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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to the girls getting off me and Tina flopped back on me trying to go back to sleep on me, but the girls pulled her off me and dragged her up the stairs without saying a word and Tina was groaning like a zombie. I was alone and I would try to go back to sleep, but I knew they wouldn't let me. I was surprised I even got any sleep last night. I know I got only a little of sleep and I was still exhausted, but the image of last night was haunting me and later the girls came down with food and it smelled good as the all got back on top of me, but I knew I wasn't gonna be able to eat with this sick feeling in my stomach.


Maria held a piece of bacon to me, but I just turned my head as the smell just made my stomach turn and she frowned at this.

Maria-Baby, you need to eat.

She held it in front of me again and I just looked away again so she switched the bacon for a slice of toast, but I still refused to eat it. The others didn't like me not eating and got in on this by holding my head still.

Tina-Just at least have a slice of toast.


Chelsie-Oh,... the silent treatment, but you're still gonna eat 'something'.

She forced my mouth open and Maria put a small piece of toast in my mouth before Chelsie closed it and made me chew and swallow and this didn't make my stomach feel any better. After 3 'bites' of toast I ended up throwing up and they all sighed then started to clean up my mess. When they were done I was unwrapped and taken to the bath in here and they stripped me down and put me in and I could barely fight back without getting sick. They got in with me and washed up for a while before we got out, dried off, and got dressed before we went up stairs and Tina and Maria each took my hand and held tight before we all left the house and I knew we were going to Chelsie's because Maria told me that last night.

Chelsie-We thought you might wanna get out of the house after uhhh... last night. I even have a few things, you might like.~

Tina-Not yet Chelsie.

Chelsie-*Hmph* Fine.

I was still silent on the way to Chelsie's house and when we got there we went straight to her room and if I didn't see that soldier get killed so brutally, this would be the most disturbing thing i've seen yet.


I was now speechless for 2 reasons, I know Chelsie is a masochist, but I didn't know that she had a crop, paddle, and a whip.

Chelsie-Excuse these, here i'll just take these back down to the basement with the others.

Of course she has more, because why not. She picked them up and left then soon came back and I was sat on a swivel chair in her room right next to her desk with a laptop. They all looked at me and I didn't want to look at them so I chose to look at the ground.

Chelsie-You look so sad and stressed... you wanna take it out on me?~


Maria-She has some computer games like all the 5 Nights At Freddy's games, Borderlands 1 and 2, and Left 4 Dead 2.


Tina-Would you please at least talk to us?


Chelsie-Alright, plan B.

I saw Chelsie go to her big closet and I took a peak when she opened it walked in then soon she came back out with a cup of her milk and I knew that because of the color and that there definity shouldn't be milk in the closet, but I also saw that she had a hand behind her back. I wasn't gonna drink it so I just looked down again.

Chelsie-You know after last night, I thought something like this might happen and i'm the most prepared. Nick acted just like you when I killed his dad and took him away from the riots, not a thing i'm proud of, but his dad came at me with a shovel so I bashed his head in with a led pipe.

Tina-Get to the point!

Chelsie-Point being, if you're not gonna eat or take care of yourself anymore then we're gonna force feed you and put you under strict watch and care, Heads up, my mom's a 'sadist' and if you seen my basement... well lets just say that it's a fun place for me, but if you it's gonna be a 'lot' of 'tough love' for you.

Maria-I didn't want to come here, but last night they said if you wouldn't eat in the morning... I didn't want you to starve to death.

This all just made me feel worse and Chelsie handed Tina the glass of her breast milk and held her hand under my chin while still keeping the other behind her back.

Chelsie-Now, are you drink the milk on your own or do we need to force feed you already?

I just stayed silent for a bit before she just sighed and shook her head.

Chelsie-Just so you know, I don't get much pleasure from inflicting pain on others like my mom.

She showed me what she was hiding behind her back and Maria suddenly cuffed 1 of my arms to the arm of the swivel chair.


Maria-Sorry sweetie.

She pinned my other hand down and cuffed it too while Chelsie forced the weird gag in my mouth and strapped it to my head. I was kicking my feet to try and back them off or maybe try to run, but Maria manged to grab both my legs and cuff them behind the pull of the swivel chair so now my feet were off the ground.

Chelsie-Before you have some nice milk, we'll get some medicine for tummy of yours.~

She went back into her closet and came out with some powder in her hand then sprinkled it in the milk then took it from Tina and stirred it right in front of me with the tube of my gag.

Chelsie-I did this for Nick, I would give other things like water, chocolate milk, smoothies, milkshakes, soda, juice, and so much more. I even blended his food for him.~

She started pumping her milk into my mouth and it went past my tongue and straight down my throat and because of the medicine I wasn't getting sick. This just got so much more worse and soon I drank all the milk and she cleaned the tube before putting the cup up.

Chelsie-There's all you nutrients you need. Until you can feed yourself, you'll be at least having 1 of those a day.

Maria-This is not a punishment, it's just what's best for you. We're not letting you starve.

Tina-Nothing else besides this is gonna happen.

They turned on the T.V. and Chelsie put on an episode of Family guy with season 4 and Tina hopped on my lap and gave me kisses and the soon Maria the Chelsie gave me 1 too.

Chelsie-By the way, my mom doesn't know about you yet so later you're gonna meet her and her boyfriend.

She gave me 1 final big kiss on before relaxing on her bed and we all watched the show. I could barely watch it though with all this shit going on and this now i'm gonna be forced to meet a 'sadistic' mom with a 'masochistic' daughter and her friends.


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