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((Y/N)'s POV)

Today they were getting ready for work, but they were also making the basement ready for me to stay in alone for the day and it sis sound nice to have the place to myself,... but it doesn't I can just walk out because that door is fucking tough. Too tough to simply break through and I hate to admit it, but it's getting harder and harder to keep fighting to get out of here, my old camp might still be standing, but I mostly doubt it. Just now Tina was bringing down bottled water for the day while Maria and Chelsie were standing at the door, ready to go to work.

Tina-Have a good day and just so you know, if you try to mess with the door, we'll know.

Just then she left and locked the door behind her, but instead of games, i'll just turn on the news and see what else goes on in this crazy world.

(Y/N)'s mind-What's the worst that could be happening anyway?

When I turned on the news I saw something crazy already happening.

(No POV)

(News Start)

Reporter-We're here where a husband of a pregnant wife, even before the rebirth of the world has threatened and attempted to stab her in the stomach and kill the fetus. He is being taken into rehabilitation where his wife wants him to learn how to accept his new child. Let's see what she has to say.

The camera switched to the crying wife.

Wife-We were friends since childhood and he said that he didn't want kids. I accepted at first, but after the rebirth of the world and how well I was taking care of him, I forced him to give me a baby so we could be a family, but wh-when I told h-him I was pregnant... *sobbing*

(Next News Story)

Reporter-We have word from our new military that there is only 1 big base camp of males left in the world, so for you ladies out there that might still be looking for the right guy, there will soon be more to choose from. Here with me now is our leader Clare and first off, I just wanna say how much of an honor this is.


Clare-The pleasure is all mine.

Reporter-Can you tell us your thoughts and plans on how you plan to take this last base before we resort to looking for the stragglers?

Clare-Wow, where do I begin? It's hard to believe how far we come in such a short time. It's also hard for me to believe that... Oh I don't wanna ramble on about my story.

Reporter-No please, go on, many wonder who you were before the rebirth of the world and became our hero of love. Come on everyone, show her we wanna know!

The audience cheered and Clare just smiled and gave in.

Clare-Ok, ok... *clears throat* I was working with my husband at a flower patch to cut and sort flowers for last Valentines day...

(Clare's POV)

(Flashback 3 days before Valentines Day)

I was just picking and cutting thorns off flowers to get them ready for stores and my husband Michel was the new manager of this place since a month ago and his first act was to plant a new kind of flower in the field, it didn't even have a name yet. While I was still working the intercom went off and it was my husband.

Michel-Attention all employees, starting tomorrow, you'll all be working only on our new breed of flower. Further instruction will be passed out on a sheet of paper on who dose what.

He hung up and soon someone came to me and handing me the paper and my department was to brush off excess pollen, and trim off most leafs from the stem. For the rest of the day it was just the same old flowers until I clocked out and my husband clocked out with me.


Michel-You ready to go home.

Clare-Yep, I wanna crash on the couch and relax.

We both left together and when we got home we both just tossed some pork chops in the oven and peeled and boiled potatoes to make mashed potatoes for dinner and sat on the couch together and he wrapped his arms around me.

Clare-Honey, what dose the flower look like and what do you plan to name it?

Michel-I haven't thought of a name yet and I haven't seen yet either, but i'll have some in my office tomorrow that we can bring home.

Clare-Oh, an early valentines day present for me, well I got something for you next.~

Michel-Is that so?~

We started to kiss each other and watched T.V. until dinner was done then after dinner, we went to bed early since we wanted to work early in the morning to leave sooner and have Valentines day off for each other.

(Timeskip to work)

It was 6am in the morning and we were already working... well having a cup of coffee before work like most people were doing then we got to work. My department cleaned our stations while we wait for the flower pickers to bring in the new flowers we had to work on for the day. They looked somewhat like roses and after brushing off my first flower I had a little hard time breathing and thinking straight, but I tried to power through it and some of the others in my department were having the same problem, must be that the pollen is hard to breath.


