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(4 weeks later)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I found a cave in the woods near the city and if I said I learned how to fight with the knife I had and had a nice camp and was living good... I would be lying. The only thing I had was a fire in a cold cave, the knife I had was dull on the teeth blades and the sharp blade so it takes longer to cut the wood I need for fires, food was hard to come by, the town was in total chaos for 2 weeks before the guys who were rioting all got captured by girls so I have a good idea with those who lived before the got caught. I saw some other guys running for the woods and haven't seen them since, but I didn't know where to go and I would most likely die from starvation and thirst if I end up walking to nowhere and it'll be a long journey,... but if I had food and water then I should be fine.

(Y/N)'s mind-That could work.

So I have a choice, take my chances without food and water or take my chances with food and water.

(Timeskip 10 minutes)

I was heading to the town to stock up for the trip out of here and when I got close I saw women everywhere either fixing something or holding bags of stuff in it. There no signs of men and I knew why and I was not gonna be apart of it so I was sticking to alleyways as much as possible.

(Tina's POV)

It was said to be 1 of the quickest take over in history, new laws passed, towns, cities, and neighborhoods were being fixed up, and dead bodies from the riots and people who interfered with love, but I STILL DON'T HAVE (Y/N)!!! I was so pissed and when my mom came in looking at pictures of my new step-dad she saw how mad I was.

Mom-Sweetie I know why you're upset, but things are still adjusting and the new police force is still adjusting to changes and carrying them out. They still have rebellious males causing trouble, keeping track of all captive males so if they escape they get returned back to the girl, and still have to work with new systems to-.

Tina-We all saw the news mom! New changes for love they said, a better society is being worked on now they said, everyone gets to be with their loved ones they said, BUT WHY DON'T I GET TO BE WITH MINE?!?!?!

Mom-There also other women out there right now and you report for a captured to help with the runaway males so you have the right to him when he's found.


She grabbed me and held me close and I just cried into her and felt her stroking my head.

Mom-I know sweetie, I know *shhh* you just want your love in your arms and it's taking so long.~

I just nodded my head and continued to get comfort from her.

Mom-Tell you what, i'll get your favorite pasta from your favorite restaurant downtown. Does that sound good?

I nodded my head again and she got up and laid me on my bed still whimpering to myself.

Mom-Just let me put Dan to sleep with chloroform and i'll head out.

She left and I just cuddled with my body pillow with (Y/N)'s yearbook picture from last year on it that I printed out and tapped on since it's all I have of him.

Tina's mind-Please baby, if you're with me i'll even make being tied up comfy for you, I promise.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Sneaking around in the street was so hard with all this shit going on and wearing a hoodie was only gonna do so much. The real challenge is gonna be running of with the food since I can't go to the register for a very good reason. I entered the store and saw it full of women some holding up a friendly conversation and the more eyes off my the better. It was still kinda early so it wasn't a full house and I have to make sure nobody was looking when I stuffed what I wanted in the bag. So far everything was going fine until...

???-Hey there's a man here without a woman! Stop him!

I was frozen for a second and just as I was about to run I heard some else get tackled and when I looked it was another guy and some women were pulling out their phones and calling the police and I calmed down and slipped away to another part of the store before others showed up because I had a rule I follow now.

(Y/N)'s mind-It's every man for himself.

It was easier to get food now and when police arrived they were girls too and they don't that guy away while he was kicking and thrashing around trying to brake free from them and run, but that wasn't happening. I managed to get what I needed so I was gonna quit while I was ahead and it was time for the hard part... getting out of here without getting caught. There was a greeter by the door, but she looked so delicate I think I could get past her and brake for it easily and go for an alleyway, but when I got to the door a woman went up to her.


???-Your shifts up so i'll take it from here. Get on home to you boy girl.

They switched places and this woman would be harder to get by, but it's not like I can stay here until she leaves. I slowly approached the door while not making eye contact, but it didn't stop her from spotting me.

???-Ma'am I need to see your receipt if you have 1.

(Y/N)-Uhhh, I don't have anything. i'm looking for something else where. *fake womanly voice*

???-I'm gonna have to search your bag ma'am.

(Y/N)-... I have some embarrassing stuff in there. *fake womanly voice*

???-Oh you do, well we're both girls and the men are at home,... right?

(Y/N)-Yes. *fake womanly voice*

???-Well then there should be no problem, right... Sir.

I jolted when she said that and I tried to run, but she grabbed me before I could get away.

???-Next time, try a better fake voice honey.

I elbowed her in the gut and it phased her, but not enough to make her let go.

???-We got another lone wolf!

I did the last thing I could think of and bit her hand and she lost enough grip for me to spin out of her grip and slip away, but she grabbed my bag to stop me and I just slipped out of it to run.

???-Call the police, I got him!

She was running after me and she was gaining on me so I gotta think fast or i'm screwed, but not a lot I can do in an open and almost empty parking lot. I tried to juke her by going around the cars and faking her out, but she just hopped on the car so I quickly booked it.


I was only out smarting her just barely, but the gap was closing and I heard sirens just because why not, fuck my life. Soon a police car pulled up in front of me and 2 police woman got out so I tried to make a sharp turn, but the greeter woman grabbed me and the police women walked to us and 1 looked smug about it



She pushed me to them and I quickly got cuffed and the smug cop leaned into my ear.

Police#1-We got a special place for you.

Police#2-Don't worry, it's not jail.

???-Actually he did try to steal.

Police#1-Huh, then you better hope you're on a finding list or you could get a... maybe a week or so.

They pushed me and stuffed me into a police car and just as I looked out the window I saw another hooded figure being skeptical and walking away taking advantage of this moment like I would. I knew he wasn't gonna help me because...

(Y/N)'s mind-It's every man for himself.

(Timeskip 4 hours)

(Tina's POV)

I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed and I was eating some ice cream while watching 'Twilight' having my fantasy of me and (Y/N) with my curtains closed and leaning on my (Y/N) body pillow being miserable then I got a call and I paused the movie and answered my phone without looking at it since it was my friends or mom worried about me.


???-Hello this is Kim from CHPD and I am calling for a Tina Fawn.

Tina-This is her.

Kim-Hello we have a (Y/N) (L/N) under your name and in custody, would you like to claim him?

I jumped up and I felt so happy, but I tried to hold myself back for now.

Tina-Yes I will claim him.

Kim-Ok, he'll be brought to your residence in around 2 hours.

Tina-Ok thank you, have a good day.

Kim-You to and enjoy your loved 1 ma'am.

I hung up and I squealed to the top of my lungs in happiness then I suddenly panicked because my room was a mess so I started cleaning and get his restraints ready for him.

Tina-He'sminehe'sminehe'sminehe'sminehe'smine HE'S FINALLY ALL MINE!!!


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