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((Y/N)'s POV)

This morning was sadly like any other in the now crazy world, but something was a bit different and it was because the girls were excited about their new jobs and I was no doubt getting dragged along and when we finally left, they couldn't have been more naggy about it.

Maria-Now remember, it's our first day and even when we're on the job, we will be keeping an eye on you too.

Tina-We have 6 hour shifts today and breaks every 2 hours and have 15 minutes to relax and check on you.

Chelsie-And don't even think about messing with someone's restraints.

Maria-If it's really boring and you hate it, then next time we'll leave you at home locked in the basement so you have your games and everything.

(Y/N)-I got it... again.

They all smiled and held my hands while Chelsie had my shoulders and we made it back to the resturant.

Hostess-Hello, how many today?

Maria-We're here for work. We just need to clock in and drop our boyfriend off in the brake room.

Hostess-Ok, good luck.

We left her and they clocked in on a machine then they took my to a room where there was 5 other guys and 3 of them were restrained and gagged while the other 2 were quite. My 'girlfriends' each gave me a deep kiss goodbye before they closed and locked the door behind me.

(Y/N)-Uhhh... hey.

They were all silent and I could tell that this was gonna be an awkward six hours.

(Tina's POV)

I went up front with the other waitresses and I remember most of the menu, just a few ingredients off on a few of them, but I think i'll be fine. I got a little tablet to take orders on and I looked to where my assigned tables were and they were already eating so I had to look at any tables that don't have food and I saw one with 2 girls and 2 restrained boys and they looked mad. I walked over to the table and Chelsie rushed to my side since this looked like it was gonna be a 'wild table'.


Tina-Hello, my name is Tina. Did you order already?

Girl#1-Not yet.

Tina-Ok, well have you decided?

Girl#2-Yes, My sister and I will have your chopped chicken salads and our boyfriends will have pork chop dinners and we'll all just have flat water.

Girl#1-We also want it treated with 'extra care'.

That was code for drugged and I got it all down, no problem and sent to the kitchen.

(Maria's POV)

An order came up on the computer on my little tour around the kitchen and the head chief took a look at it then she looked at me.

Head Chef-Maria, we got 2 drug injected orders. I'm gonna start you out small and I want you to go get table 17 weighed.

Maria-Yes, ma'am.

Head Chef-Take a scale and i'll get started on the order and hurry.

I quickly grabbed one of the scales and it was already set to subtract a chairs weight, so I went to table 17 and saw that my friends were already working hard and 2 security guards saw me and came to help. I put the scale down and the boys saw me and when the guards picked up one of the chairs they started to freak out, but I charted down their weight one at a time and went back to the kitchen to show the weights to the Head Chef.

Head Chef-Alright, show me how you do the math.

I was nervous because I always couldn't get the right answer, but when I was done she did the math and calculation herself and hers were higher than mine by a bit.

Head Chef-You see, too little. It would've taken almost a whole meal to calm them down with your dose. You need to check the way that i'm cooking the meat and what i'm using, ok.


Head Chef-Just try to take another order and later i'll have someone help explain the process to you.

Maria-Yes, ma'am.

I just went to do orders that didn't need to be drugged and I actually liked cooking back here. Some orders were more difficult than others, but as long as it didn't need to be drugged, I didn't have to do it yet.

(Timeskip 2 hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I felt like I was gonna die of boredom in here, the show on T.V. was mostly about laws of the new world for us for commercials, and the shows were documentaries about fossils or some other boring ass shows. The guys in here were quiet as hell and earlier when their 'girlfriends' came in, they would force them into cuddles and do other things until they left. I wish I was at 'home' alone, at least I would have video games. Just then the door opened up and I saw Maria, Tina, and Chelsie walk in and they all pulled me off the couch and hugged and kissed me


Tina-How is it in here, you make any friends baby?~


Maria-Baby, you sound upset.

Chelsie-You wanna take your frustration out on me?~

Maria-Chelsie, not here.


Tina-Well, you only got 4 more hours and if you don't wanna come back tomorrow then you don't have to.

(Y/N)-You're just gonna lock me in the basement.

Maria-We're gonna let this attitude slide right now, since you're in a bad mood from being bored in here... Just saying, my basement I decorated is better than this.