It was mostly cleared, so that's 1 down, but many more to go.

(Timeskip 4 hours)

(No POV)

During those 4 hours the pollen got into the vents and were blown throughout the whole building.

(Clare's POV)

I made it to my lunch break and it was hard to breath still, but a little easier now. I felt kinda dizzy and other members in my department were having the same problems as me, so we tried wearing masks, but it was too late, it must be the pollen on the flowers. I was making my way to my husband's office to tell him what was going on and when I made it I saw that he had the flowers in his office and he was on his work phone.


Breathing was slowly getting easier and I felt my heart skip a beat when I saw my husband and I felt like I 'needed' him... Right. Now.

Michel-Look, just try drinking water then wear masks, I gotta go.

He hung up and looked at me.

Michel-Baby, is it kinda hard for you to breath? Are you kinda dizzy?

Clare-A little, i'm getting better.

He looked at the security cameras and I saw that mostly everyone here was just like my department.

Michel-I'm starting to think these flowers are a little too risky in a closed area. Everyone is saying the pollen on the flowers is plugging up their nose or something.

Just then something happened on screen. A woman tackled a man, but wasn't attacking him... she was kissing him. Michel was about to call it on the intercom, but then more female employees did the same to other male employees, but I didn't care, I just want my hubby to myself right now, so I closed and locked the door behind me.

Michel-What the fuck has gotten into everyone?!

I grabbed his attention by cupping his dick and balls in my hand and he jumped like a scared bunny and it made me giggle.

Clare-What's wrong honey, you were all over me for years, what's wrong now?~

He backed up from me as I swayed my hips seductively to him with each step.

Michel-Clare, i'm not in the mood right now. I have to deal with this problem.


I looked at the screen and I didn't see anyone getting hurt, except for 2 girls fighting, but they were just kissing and cuddling with men right now. Nothing wrong with it the way I see it.

Clare-Everything is fine.~

I leaned over him over his desk, but he slipped out and almost knocked the flower over.

Michel-That's it! These flowers are not leaving this place until I know 'exactly' what's going on and if it comes down to it, i'll just have to fumigated them!

Clare's mind-The flower?

I looked over at the flower then back at the screen and besides the now dead girl, everyone was happy or being loved... Everyone needs love in their life.


Clare-... Ok, baby... I'll support your decision, but can I just say 1 thing?

I grabbed a metal sphere he keep on a stand on his table without him noticing since I played it off as I was still trying to seduce him.



I pushed him against the wall and spoke very close to his ear.

Clare-I love you.~

Just then I swung with all my might with the metal ball in my hand and hit him on the head which knocked him out, hopefully long enough for me to execute my plans.

(Timeskip 2 hours)

I got things under control with the girls and all it took was giving them rope and they got back to work and loaded up the trucks with the new flower that will change this world for the better... What should I name it though?

Clare's mind-This flower made us feel love like never before, like it will truly be internal and I thought of 2 beautiful  words and put them together and made labels right away.

Clare-I'll call it the 'kankoed mai flower'... You like that name baby?~


Michel-*Muffled yelling*!

Clare-Awww, you know what you need.~

I started to kick my shoes off and slowly stripped down to my bra and panties as I 'crawled' seductive to my hubby until I was on top of him.

Clare-Your Valentines Day present I promised.~

(Flashback End)

((Y/N)'s POV)

That story was very disturbing at some parts and to think the world just got told the story about how all of this happened.

News woman-I think we're all touched and grateful to what you did for us all, some girls before thought that they would never find love before.

Clare-Well, i'm here to tell you that love belongs to everyone and you can't escape it, rather if you like it or not.

I turned off the news and went back to playing my video games like I wished i've done in the first place and waited for the girls to get back, but something was on my mind and I was starting to believe it after hearing that the last base camp will soon fall, a hand full of guys out there will be on the run or captured, and the whole world will be like this.

(Y/N)'s mind-Is there really no escape?


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