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(No POV)

Squads of soldiers were infiltrating neighborhoods while armies were dealing with armed women keeping them from entering the city and towns. The men army gets weaker everyday due to kidnapped soldiers in other states and losing all of their female recruits. A squad of 4 men entered a specific neighborhood to break into houses and rescue any male that looks held captive and had guns with silencers on them.


(Tina's POV)


I woke up to and the others did too and we immediately took the nearest wash cloth to gag (Y/N) with.

Tina-Somebody call the police. *whisper*

Maria-On it, but it could be while. *whisper*

Chelsie and I looked for anything we could use as weapons to protect our boyfriend, but all we had was Maria's spa supplies like massage oil, towels, the laughing gas, espon salt, and candles. I suddenly had an idea, but we needed to be quick and quiet.

(Soldier's POV)

I was alone in searching this house since we were low on men, but if there's a problem, you shoot it, end of story. All I have to do is save a few guys tonight from some crazy chicks swinging around knives and I 'brought a gun to a knife fight'.

Soldier's mind-I'm so using the line tonight.

I started by checking all the rooms, but found nothing then I saw 1 more door and when I opened it I saw stairs leading into a dark basement and I turned on my flashlight to see only a mat on the bottom, but the stairs were way to shiny to be wood. I bent down and rubbed the stairs with my finger tips and it was very slippery like it was lotion or oil, but my boots should handle this.

Soldier-So you made the stairs slippery, huh? Nice try, but i'm not an idiot. Now come out!

A girl came out with her hands up and she looks like my wife that ran from me when all this shit started, but younger.


Soldier-Well look at you.

???-Please don't shoot me!

Little girl was shaking while holding her legs together and I carefully walked down the stairs with my gun pointed at her.

Soldier-You have a boyfriend girly.


Soldier-Well... then I guess visiting hours are gonna be lonely in the resear-.

Just then something grabbed my foot and I slipped down the rest of the stairs and I fired my gun only for every shot to miss and when I fell to the ground I was quickly flipped over and a mask was put over my face as I was pinned down and saw 2 more girls.


The blonde girl was holding down my gun and I was starting to get dizzy and weaker so I tried to stop breathing in the gas, but it was too late because there was enough of it in my system already.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was hearing all kinds of shit like a new voice, someone falling, gunshots, and now what might be a struggle with a bit of hissing. I brushed my head against this giant beanbag and it soon moved the sleeping mask enough for me to see what was happening and the girls were pinning down a soldier with the gas. Soon Tina went upstairs and was careful by covering the stairs in towels and she quickly came back with 3 kitchen knives and she picked up the soldiers gun then put it down.

Tina-Sorry pal, but it looks like you brought a 'gun'... to a 'knife' fight.~

I saw them bring down their knives on her to my horror and the only thing they kept my from hearing his screams of agony loud and clear was their laughter that belonged to maniacs. Blood was flying as the 1 who caught my attention most was Maria because she looked like she was having the most fun out of all of them. She stopped the other 2 and the laughter died down so now I could see and hear that the soldier was barely alive and gurgling on his own blood and this was nothing like what you would see in movies... this was a fucking blood bath. Maria picked up the gun and pointed at the soldier and stuck the barrel in his mouth.

Maria-Heheheheheh, you wanted to lock 'me' away from my beloved and everyone else! Now 'you' are gonna be locked away in hell! Hahahahahaha! Youshould'vejustjoinedusandbelovedbysomeonewhowould'velovedyounomatterwhat! TOOBADYOUFUCKEDWITHTHEWRONGGIRLSANDNOWYOU'REGONNAPAYFORITWITHYOURLIFE!!!

She fired the gun at full auto and it sounded like very loud clicks with them echoing off the wall while they were just staring at him with creepy wide smiles on their faces and at first I thought they were just crazy, but now...

(Y/N)'s mind-They're totally insane!

Soon she was out of ammo and she tossed the gun and they looked at me to notice that I saw what they just did. Soon we heard the door bust down upstairs and they held up their knives.

Woman voice-Police! We got a call!

They dropped their knives and went upstairs then soon came back with the officer and they dragged the body upstairs and spoke for a while, but I couldn't focus on that, but rather the bloody mess they left behind. Later they came back down and turned on the lights with knew clothes, buckets, mops, washcloths, brooms, dustpans, and after they put the bucket down Maria pulled out a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and poured it into a bucket of water. While Tina and Chelsie started cleaning Maria walked to me and I was frozen in fear while she tried to look like her old caring self, but that image has gone out the window. She laid down next to me and when she touched my cheek sending shivers down my spine.

Maria-Sweetie,... you know I love you, right?


Maria-I'm sorry I acted like that, it's just... I was scared if our plan didn't work, he would've taken you away and when he couldn't... I was so, so happy.

That just made it worse and just put the sleeping mask back on and gave me a kiss.

Maria-Get some more sleep baby. We're going to Chelsie's house tomorrow.

She got up to join the others cleaning and after they were done they joined me again and they couldn't she it, but I had tears coming out of my eyes. I wasn't gonna be able to sleep tonight after what I just saw.


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