For the rest of their brake they just cuddled with me until they gave me kisses and left. The awkward silence between us guys was back and the T.V. wasn't being watched by anyone, not even the guys tied up, they just went to sleep. Later the door opened and a woman came in and she smiled at all of us and the 2 guys they were untied and still awake just backed up into the corners and she was looking at me.


???-Hey there, so I understand you have '3' girlfriends.

(Y/N)-Who are you?

???-Oh, where are my manners? I'm the boss here and my name is Jenny, but you can call me your boss. Ain't that right boys?~

They only looked away and she just giggled and I think they might have a reason to act like that.

(Y/N)-What do you want?

Jenny-Oh I don't want anything, just to say hello.

She just gave me a hug and a really tight one to where she popped my back a bit before she let go of me and left waving goodbye.

Jenny-See you around.~

It was silence for a while until one of the guys finally spoke up.

Guy#1-Hey man... check your pockets.

(Y/N)-I never had anything in them to steal.

Guy#2-Just do it.

I checked my front pockets and when I did I found a credit card with Jenny's name on it.

(Y/N)-What the fuck?

Guy#1-Quick, give it. Before she comes back.

(Y/N)-What's going-?

He just came to me and took it and pushed me on the couch before he went back to his spot and soon the door opened again and this time it was Jenny, Maria, Tina, and Chelsie and Jenny looked mad.


Jenny-There he is! Make him give it back!

Just then Tina came to me and looked at me.

Tina-(Y/N) honey, did you pick pocket our boss when she came in during a commotion.

Ok, now I see what's going on here.

(Y/N)-What? No.

Jenny-Liar, check his pockets! It had to be him!

Maria pulled me off the couch and checked my pockets to only find nothing.

Maria-He doesn't have it.

Jenny-It had to be him, help me search this room and if we find it, consider your pay docked!

They searched the whole room to only find nothing and the guy that took the card from waited until they weren't looking and flipped the card out of the room and nobody noticed. We just had to act natural and soon the room was searched and they found no card.

Chelsie-See, our boyfriend isn't a thief and we don't like you accusing him.

Tina-Next time, it's a challenge.

Maria-And we 'don't' play fair.

The 3 of them each gave me a kiss before they left and Jenny glared at us and was about to grab me, but looked out the door and I saw Chelsie giving her an intense stare, so she backed off before leaving and locking the door behind her.

(Y/N)-Hey... how many other times has this happened?

Guy#1-Why do you think these guys are tied up? Names Henry, other free guy is Brent.

(Y/N)-Why were you silent before?

Brent-Jenny first came in and did her 'moves' on others to dock pay on employees that bring us here. We never let her close enough to frame us and stuff at home would get worse. More restraints, lectures, and in some cases, punishments.

Henry-Be lucky your get to stay home, but we come here to help other guys with Jenny.

(Y/N)-Why not just tell on Jenny?

Brent-This is our only time to be away from those crazy girls. If I stay home, I get left with my 'girlfriend's' mom and she's a bigger bitch to me than Jenny. I can't take another day with her, i'll rather put up with Jenny.

Henry-And mine makes me sleep with gas and left in a room turned into a cell until she comes back.

(Y/N)-Wow, that sucks.

Henry-You think that sucks, just wait until you hear what these guys go through.

(Maria's POV)

I was actually really pissed that fucking bitch dare blame my sweetheart. I just wanted to shove a knife up her ass until I end up cutting the back of her tongue. Tina and Chelsie were mad too and after today, we'll be calling the union and we aren't bring (Y/N) here until that bitch is gone. Later I found a credit card under a table in the kitchen and it was Jenny's credit card... I 'accidentally' went out back and made a huge order of food and water to the adoption center and it was only about over $5,000 worth of food and water then my butter fingers dropped it in the trash. Too bad I had to go back to work.

Maria's mind-'Nobody' messes with my baby and gets away with it.


We were clocking out and on our way home and I told Tina and Chelsie what I did and we were laughing behind Jenny's back all day whenever we saw her looking for her card. Our baby was going to my house and we were gonna let him have some 'fun with us' before we all take a nap.

Maria's mind-Enjoy your crippling debt and bitching with your banker 'boss'.~


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