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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were still playing video games for hours and they wouldn't let me up unless I had to use the bathroom and when they got bored they turned off the game and went on (S/C) (Steaming Channel) and put on (F/S) (Favorite show) before getting up.

Maria-Come on sweetie, you can watch your show during your bath.

Chelsie-Does that sound nice? 3 girls giving you a bath while you get to watch your show.~

Tina-No need to thank us, we're happy to do it.~

I was pulled up and brought to the hot tub and Chelsie turned on the water to fill the hot tub and they started to get undressed and I know they were gonna do it to me anyway so I just did it myself so I don't feel like a child when they do it. Tina and Chelsie were happy to see what I was doing, but Maria looked a little disappointed.

Maria-Hey, I wanted to do that.

That was disturbing to hear, but we just went in and the water jets felt so good and when the poured water on my head gently and I oddly missed this and I never told anyone, but the shower at the camp just felt a little lonely, i'll never admit to it though. I had a hard time focusing on my show when I had to close my eyes to keep the soap out of my eyes and when Tina was massaging my head to wash it I kinda sunk into the water then I snapped out of it.

(Y/N)'s mind-What the hell am I doing?!

They're part of the reason that the world took my life away from me and did the same to every other guy. I can't actually be liking this because I actually do hate them.

Tina-Why did you tense up? You were relaxed for moment.

Maria-Is something wrong sweetie? Did soap get in your eyes?!

(Y/N)-Can I just wash myself, please?

Chelsie-Of course not.

Maria-Don't be silly, you just got back and do you know how destroyed and worried we were when you were taken away?

Tina-So we're making up for lost time.

The continued to wash me and I actually had to try and stay focused on staying mad at them. What the hell is going on with me?!

After the bath, we got out and dried off before getting dressed and I was about to go back to the huge beanbag chair, but I was stopped by the girls.

Maria-No, we're gonna do a few treatments since that awful camp you were at probably never properly took care of you.

I was brought to the massaging table and they didn't bother to chain me down since there's a solid metal door with a lot of locks on it. Maria started to massage me and it kinda hurt on almost my entire back when she was working on my knots.

Maria-What the hell were you doing in that camp? Your back is a mess.

(Y/N)-Yeah, and it *grunts* really hurts.

Maria-You poor baby, it'll hurt for a while. You'll enjoy it soon enough.~

After 15 minutes of massages and hot towels being put on me it actually did feel nice and I just relaxed and it actually was really nice. A smile curved on my face for a moment and I closed m eyes before I shot them open in realizing at what I was doing and they noticed this.

Maria-Baby, did I do something wrong? I'm sure I got all your knots.

She kept on going and I was wondering what the hell was with me actually relaxing around these psychos. They tie me up, drugged me with gas, made me drink their breast milk, and killed a guy while losing their fucking minds. After the massage I was put in that chair and moved took me back to the bean bag chair and wrapped me in the fluffy blanket before piling up on me and we continued the show that was on and for some reason they were really happy with me.

Maria-You're such a good boy!

Tina-You didn't physically resist us even once!

Chelsie-Keep this up and we can go out to restaurants and other places.

I was shocked to realize that they were right, I just laid there and let them do what they wanted to me. I would usually at least look away or never really relax around them and now I was starting to think that I was losing my mind.

Maria-You know with being a good boy we could give you a 'special' reward.~


Maria-*Sigh* Fine, but only because you were just so well behaved.

They just cuddled me and I only paid attention to my thoughts to stay alert and not slip into a relaxed state of mind because if that happens I basically just give up on ever escaping.

(Tina's POV)

I felt so happy that he was starting to behave and we actually had nothing to do with with his change of behavior. I don't know what happened to make him change, but I didn't care as long as he was starting to come around and love us. I had fantasies on how perfect our lives were gonna be with (Y/N) being obedient to us like when we go on a Ferris wheel he'll hold me close for nice and deep kiss. I always pictured that moment with my dream guy and I 'will' make that a reality.

(Maria's POV)

He was only a little resistant mentally now, but there's nothing a little TLC can't fix and when he's 100% behaved and loyal to us I want to take him out a bit to have fun. I probably won't need to tie him to me, but sometimes it's better safe than sorry. I'm sure when he loves us he mind a pair of handcuffs.

(Chelsie's POV)

He was getting to be such a good boy and i'll give him a bit of control when he learns not to abuse it, but he can abuse me all he likes.~ I just wanted him to grab me and strip me before bending me over and really letting me have it. He'll learn to love the sound of his hand smacking my ass until it's so red that he'll bite it like it was a nice juicy apple. I was starting to get wet just thinking about it and just held him tighter and nuzzled into him.

Chelsie's mind-I'm gonna be a bad, bad girl (Y/N).~

I just got lost in my thoughts before I snapped out of them and just watched his show that we put on for him.


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