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((Y/N)'s POV)

Right now I was back in the cop car after leaving a small cell at the police station they put me in for almost an hour and I had no idea where I was going. The drive was silent as I was thinking for a way to get out, but when you're handcuffed and the doors only open from the outside your options are 'very' limited to almost nothing and in my case I got nothing.

(Y/N)-Where the hell am I going?

Police#1-You'll see.

Police#2-Just behave because I got a husband at home waiting for me.

(Y/N)-In what, the basement? *mumble*

Police#2-What was that?


Police#2-Yeah, nothing.

(Tina's POV)

My room, the living room, kitchen, bathroom, and dinning room was spotless for my honey and I had sometime to even prepare is straight-jacket and blanket with straps and mom went to pick up my sister from camp, but she told me where her chloroform was and said she'll be home in 3 hours since she was out with Dan and i'll have some alone time with him when he gets here. I was tapping my foot on the floor while waiting and constantly looking out the window to see when they get here.

Tina's mind-Come on, come on, come on!

After a while I finally saw the cop car pull out front and my heart fluttered as I saw them take out my (Y/N) and bringing him to my door, but I couldn't wait so I went to grab the chloroform.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was being dragged to a house we arrived at and they were about to knock on the door, but before they could it swung open and a washcloth was held over my mouth and nose and I saw... TINA!!!


Tina-Welcome home baby, just go to sleep right now ok.~

Everything was happening so fast and I felt so dizzy until soon it all faded into black and silence... It was dark... my mind was so foggy... I smell something... it stings! I shot my eyes open and tried to get up, but I couldn't move that much and I saw the cops and Tina look at me and 1 of the cops were putting something away. I was wrapped up in a blanket with straps on it and I felt like I was hugging myself, but my focus was what was in front of me.

Cop#1-Have a nice day.

Tina-I will!

Tina jumped on to me and gave me a hug while the cops left. Then suddenly Tina looked mad.

Tina-You left me!

She looked happy again now.

Tina-I'm so happy you back~

She went back to being mad at me.

Tina-You had me scared and worried sick!

Back to happy.

Tina-It feels so good to have you in my arms now.~

She went back and forth with being at war with herself and it was getting so annoying.


Tina-What is it baby?~

(Y/N)-Untie me right now!

Tina-First... Don't yell at me. Second is that you need to be tied up or you'll just run away and I won't let that happen.

She kissed my lips like a little peck.

Tina-My mom and sister will be back and you can finally meet them and they have their own boyfriends too.

I tried struggling free and tossed and turned which made her almost fall off me and she smacked me for that.

Tina-Hey!... Behave because I need to do something's before they get back. For starters your hair is so greasy, you have dirt smudged on you, and that behavior could take a while to fix.

(Y/N)-You're fucking crazy!

She glared at me then reached for something and had a washcloth and duct tape and she stuffed the washcloth in my mouth the taped over it so I was gagged now.

Tina-You're lucky I love you so much.

She gave me long kiss over my gag then dragged me off her bag and down the hall into a bathroom. She leaned me over the tub and ran the water and got a cup.

Tina-We'll start with that dirty face and hair of yours and tonight I'll put you to sleep again... while we take a nice bath together.~

She booped my nose before hold a cup over me so I closed my eyes then I felt water being poured on me and this happened 3 more times before she got shampoo in her hands.

Tina-Hold still baby, I don't wanna get soap in those pretty eyes of yours.~

She scrubbed my hair while looking into my eyes so I just them, but I still felt her gaze. It felt kinda nice to clean up a bit, but that feeling is out weighed by all this crazy shit happening. Soon she washed the soap out of my hair then she rubbed a wet wash cloth on my face before she turned off the water. Next she got a towel and a hair dryer and dried me off before she dragged me back to her room and on her bed then got a brush.

Tina-*Giggles* You look so helpless, it's so cute.~

She got behind me and sat me up then started to brush my hair and there was some knots in it the hurt to get out.

Tina-Baby just look at the shape you're in. You're dirty, hungry, and so tired looking. When was the last time you got a good night sleep?

(Y/N)'s mind-When I could sleep in my home and not worry about some girl chopping up my front door with an axe.

Soon the knots were out of my hair and she laid me down then pulled something out from her pillows and is was a body pillow with my yearbook photo on it.

(Y/N)'s mind-What the fuck?!

She ripped it off the pillow and tossed it before wrapping her arms and legs around me and I tried to get away from her, but that wasn't happening.

