a monster, so I don't think you can make me.

Nala-Yes, I can!

(Y/N)-Oh yeah, you and what army?

I stuck my tongue at here and she ran into the tall grass and I can just go down and stay in the ship before others get back, but before I could get back down I saw 7 lions run out here and Nala came out with them.


She stuck her tongue at me then the lions got closer and pushed me to come with them while some got in the ship. I tried to run, but one of the lions bit my shirt and pulled me back in and told me to if I did it again she would bite me. Nala only looked at me like she was still mad until we made it back to that big rock again. I knew Sarabi was there and was probably mad too and when we got up there I saw Sarabi outside and when she saw me she looked surprised then got mad before she came over and I was scared on what she was going to do.


Sarabi-... Take him in. I'll deal with him.

She went inside and the lions made me follow her and when I got in she she bit my shirt and pulled me to where she wanted me and made me lay down. The lions stood back, but Nala stayed close.

Sarabi-Looks like I need to keep a closer eye on you. You're not leaving my side unless i'm sure you're not going anywhere.

(Y/N)-I just-.

Sarabi-No!... You're not going anywhere and there is no use talking about it! Nala told me what you did to trick her and not only did you make her sad, you had me worried sick!

Soon more lions came and one of them had something in their mouths and it looked like a rolled up sleep bag when they dropped it and the sting undid itself and rolled out.


Sarabi-What is that thing?

Lioness#1-We don't know.

They all looked at me and I felt really nervous, but I knew what it was.

(Y/N)-It's... a sleeping bag.

Sarabi-What does it do?

(Y/N)-Well, you just sleep in it to stay warm.

Sarabi-Oh really, well then.

She went and grabbed it to drag it over here and dropped behind me against a wall.

Sarabi-Get in. Consider this a time out.

I slowly got in when she growled at me and when I did get in, it was fluffy and soft at least. Better than sleeping on the ground, but then Nala came over and she looked kinda happy now.


Sarabi-One more thing. Since you really hurt Nala when you left I said you will be making it up to her and seeing as you're in trouble, she will do what she pleases with you.

She got on the sleeping bag and I think she liked how it felt since she laid down and her mother smiled from how happy Nala was right now.

Sarabi-Nala, make sure he doesn't go anywhere. I need to have an adult talk out with the others and if Mufasa comes in, yell for me.

Sarabi went outside with many of the other lions and I know aqua can track me or something and Aerith and Yuffie are looking for me to take me home. I need to hide in the ship though, so it's easier for them to find me and the lions can't get in. Just then Nala slipped in the sleeping bag and leaned on me and looked happy, so maybe...

(Y/N)-Hey Nala, do you want to go play?

Nala-... (Y/N).

She put her paws on me and I felt her bring out her claws and they were poking me and were very pointy.

Nala-Don't lie to me.

(Nala's POV)

I'm not letting him trick me again and when I saw him scared a little I put my claws away and cuddled with him some more. It was so cozy it here like tall grass and fur had a baby wrapped around you. I looked at him then thought about his new smell and it smelled so good, but when I licked him, he tasted the same as last time and even if I can't play rough with him right now, i'm still going to play with him. I licked his cheeks and face and when he turned away I got his ear and he let out a funny sound. I remember when I was crying all day and Simba's mom yelled at his dad and got into a fight about us keeping (Y/N) after we find him and she said I can still see him, but I have to be more careful and I was not going to let him out of my sight... I'm in charge of him when she's not around.

Nala-(Y/N), can you go deeper in this bag thingy?

(Y/N)-Huh, why?

Nala-I'll tell if you don't and you're already in trouble.

He still didn't do it and I took a big breath ready to yell for Sarabi and this got him to do what I sat and it makes me look taller than him and I like it. When Sarabi came back in my mom came over to and laid on top of this bag and liked how cozy it is too and (Y/N) got his ear licked by his new mom and I think I want him for more than a friend now... he'll just be mine.~


(Sarabi's POV)

I told the other lionesses I completely forbid my new man cub for ever leaving Pride Rock without me and if he's caught outside they bring him back even if they have to drag him by those things on his body. I don't want him hurt and Mufasa wants to grieve more about his son dying to the actions of his brother and I miss Simba too, but at least i'm taking the chances I have right now.

Sarabi's mind-If I have to keep you from leaving my side or my pride's sight to keep you safe, I will do it even if I have to pin you down to love you.


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