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(Tina's POV)

Last night when my sister and Tyler were allowed to come back home was very emotional for my mom to see her recovered from her injuries and she still love Dan, but he tried to kill her youngest daughter so she's arranging a painless execution for him. When I got back to Maria's in a nice outfit for a job interview they were all dressed as well and after fixing a quick breakfast and locking (Y/N) in the basement spa just to be safe we left for our job interview.

Maria-So why do you think this place pays so much?

Tina-I'm not completely sure, but this business was made for taking out rebellious boyfriends for a nice meal, so these days something like that will be very popular.

Chelsie-Benefits are pretty nice too.

Soon we made it to the place and went inside and were greeted by the hostess.

Hostess-What can I get you today?

Tina-We're here for an interview.

Hostess-Ok, follow me.

We walked through the restaurant and saw boys strapped to chairs and being fed by their loving girlfriends. We went to the back and she led us upstairs to an office and let us inside and we saw the manager.


Hostess-Jenny, these girls are here for an interview with you.

Jenny-Alright, go back to your post and i'll handle it from here.

She left and closed the door so it was just the 4 of us and she motioned for us to take a seat and we saw her go on her computer.

Jenny-Which 1 of you is Tina?


Jenny-I see you applied for hostess. I'm gonna have to warn you, it's more than just showing people to their tables and taking orders. I'm sure you can guess what would happen if you look at a girls boyfriends the wrong way.

Tina-We have our boyfriend so, no need to worry about that.

Jenny-Some girls get the wrong idea. Now... Chelsie for security.

Chelsie-That's me.

Jenny-Your job is making sure that 'all' doors and windows are locked when closed. You're gonna be dealing with mainly rebel boyfriends and sometimes they do bite and not just you, everyone. We try our best by giving the guys plastic silverware, but that doesn't make things safer so you gotta put a lid on some problems fast. We have regulars that come and if the boy is known to lash out then you'll probably accompany anyone going to or near that table.

Chelsie-How often do those happen?

Jenny-More often than you think. Why do you think we cover medical and dental? Now, Maria for a cook.


Jenny-Question, how good are you with drugging food?

Maria-I... wouldn't say i'm an expert.

Jenny-In this job, tasty food is 1 part, but sometimes the girl might want to pay a little extra to calm the boy down in a few bites. You can learn on the job if you want and be careful of a wild boy that'll probably barge into the kitchen, but if that happens, we have security so let them do their job and back down. I'm sorry if you thought that this was an easy and high paying job, but this is actually kinda dangerous so if you wanna quit, you'll have to put your final two week notice in. Now for your contracts and make sure you read them.

She printed out 3 contracts and we read all the terms and agreements and according to this we have to work a minimal of 24 hours a week. We read the rest before we signed them and gave them back to her and she smiled when she took them and motioned us to stand up and follow her out of her office.

Jenny-Let's get you 3 your basic needs for this job, but first, let's do a little tour and we'll have questions at the end of it. Break room is where we keep the boys of our employees here. They have T.V. and furniture with basic restraints, but when you go in there, just mind your distance from other boys besides yours or else you could piss the wrong girl off. This is also a union so there will be fees on your paycheck, but in return it's kinda hard to get fired.

She showed us to the break room and there was a big T.V. and a fridge and table full of food, only 3 out of 8 boys weren't restrained, but this door locks from the outside so they won't be getting out anyway. Next she brought us to a supply room and she gave Maria and I a menu.

Jenny-Go ahead and study that and it makes your jobs easier.

Next we went to a room that had non-lethal weapons and a few computers linked to the cameras.

Jenny-This is the security room and Chelsie if you accept this job you'll be spending a lot of time in here because when something happens, at least 4 guards need to go over the footage so we know exactly what happened in a fight our an escape attempt to see if there's a way we can improve security or see what started a fight. Which reminds me, if you see any weak spots in our security 'please' bring it up.

We left and the final big part of the tour was a small room in the kitchen that had weight scales and drugs in it.

Jenny-Maria, you'll need to learn how to weigh our male customers and if they are wild then grab an empty chair and subtract its weight from the man and we have instructions on how to enter the correct dose so they relax. The hard part is weighing a wild boy.

This job was a lot more than I thought and for the rest of the tour we saw 4 fights between girls and 6 escape attempts. When we were done we went back up to her office and sat down and asked questions about how (Y/N) would be treated here if we brought him and she said they only play certain channels they allow which isn't enjoyable, but they keep each other company in there. He can get in trouble if he tries to free other boys from their restraints and if that happens we'll have to keep him home if he can't behave or restrain him in that room too.

Jenny-Unless you have any other questions, you may leave and start in 2 days.

Maria-That's it for me.

Tina-Me too.

Chelsie-I'm good.

Jenny-Ok, good. Have a good day and feel free to come by for a nice dinner.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was playing (F/G) for a while now and later the door opened and it was just Maria that was coming down the stairs and she had a menu from that place we to for dinner last night.


She looked at me with a nervous blush and twirled a finger in her hair.

Maria-Sweetie, can you help me with something?


Maria-It's just for work. We got the jobs and the others went home so it's just me and you. I was just wondering if I could weigh you for practice.

(Y/N)-Just weighing?

Maria-Yeah, the restaurant drugs rebellious bad boys and it's up o me to know how much to put in their food when their girlfriends requests it.


Maria-Oh no, i'm not gonna drug you! You're a good boy now... unless you do something stupid, but lets not think about that. No drugs, just weighing and math.

(Y/N)-Do I have a choice?

She went to her closet and was about to pull out the take of gas, but I didn't want that tank and breathing mask anywhere near me.

(Y/N)-No wait, i'll do it!

She dropped it and smiled at me.

Maria-Good boy. Come on and strip down. I want a direct result before I move onto clothes.

She came over to me and stared to strip me, but when I stopped her she just looked at me.

Maria-Hey, if it makes you feel better... I'll strip too.~

(Short Timeskip)

We were both naked in the bathroom and she was working on her work and this was embarrassing and made me feel like a human lab rat and she was having trouble.

Maria-What if I?... No. What am I doing wrong?... Maybe I should look online for help.

I could tell this was gonna take a while, especially with her taking 'breaks' to check me out and she also would 'stretch' to show me everything she has.

(Y/N)'s mind-How much worse can this job thing possibly get?


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