Tina-*Giggles* Did you like my (Y/N) body pillow? I cuddled with it every night after you left, but now I don't need it anymore because I have you. I legally own you now as my boyfriend in our new world.~

She turned on the T.V. and the news was and I saw that the headline said 'Still On The Search For Hidden Bunkers'. She changed the channel and it was a like an infomercial and she reworded before she clicked play and we watched it.

???-Hello, my name is Clare Heim and if you're watching this you got a special someone with you that needs to know the new laws we have. The first law for the men is that woman now run nearly everything. The tasks that men get now is usually in the house or maybe a nice hobby like gardening to keep them at home where women would feel better knowing they're safe.

(Y/N)'s mind-You gotta be kidding me.

Clare-Men are not allowed to leave the house alone or even walk around alone in public, they must always be accompanied by their girl friend because if not they will be captured by our new and improved police force that helped shut down the riots of men to lock them away until further notice and or executed if they misbehave enough to where even the 1 that loves them gave up on them to find a new lover better or equal to them. This method actually proven to cut down crime since most female criminals found love and joined our new society and innocent people behind bars were freed and most of which were paired up with the female that wanted them. This process is still going on to this day as all men forces are losing more ground and hiding in bunkers to which we will find.

I looked at Tina and she just kissed me again before turning me back to the T.V. and the show kept on going.

Clare-Now for the women of have your certain someone with you that you own now you are now a sister to our new world, but if you try to steal someones loved 1 that will be a something that will lead to law enforcement taking the man for the time being and you 2 or more can either agree to share the man or battle it out for the winner to have him.

I was stunned by what I just heard and there was still more left to go.

Clare-I won't ramble on anymore, but if you have a certain someone that you feel that is still alive you can call for to put them on a finding list. A list to where if we find them you have first grabs and can choose to claim him or surrender him to girls who still want to find love for themselves and if you do please call our police department. Have a nice life and we hope you have the special person with you.

It ended and just then Tina hopped on top of me again and traced her finger on the tape over my mouth.

Tina-You hear that baby?... You're all mine now and if you don't listen to me you break the law.~

She ripped the tape off me and it really hurt as I grunted a bit before quickly collecting myself and looked at her.

(Y/N)-You can't just keep me locked up in a house for the rest of my life!

Tina-Legally I can, but I do wanna go out and do stuff with you. In order for that you just need to behave and accept that... You. Are. Mine. Oh and before you complain, look what I got.

She got up and went to her closet and I saw a shrine for me with my stuff on it and she pulled out my (F/GC) (Favorite Game Console) along with the games I had for it and hooked it up to her T.V. and waved the controllers I had in her hands.

Tina-If you're a good boy you can play your games again,... but no going online for a while until the last of the old men forces are gone. I don't want you playing with someone who will try to talk or think bad about our life style.

(Y/N)-You stole my stuff and made shrine?!

Tina walked up to me and dropped the controllers on the bed then slapped me again.

Tina-Stop yelling at me. I did this because I love you.

She picked up a controller and turned on the console while snuggling with me.

Tina-You wanna help your baby beat a game? I think it's really scary.~

She put on 'Resident evil 7 Biohazard' and moved me onto her lap and started the game from the beginning.

Tina-When I get scared I want you to comfort me the best you can and if you're good i'll let you out of that blanket so you can walk around in your straight jacket at dinner tonight when you meet my family.

(Y/N)-Why do you wanna play this game anyway?

Tina-Because even if i'm in charge of you I want you to at least comfort me in a loving way. You're gonna learn to love me back and i'm trying to be settle about it now, but if you force me to get a little mean when you're bad I will do it. Not because I want to hurt you, but because I love you.

I really wanted to get out of here and in order for that I needed to get free from these restraints even if it's bit by bit and if she really will take me out and if it looks good I can make a run for it... I'll play her little game... and i'll win, but I gotta do slowly.

(Y/N)-*Sigh* I just have to say stuff to comfort you during the game and give you tips and you'll unwrap me?



Tina-Good boy, come here.~

She leaned in for a kiss, but this time she used her tongue and she was so dominate and passionate with this kiss and wouldn't let me pull out until she was done then she started going down the trail into the woods of the game. While I was focused on the game she got my attention for a moment then took this moment to pull down her shirt and flash a tit at me and that got me off guard and made me blush a bit and she giggled before she went back to the game and something tells me that wasn't gonna be the last she'll do it during the game.


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