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((Y/N)'s POV)

The girls should be back any minute and I spent all day thinking since the news bothered me so much I couldn't enjoy watching movies or playing video games. I know I was starting to get used to the way things are now and I don't know if that's a good or bad thing anymore. Here i'm basically a pet, a trophy, some prize for girls to fight over, but out there... What do I have? Some rickety camp I built myself, lonely and cold nights, no dad, no friends, guys will be hard to come by and even so they can easily stab me in the back just like I can, and everyday will be a struggle to get by, at least here i'll be taken care of, just like most people would want to be.

(Y/N)'s mind-No matter what I do, it's nothing like my old life.

I just didn't want to even move to get out of my thoughts, but soon the door opened and Maria came down and she immediately pulled me up, but she wasn't mad.


Maria-Come on, we're going to Tina's for the night. She wants to be with her sister and help her recover.

(Y/N)-Are we staying the night there?

Maria-Yes and don't talk to Tyler, Betty wants his full attention.


We left the basement and she held my hand outside and I saw men with other girls and that got me thinking.

(Y/N)-Hey what about Dan? That guy that belonged to Tina's mom. Did they go through on the execution?

Maria-Uhhh... yes. Hazel just couldn't forgive Danny for stabbing her daughter in the arm. It was private and she said that she used the same knife.

That was dark as hell. When we made it to Tina's house and got inside I was led upstairs and to a room and everyone was in Betty's room and Betty had a cast on her arm.


Tina-Baby, you're here!

She and Chelsie came to me to give me a hug and soon broke it then I saw Betty cuddling Tyler and he was put in a onesie of a bear.

Betty-Mommy, i'm thirsty again.

Hazel-Here sweetie.

She gave her water and Betty looked at Tyler and when she was done, she kissed him on the lips and his cheeks went red. He looked at me, but Betty made him look at her and she was irritated by it.

Betty-Hey, eyes on me.

Tyler-Yes, sorry.

She held him closer with one arm and she glared at me and Chelsie grabbed my arm and pulled me to her and Betty looked away from me.

Chelsie-Tina, i'll take (Y/N) to your room while you're in here.


She took me to Tina's room and after a while Tina and Maria came in and closed the door and we all got on the bed.

Tina-How was the walk here, did he behave?

Maria-He was very good, no pulling away or anything.


Tina-Well, we're gonna be here for the night, so lets get comfy and watch some T.V.

She turned on her T.V. and it was on the live news and there was a head title that said, 'The Final Invasion'. It was a camera point of view from the plane and you could see flower petals falling and it was going over a town filled with radio towers, military vehicles, and everything about it just screamed military.

News woman-The military is now pouring out the flower petals over the world's last free man military base to turn any and all women living there before they deploy the ground troops. It seems the alarms went off down there, but it's too late because the women that live there are already starting to go under affects and some of the women are soldiers themselves.

(Y/N)'s mind-Are you kidding me, she turns on the T.V. just in time for this?

Chelsie-The last male base?

Tina-After this, it's just gonna be stragglers.

Maria-Why should we care? We already got a man.

Tina-Still, it's a big change for our new world again.

(Y/N)-Can we just change it, please?

They looked at me at when I said that and they saw something was wrong and I know they were smart enough to know why. They just made a cuddle pile on me Chelsie was on top of me.

Chelsie-I know you still need to get used to this life and it's ok. You can even take it out on me if you want.~

She made me put my hand on her ass wanting me to smack it.

Tina-That reminds me, you were at a base when it got liberated... Did any 'girls' touch you.

They all stiffed up waiting for an answer and this time I can give them the truth and not make them angry.

(Y/N)-Not to make me theirs, just soldiers taking me here.

Maria-Ok, good.

Chelsie-I'll change the channel... on one condition.~

She made my hand rub her ass and when I looked at the T.V., it was on a body cam and they were chasing some guy and I don't wanna see this kind of thing happen again, so I had to give the masochist what she wants.


Chelsie-*Moans* Give me more.~


The others smiled and Maria turned the T.V. off while Tina locked the door and they all started to strip down and I knew where this was leading.

(Timeskip 30 minutes)

(Betty's POV)

Mommy was sitting on the side of my bed while I was still cuddling Tyler and I started to hear noises like something was being slapped a little from down the hall then my mom closed the door.

Betty-What was that noise?

Mommy-We'll talk when you're older. You need anything else.

Betty-No, but... Can I ask you a question?

Mommy-What is it?

Betty-So we watch the boy bases being taken over by our woman army at school and some of the girls said stuff about 'plowing', but they were looking at their boyfriends when they said it. I tried to ask what that was, but they side it was 'big girl' stuff and making your boyfriend 'happy'. Can you tell me what it is?

Mommy-... Those girls got no idea what they're talking about.

Betty-But do you?

Mommy-We'll talk about that when you're a little older.

Betty-But mom, I wanna keep Tyler happy... Can I just go ask Tina then?

Mommy-Your big sister is busy right now sweetie.

Betty-But you didn't see her in her room yet. I'll just go talk to her.

I tried to get up with Tyler, but mommy pushed us both down and I saw her hand on Tyler, so I slapped it away.

Betty-Hands off him!

Mommy-Sorry, but you can't see you sister right now, she's doing 'big girl stuff' and it's private stuff too.

Betty-*Sigh* Fine, but later i'll ask her.

I turned on the T.V. in my room and I flipped through channels to get to the channel I wanted until something else caught my eyes and it was the news and there was a sign the said 'victory' and women on the screen were cheering.

News lady-And there you have it, the last base was just liberated in the name of love and there are no other bases anywhere. Women are already claiming there men while others are being shipped off to adoption centers. For all you single ladies out there, now is your best chance to get yourself a man because as of now, it's only stranglers that we'll find here and there. Tomorrow will be a new holiday to celebrate the day '7/25/2020' and our leader Clare already has a name for this day along with festivities in cities and towns that our new military will explain and bring around the world tomorrow. Ladies and gentlemen tomorrow I wish you all a happy 'Kankoed Mai Day'!

I changed the channel and made it to my cartoon and I wonder what kind of stuff they were planning for tomorrow.

Betty-Mommy, can we go?

Mommy-I don't see why not, we'll even bring you sister and the others.

(Timeskip 3 hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were all exhausted and Chelsie's ass, tits, and pussy were red as an apple from how much she wanted me to hit them as hard as I could and she enjoyed every last bit of it. Maria passed out at the last 30 minutes then Chelsie just collapsed soon after, and Tina was the last to go down, I was done when Maria was, but the others didn't take my no for an answer. With Tina done, I just passed out and couldn't open my eyes again.

(Y/N)'s mind-Please let tomorrow just be a day where I can just relax.


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