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((Y/N)'s POV)

From what Hazel said to us this morning was that last night when the last male military base was over run Clare went ahead and made a new holiday to celebrate the fall of all male power. We were all ready to go into the city and Chelsie even went home real fast to get cuffs and cuffed me to her.


Maria-Do you know what kind of stuff they'll be doing?

Hazel-No, but we're about to find out.

Betty-You think they'll have cotton candy and stuff like that there?

Hazel-I don't know. Let's just go.

We all left the house and got in a mini van and Chelsie made me sit on her lap and she and her friends did what they wanted with me for the drive and when we made it to the city the streets were crawling with people and were blocked off for carnival games, and food stands, so we went to an improvised parking lot and got out then were greeted by a woman soldier.

Soldier#1-Welcome to our fully re birthed world. We have food, games, rides, shows, adoption center for men.

That last one peaked Hazels interests from what we could tell and she turned to us.

Hazel-Tina, watch your sister and Betty listen to your sister. I'll call you in a bit and we'll met somewhere.

Soldier-We also have fireworks tonight at 8.

We all went into the festival and Hazel split from us and when she did Tina knelt down to her pouting sister holding Tyler close.

Tina-Hey Betty, be honest. Do you really want me to watch you and pull you everywhere we go?


Tina-You have your phone fully charged right? I'll call you when mom calls me and i'll tell you where to go and mom won't have to know. We both get to be with our boyfriends to do whatever we want.

This made Betty smile and hug Tyler tighter and pull him with her somewhere into the crowd and heading towards a ride.

Tina-And stay away from the adoption centers! Some new guys can be very feisty and if mom catches you without me we're both dead!

She turned back to me and gave me a kiss on the lips and forced her tongue into my mouth for a bit before she pulled away.

Tina-Now that it's just us, what do you guys wanna do?

Maria-Lets walk around and see.

(Y/N)-Can we also get something to eat?

Chelsie-Anything for you honey, but we get to feed you.

We looked at a few food stands and everything did smell good, but the food shapes were a direct message to this holiday and soon we made it to a funnel cake stand and they were shaped like hearts and we bought 3.


We were about to sit on a bench, but then Tina saw something and thought it looked fun.

Tina-Hey guys, lets eat on that!


Chelsie-I'm in!

They pulled me to the tour bus and when we got on there was a lady with a microphone 'telling tales about the old world'. Like how men only used to be able to vote and women slowly kept gaining more and more power until it was time for them to take control and respect the power they have now and this went on in many different stories and pointing out attractions this holiday has to offer. The one most disturbing was the adoption centers that was just men in cages and women walking around and there was fights over some guys.

Maria-What do you guys wanna do next after this?

Chelsie-Well there's games and we got money, so let's bring home some prizes.

After the tour was over where we started we saw Betty and Tyler get on after we get off, but we didn't stay together as we went for a balloon popping game and the prizes were teddy bears that said 'I love you' on them.


Chelsie-Me first!

She slapped money down on the counts and she got 3 darts and she hit every target and won the prize with ease and it was kinda worrying that she was so good with darts and she saw it on my face.

Chelsie-I would never hurt you... unless you want me too.~

Maria-Guys, look!

We looked to where Maria was pointing and when we saw it I could see why she would want this thing and to be honest... I could see myself enjoying it too.


Maria-That's a fully portable massage table with memory foam, a cover meant for storing towels and lotions, and is perfect for on the go!

Just then she grabbed my head and mushed it between her boobs as she stroked my head.

Maria-Does my baby want 'on the go massages' by me? I'd love to do it and you do love my massages.~

(Y/N)-*Sigh* They are really nice. *muffled*

Maria-I know you love them.~ I have to get 1!

She suddenly let go and ran off to by one and I was left with Tina and Chelsie and they followed her to the market place and we saw all kinds of stuff and most of it was restraints and Chelsie was focusing on those.

Tina-Chelsie, he's well behaved now. I think we can ease up on restraints now.

Chelsie-Who said they were for him?~

She shook her wrist that was cuffed to me and gave me a seductive smile then licked her lips before browsing though cuffs, gags, whips, and much more that I don't wanna say or think about. I just looked at Tina and she was looking at lingerie then when she caught me looking at her while holding 1 she blew a kiss and me and Maria was looking at lotions after she got the massage table she wanted. This was just a boring yet weird shopping experience until someone bumped into me and I couldn't believe that 'they' were here.


