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((Y/N)'s POV)

Yesterday was a day i'm never gonna talk about, but let's just say my cheeks weren't the only red cheeks in the house. When I woke up in the morning I was still on the couch and saw that girls were gone and the house was dead silent.


Nothing. Now was my chance to get away so I flipped over and off the couch and reached for the buckles behind me, but they were so hard to open either their really strong buckles that need a bit more force to open or since i'm reaching behind me I can't get as good a grip. I was still trying to to get the first buckle undone, but then I heard the door open.

Tina-We'll see about that?

They looked at me on the ground reaching for the buckle and Maria just giggled.

Maria-It takes 2 hands to unbuckle the sweetie. You're not getting out of those.~

They came to me and put me back on the couch then they went to the kitchen and after a bit they came back they had cups of milk with them.


Maria-So baby, yesterday was an interesting day and while we were watching you sleep when we woke up.-

Tina-We wondered who's milk you'll like best so you're gonna taste test to see which you like best.


Chelsie-I know, you really love my sweet milk sweetie, but they can try since we're sharing.~

She came up to me and sat me up while bring the cup to my mouth.

Chelsie-Now, say ah.~

I didn't open my mouth and she pulled really heard on my ear.

Chelsie-Open up or i'll get the hot sauce and squirt it plain down your throat.

She pulled harder and I opened my mouth and she poured her milk in my mouth and it was warm and sweet and now she was smiling.

Chelsie-Doesn't it taste sweet honey? I know you like it.~

Tina-My turn!

They switched and places this was so humiliating then Tina pried my mouth open before pouring in her milk and hers was sweet too, but it also had this extra creamy texture to it.

Tina-So what do you think?~

(Y/N)-I think this is stupid and I would rather be in prison.


Tina-Tell me how my milk tastes! I made it for you!

(Y/N)-*Grunt* It was sweet with an extra creamy texture.

Maria-Me next!

They switched places again and I just drank Maria's since I didn't have a choice in the matter. Her milk wasn't as sweet, but it was kinda strong and almost tasted like vanilla. After I drank it they all looked at my with excitement.

Chelsie/Maria/Tina-Whose milk was best?!

I knew by picking 1 I would make the other 2 mad and they would try other things, but if I say they were all equal i'm afraid they might go for a second round or something.

(Y/N)-I like them all, equally.

Tina-Nope, you have to choose 1.

(Y/N)-Oh, come on.

Chelsie-You love mine the most right?

Maria-No, mine is his favorite.

Tina-You mean mine.

They kept on arguing about this until Tina came up with an idea.

Tina-How about instead of which 1 tastes better, we test which 1 can nurture him more.

Maria-How do we do that.

Tina-Chelsie... get the hot sauce and a spoon. Whose ever milk can help him after a spoon full of hot sauce wins.

You gotta be fucking kidding me! Chelsie ran to the kitchen then came back with a bottle of the home made hot sauce and a spoon then poured a bit on to it.

(Y/N)-No wait, Maria has the best! I swear!

Chelsie-Don't be like that, it's only gonna burn for a second and we'll take care of and guess what... I'm up first.~

She walked to me and I screwed my mouth shut, but while Tina held my arm down Chelsie pinched my nose. I couldn't breath and when I opened my mouth to breath she poured it in then it felt like she set my mouth on fire. As I started to pant I saw them taking of their shirts and there was no way I was gonna give them the satisfaction so I kept my mouth closed.

Tina-Baby, we're gonna help get rid of the burn. Is this what guys like anyway?~

I just glared at her and kept my mouth shut as I just wanted this burn to go away. They all looked at me with smug looks and Maria straddled me by sitting on my chest.

Maria-I don't like seeing you hurt. Let me make it all better.~

I tried to push her off, but then she got up then pushed my arm under her and sat on it.

Maria-You're not winning this. Just have a little sip, I know you like it.~

She pulled her tits out of her bra and leaned in then pinched my nose.

Maria-Now remember, no biting.

I tried to keep my mouth shut and it burned like hell then when I finally opened my mouth she shoved her nipple in my mouth and let go of my nose to rub my head, but I wasn't gonna suck it, not this time.

Maria-I'm not leaving until you have a drink.

My mouth was starting to sting and that's when I caved in and started to suck until milk came out and it quickly started to make the burning go away and she was pulled off by Tina and my mouth still burned a little.

Tina-My turn!

She got on top of me and pried my mouth open and shoved her nipple in and when I didn't suck she got mad.

Tina-Do it or we'll just get more hot sauce.

I knew she wasn't bluffing so I started sucking and she scratched me under my chin in a cooing way then milk started to come out.

Tina-We can tell you like our milk, we might just put it in you food for now on so we'll be inside of you.~

Chelsie-I like that!

I would argue, but that'll be more laughable than taken seriously. Soon after I had her milk she got off then Chelsie came to me with a smile on her face.

Chelsie-Jeez, if only you could force me to stay away from you.~

She turned around and bent over a little and even pulled down her pants practically giving me a choice and I was done with drinking breast milk.


Chelsie-Mmmmm, that's a good boy. Now harder!~


While I was doing this to somehow my humiliation Tina turned on he T.V. and they watched some drama show. Soon an emergency broadcast came on with a loud beep.

Announcer-This is not a drill, there is a man army coming into this area. We erg you to lock your doors and windows and keep your beloved somewhere safe. For love and our new world, we need you to stay strong and stay indoors as we deal with the problem.

The broadcast started to repeat itself and Tina and the others went to make sure all the doors and windows were locked then they came to me a lifted me up.

Maria-Let's get him to the basement.

They carried me to the basement and Chelsie locked the door to the basement and I was put in the huge beanbag chair.

Chelsie-Now where were we?~

Maria-No, I want to take care of while we're down here.

Chelsie-Hey, hitting me can relief stress.

(Y/N)'s mind-More like make me feel like you want me to support your habits.

Tina-I say we just pile up and take a nap while we wait down here then go from there.

Maria-Fine... I got dibs sleeping on top of him!

Chelsie-I got his left.

They started to unwrap me then piled on where they said they'll be so now I was buried under them. They threw the blanket over us and I felt both of my arms grabbed.

Tina-The army should be gone soon enough.

Chelsie-But we won't let them take you.

Maria-Because if they try, they'll die.

They all gave me multiple kisses and rubbing me until Chelsie put the sleeping mask on me and my arms were pinned down so I couldn't stop her.

Tina/Chelsie/Maria-Sweet dreams baby.~

Everything was dark and silent and I was hoping that soon the army will come and take me away and this whole nightmare will be over. With that I was bored so I just went to sleep.


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