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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in a car right now with other guys cuffed to a pole under our seats and we were making stops where a guy will be taken out to rejoin 'his girlfriend'. Others were struggling, but even if they got out they can't escape a whole unit of crazy police girls on high alert on foot. I was heading back to 'them', I just know it. Soon we stopped and the 'warden' opened the doors and came in and some guy tried to kick her, but she heading up punching him in the face and he just grunted in pain.

Warden-Keep your feet to yourself.

She walked over to me and uncuffed me and I wasn't gonna run because the last guy that did got tazed and fell face first on the floor in front of everyone. When I got off the truck she closed the doors and locked the others inside then pushed me towards 'Tina's house'.

Warden-Get moving, your girl is waiting.

I walked with her and she knocked on the door and when the door opened it wasn't Tina, but it was her mom.


Warden-I'm looking for Tina.

Hazel-I'm her mother, she's in her room. I'll take it from her.

I was pushed in the house and when Hazel closed the door she started to push me upstairs.

Hazel-Tina honey, someone's here to see you!

Soon I saw Tina come out of her room and her hair was a mess and she didn't take care of herself at all after I left and if I didn't hate her, I would say this was just sad. She suddenly snapped out of it and looked so happy nice,


She ran to me and wrapped me in a hug that lifted me off the ground and swung me from side to side.

Tina-You have no idea how destroyed we were when you were kidnapped! They'll be so happy to see that you're back!... Oh.

She looked at herself and pulled me into her room with her before quickly cuffing my wrist to her bed frame.

Tina-Excuse me for a moment.

She went into her bathroom and took a shower for a while before coming back out to get dried off and dressed in front of me until she was done.


Tina-I missed you so much!

She ran to me a again and pinned me to the bed and pulled me in for a deep kiss and pulled out when we both needed air. Next she pulled out her phone and took a picture of me before typing something and I think I knew who she was 'texting' and we were gonna have company real soon.

Tina-You're just as perfect as I remember.~ Did they hurt you, feed you well, did they do anything wrong!? I'LL KILL THEM FOR TAKING YOU AWAY!!! I can't wait for you to see Maria's basement after what we did. We waited so long for you to come back, it just shows we were meant to be together.~

Her mood swing was super hard to follow and after some cuddling she finally let me out of the cuffs then took me out of the room with her and into the kitchen where Hazel was cooking something.


Hazel-It's nice to see you 2 together again.

As she was cooking I realized something.

(Y/N)-Where's Dan?

Hazel-... It's 'nice' to see you 2 'together' again.

Tina-Baby, he did something really bad 2 days ago so she sent him to a reform school for a couple of weeks... possibly an execution. *whisper*

As crazy as it sounds... I totally believe it and just kept my mouth shut before I make Hazel blow a fuse and go berserk. I don't know where Tina's little sister Betty is with Tyler, but I don't care, the less crazy girls the better. We sat at the table and soon Hazel brought food to us and sat down and Tina just patted her mom's shoulder since she looked sad and angry right now.


After we were done eating there was a knock on the door and Tina went to go answer it and when she came back I saw Chelsie and Maria and they were so happy to see me, but I can't say I feel the same.




She both ran to me and wrapped me in a tight hug and Tina joined in on the group hug and I tried to get out, but they wouldn't let me. Maria covered my face in kisses and Chelsie just squeezed me tighter before they all finally let go and Maria was moving my clothes around to check me.

Maria-Did they hurt you, are you feeling well, is there a chip they put into you, did they take proper care of you?!

Chelsie-Of course they didn't! Those base camps struggle just to get by!

Maria-Oh god!

They were freaking out and it was really annoying.

(Y/N)-Would you 2 just calm down and shut up?!

They just looked at me for a bit before Chelsie cuffed my hands behind my back and she and Maria grabbed both my arms.

Maria-You're going to where we planned to take you in the first place and staying there until men forces leave our city.

Tina-Wait, can he stay here? I don't want to leave my mom all alone.

Hazel-No, go. I'll just stay at the hospital with your sister until she gets out.

(Y/N)'s mind-Hospital?

Tina-Are you sure.

Hazel-Yes, I just can't be here right now.

She looked like she was about to cry before she just went upstairs then Tina just looked at me.

Tina-Ok, let's go.

We left the house and this time Chelsie pulled out a knife and was on watch until we made it to Maria's house.


We went to the basement and I saw my stuff and a T.V. set up down here, but another thing that changed was the door to the basement and now there was more locks including a board that you put on to reinforce it.

Maria-Do you think it's safe enough baby. I added a combination lock with a key, a board to barricade it, 3 sliding chain locks, a lock that you can lock on the outside, and behind that wood is reinforced steel... I still wanna add a camera, but i'm broke right now so that'll have to wait.

(Y/N)-Is that going a little overboard?

Maria-Which part?


Chelsie-Are you crazy, if anything it isn't secure enough! I wanted to electrify the door, but the state and Maria say it's too dangerous in case you or another girl I share you with gets electrocuted. We're not stupid or careless so I don't see what's the problem.

Maria-Chelsie, he isn't mentally healthy enough. What if he tries to hurt himself?

Chelsie-*Tch* Not on my watch. *mumbles*

Tina-Let's just get him set up and Chelsie, lock up that knife.

They all got everything ready and let me out of the cuffs and for once I wasn't tied down, but that was because the door that Maria was locking up was made to keep me in and everyone else out. We had food and water in a fridge in here and Tina put me in a giant beanbag chair or bed and they all joined me with (G/C) (Game Console) controllers of their own and gave 1 to me.


Maria-You wanna play a game sweetie? Anything you want, just name it.

(Y/N)-Unlock the d-.


(Y/N)'s mind-Figures.

With nothing I can do about it now I just put on (F/G) and played it and during that they would try and seduce me... Freedom was nice while lasted, but now I have to go back to finding a way to get out of here while I don't feel like not caring anymore or killing myself. Just then Chelsie leaned into my ear and whispered something.

Chelsie-If you think you're having fun right now, just wait until tonight.~ *whisper*

(Author note: Hey guys so if you are wondering what happened while (Y/N) was gone and want a one shot of what happened on my other book, comment here. Reach 15 votes on this author note and i'll do it.)


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