Tina saw this and came up to them and Chelsie helped cut them off.

Tina-What are you doing here? You can't but any of this stuff.

Betty-I know, but nothing can stop me from looking.

Tina-Does mom need to know you're here?

Betty-Does mom need to know that you let me leave your side to come shopping here?

They were at a stand off until Tina just scoffed at her.

Tina-Fine. Why do you want to look at this stuff anyway?

Betty-I asked mom about how to make your boyfriend happy, but she said it was big girl stuff and you were busy last night doing something, so when she left I went on the computer and found a website that sells stuff like this.

I had to stop myself from laughing so hard because this was just fucking rich. She went on an adult shopping website and probably didn't even know what half of the stuff was for. My laughs where silent since my mouth was closed and I couldn't breath because then i'll burst into laughter. Just then Tina and Chelsie grabbed what they wanted and the 3 of them all paid for their stuff before Tina made her little sister leave with us.

Tina-Betty, I get why you want to make your boyfriend happy, but you're both too young for that and you're gonna drop it.


Tina-I'll buy you some cotton candy if you drop this right now.

Betty-Hmmm... a giant ice cream sundae.

Tina-A personal size ice cream cake.

Betty-Deal, but it has to be oreo!

When we got to the food stand we all got an ice cream cake and Betty and Lucas got their own when Maria bought us one and Betty had a problem with it while Tyler was just shying away from her.



Tina-Too late, we had a deal.

While we all ate we saw Hazel walk by and she spotted us and she had a guy with her in a straight jacket and a leash.


She came to us and made the guy sit down, but he kept on struggling, so she sat in his lap to pin him down.

Hazel-Did you all have fun so far? I just found a total sweetheart, you should've saw him crying practically begging to be taken home and loved.~

(Y/N)-Uhhh, right.

He was yelling through his gag and she just kissed his cheek as a response and now I know how Dan and Tyler felt when they met me, pity. I used to fight every last bit of 'love' they gave me and now I enjoy 'some' of it, it's still crazy, but I got through the worst.

Hazel-You girls go shopping?

Tina-Yes... and we got things for our man.~

She rubbed her finger under my chin and gave me a peak in the bag before she kissed my cheek.

Hazel-Tonight for the fireworks, we're gonna have a good time boys. I take my girls to spot I know of that has great seats every 4th of July since it has the best few.

Tina-You're gonna love it baby and after we get home we'll get everything unpacked and ready for you.~

(Timeskip To Night)

We were in front of a crowd since we got here at the edge of a river in the city and we passed time by Maria using her new massage people to massage me in public and I said it was embarrassing, but she said 'she doesn't care and every guy probably wishes they were you'. It was night and the fireworks show should start any minute now and Betty and Hazel were cuddling with their boyfriends while the girls just piled on me and Tina had something in a box.


(Y/N)-Hey, what's in the box?

Tina-It's a surprise after the show honey, so be patient.

Soon the show got started and everyone was excited, aside from the 'new guys' yelling through gags, but those screams were blocked out by the guy on the speaker speaking another language and music.

As the show went in I actually kinda enjoyed it, I remember back when I was little I would always go to shows with my dad and have a great time. I looked around and actually saw Tyler smiling a bit at the fireworks... This was life now, i'm stuck in a city with love crazed girls and even if I did escape, freedom will come at a price and eve if I did pay it, I don't know how long it'll last and in the end it would mean more trouble than it's worth. If i'm really honest with myself, I would sometimes want to fall in love and in a relationship where I would just be taken care of as selfish as that sounds and I never thought it would turn out this way for me... seriously I would have never have guessed the world would turn out like this.

Tina-Hey baby, We have your present now.~

She and the others opened the box together and I saw what was inside and it was the very thing that started it all and now I have it in my hand once again.


A new life awaits for me and no military or anyone can stop it and I already mostly adapted to it, so maybe I should just accept it. Back then men held all the power in the first place and in time woman got more and more until they took the power, the irony in that is truly cruel.

(Y/N)'s mind-I guess the old saying goes, if you can't beat them, join them.

Chelsie/Maria/Tina-Happy Kankoed Mai Day (Y/N), we love you.~

They all planted kisses on me and for the first time... I returned them and they seemed so happy and held me tight and if you ignore the craziness they did before and no doubt later in the future, this actually seemed like somewhat of a regular and happy relationship.



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