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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was still watching my show and they would do moves on me like brush their leg against mine, trace fingers on me and draw little hearts or something, and Tina went as far as to nibble my ear which sent shivers down my spine. After a few more episodes they turned it off and Maria pulled me out of the huge beanbag chair.

Maria-Come on, I want to do another massage on your arms and legs.

Tina-I'll go upstairs and make something for us to eat.

Chelsie-Are you gonna be a good boy? If you are, i'll give you an award.~

Maria lead me to the table and didn't strap me down and Tina took the key and went upstairs and Chelsie stood by the stairs in case I made a run for it. Maria started by taking off my shirt and pulled up my sweats to show her my legs then got some lotion before she got started on my legs. I actually felt like I could lay here forever, but I didn't want get too comfy her. Chelsie walked over and cupped my cheeks in her hands so I was forced to look at her and she was smiling while Maria was still massaging me.

Chelsie-You enjoying yourself baby?~


Chelsie-I know you're lying. You look 'really' comfy up here.~

Maria-He just wants to play the tough guy.

Chelsie-The tough guy... Remember what you did 'tough guy'?~

She played with 1 of her boobs and I looked away as best as I could then she leaned in.

Chelsie-You want another sip?~ *whisper*

Maria-Chelsie, hold back on the teasing right now, please. You're making him tense.

Chelsie-I'm just having some fun.


Chelsie-*Sigh* Fine.

She let me go and Maria went up to my arms and back and gave me a kiss on my cheek. After my massage, I felt a cool breeze blowing on me thanks to the lotion then Tina came down and she had grilled cheeses and soup.


Tina-You hungry, sweetie pie?~

Chelsie-What about us?

Tina-More sandwiches are upstairs and soup is in the pot, help yourself.

The others left and I got off the table and she lead me to a table before sitting me down in a comfy chair. She dipped the grilled cheese in the soup before she held it up to me.


I just took the bite and she was surprised, but just smiled.

Tina-You were hungry.~

She continued to feed me and I just wanted to get this as soon as possible before I start to lose it, but she forced me to slow.

Tina-Not so fast, your food isn't going anywhere.

She waited a bit on every bite now and just tore off pieces before giving them to me and she did a good job on this stuff and when the sandwich was gone she gave me spoon fulls of soup. When that was gone she moved me to the beanbag chair and got on top of me and smiled before she moved in for a deep kiss and I tried to push her off, but she put up a fight before I started to sink into it until she pulled out and looked happy with me.

Tina-Now was that so bad?~

(Tina's POV)

He was becoming more and more obedient and soon we'll be able to take him out. I wanna know how far I can take so I slowly and smoothly slipped my hand into his pants to 'play' with him, but he started resisting me.

Tina-Eh, eh, eh.~

I went in for another kiss while he was too busy fighting me and when he started to sink into my kiss again he slowly started to lose his will to fight me, but not completely. I just pulled out and left his 'friend' be for now and he'll know who it belongs to soon enough. The girls came back down and locked the door then joined us and I just pulled out my phone and texted them while turning on the T.V. and I told them a little plan I had and when they saw it, they smiled.

((Y/N)'s POV)

The girls were piling on me, but then Maria gently blew and nibbled my ear and when I backed up my head hit Chelsie's boobs.

Chelsie-Whoa, you dirty boy.~

She took off her shirt and left her bra on before she pulled me into her boobs and rubbed them on me. Tina and Maria took off their shirts before Maria got up and lit some candles then sat back down with us. The scent of the candles were filling the room and the smell was just so... I felt so relaxed and I tried to fight the feeling, but I just couldn't help it and went limp. When Chelsie reached in my pants, I just couldn't bring myself to stop her.

(Lemon Start)

The girls noticed this and got u and stripped down fully then slowly worked on me and I just wanted to lay here because my arms and legs were as heavy as cinder blocks when I tried to move them.

(Y/N)-Stop... Get off... me.

Tina-*Shhhh* Just relax sweetie.~

Maria-We'll take good care of you.~

I was naked now and hard then Tina wrapped her lips and tongue around my dick and started bobbing up and down while Maria climbed up and sat on my chest and swayed on me to give me a nice view of her.

Maria-You like this show? You can also touch.~

Just then my hand was grabbed and I saw Chelsie putting it in her mouth for a bit and I didn't have the strength to fight her or when she pulled my hand out and put it on her pussy before she guided my fingers into her and used me to jack off and moaning. Tina pulled her mouth off me before I felt her climb up and she sat down slowly at first before picking up the pace and moaning and breathing faster while she just bounced while I just slid in and out of her.

Tina-Ohhhh, fuck.~

Maria turned around and bent over doggy style so her wet pussy was over my face and I could see Tina going to town on me and Maria watched before she leaned in to lick my shaft and sometimes I think she even got Tina on accident then my vision went dark when Maria smothered me and the lust was too great and I couldn't help myself and started licking her which made her moan.

Maria-*Giggle* (Y/N).~

Tina and Chelsie went faster with what they were doing and soon I couldn't hold it anymore and shot my load into Tina, but she didn't stop and Maria lifted up for a bit to give me air and she wasn't licking me anymore, but rather kissing Tina for a bit before she sat back down on my face. I was just so horny now that I wanted to keep going even if I kept telling myself to stop, but just ended up ignoring it. Chelsie stopped playing with my hand and sat in between Tina and Maria in a way that felt like she was facing Maria.

Chelsie-Room for 1 more?~

I heard kissing sounds, but I couldn't focus on that, but just on the wet pussy in my face and licking it as best as I could.

(Timeskip 4 hours)

(Lemon end)

We were all exhausted and the girls got a bath ready for us and we just soaked and Chelsie had me on her lap leaning on her since I was very tired now.

Chelsie-You know what... I think you're ready to go outside.

Maria-I uh, know this great restaurant in town.

Tina-Alright, but before we go tonight, I wanna call and check on my mom.

Chelsie-Oh right, your sister.

(Y/N)-What... happened?

Tina-... Not now honey, I still need more time before i'm ready to talk.

She only looked down and Chelsie just put my head between her boobs with my nose above water so I could breath, but my mouth was covered.

Chelsie-Maybe that's enough talking for you.

The rest of the bath was just soaking in silence and Maria consoled Tina when she started to lose her composer and cry and it just made me more curios on what happened that put her little sister Betty in the hospital and how bad things actually got. On a side note, they were taking me out tonight so I was gonna be out in the open and could be my best chance... maybe my 'only' chance to escape before I don't want to anymore.

(Y/N)'s mind-I got 1 shot tonight, I can't afford to blow it.


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