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((Y/N)'s POV)

Tina was still after me and I was booking it back home when I was almost there I was so tired I was starting to slow down for a bit before I tried harder to run so she wouldn't catch up. I was only 1 more block away from home now and I didn't turn to check behind me, but I could hear Tina's footsteps behind me. Soon I could see my house and got my keys ready to get inside and when I made it to my front door I put the key in and opened the door as fast as I could, but when I tried to close it I felt her pushing against the door and we were both tired.

Tina-(Y/N) *pant* please let me in! *pant* I just wanna *pant* be with you!

I managed to close my door and lock it and she was pounding on the door trying to get in and calling my name.

(Y/N)-Dad!... Dad we gotta call the cops!

I went to his room to see if he was in there, but he wasn't and his T.V. was still on and the news was playing... Where'd he go? I was about to leave his room, but then something caught my attention.

News-Up next, over 1,000 kidnappings over night.

(Y/N)'s mind-What?!

I watched the news as the report went on by the news anchor man 'Kyle Barack'.

News-Last night around 2:00 a.m. there was hundreds of 911 put on hold and most of the 1's that were answered were about brake-ins, neighbors reporting suspicious activity, and later when police arrive on the scene they find that entire families were missing and when police question wives and sister or any female witness or family member they act hostile. Not only that some officers even left duty most of which were female or non-responding officers.

(Y/N)'s mind-Police are abandoning us?!

News-As a result we have many schools and businesses having less than half the people who attend. Police recommend that all citizens lock the doors and windows, stay in their homes, and await further instructions.

The report ended and I turned off the T.V. and quickly went around the house to make sure everything was locked and just as I relaxed since everything was locked I realized something... the banging on the door stopped. I went to the door and looked through the peep hole and Tina was gone.

(Y/N)-It's gonna be ok (Y/N), just... keep your cool. She might've just gave up and went home... Yeah, yeah that's it.

I just sat on the couch and I tried to call my dad,... but no answer. I tried calling again, and again, and again since I felt the need to know where he is and it was worse because everything was going to hell right now. After 38 tries he finally answered.

(Y/N)-Dad where are-?!


The call ended and that sounded like a very pissed off lady, but I think I heard that voice before somewhere. The silence in this house was usually nothing to me, but this time I felt restless so I turned on the T.V. for some noise and it did help me feel a little better, but not relaxed. I thought about that voice and soon it hit me... It was Ms. Gray from across the street, I used to go over and help clean to get paid... in cookies. That woman made bomb ass cookies that I was a sucker for when I was a kid and she does come over sometimes, but not often because she's usually at her bakery she owns and loves working at. I looked out the window and at her house and to see if Tina was still out there and soon I built up the nerves to open the front door and go outside and so far no-sign of Tina. I crossed the street and went to Ms. Gray's front door and knocked on it, but nobody answered so I tried ringing the doorbell and still no answer. She was either not home or just not answering the door, but if she really isn't here where could she be? I was about to go back home, but just then I saw Tina coming out of my neighbors house and she had an ax in her hands so I quickly hid behind the porches couch and peaked out to see her heading to my house and she started to hit the door with the ax like a psycho.

(Y/N)-What the fuck. *whisper*


The door broke down and she went inside and I was so glad I wasn't there anymore and I booked it down the street to get the hell away from here since I wasn't even gonna be safe in my own home. As I was running down the street I got a call and it was from Ronnie so I immediately answered it.

(Y/N)-Dude where the fuck are you?! Tina just broke down my fucking front door with an ax!

???-See honey, I didn't touch your friend.~

(Y/N)-Who the hell are you?

She hung up and I just kept on going and when I got into town I saw very few cars out driving and stores were closed. I also saw dead women and puddles of blood here and there and I got sick at the sight of it and I tried to find a place to hide, but all the doors I tried to open were locked. I still kept trying and finally a door opened and it was a building for some daycare, but beggars can't be choosers so I locked the door and took a deep breathe to calm down then I heard something get knocked over and when I turned there was flowers all over the floor.

(Y/N)-Hello? Whose there?... Come out.

Soon I saw a little girl come out and I relaxed.


(Y/N)-Hey kid, what are you doing here? What's your name?

???-I'm Betty. My bestest friends dad brought us here since my mommy was mad and yelling at daddy and she started to hit him with stuff.

(Y/N)-I'm sorry you saw that, but can you bring me to your friends dad?

Betty-He's in the back and my bestest friend is in the play house. We're playing house.

She lead me to the back and this place was littered in flowers everywhere.

(Y/N)-What's with the flowers Betty?

Betty-They were for Valentines day and we all played with the flowers while our parents were talking about adult stuff and some of them got sick or something. I think I did too because my chest... it didn't hurt, but it felt heavy like I was sad, but I wasn't crying.


Betty-Daddy said mommy and I will sleep it off. When we got home we went to bed and in the morning is when mommy was yelling at daddy and my bestest friends dad took me and brought us here.

We entered the back room and it had diapers, baby wipes, changing tables, and spare toys and there was a door in the back.

Betty-I liked being around my friend a lot now, but when I wanted to kiss them he stopped me and... I didn't like that.

She stopped and I still headed for the door.

Betty-My bestest friend didn't like it either and that made me so mad!... But I couldn't stay made at my bestest friend because he was my bestest friend after all.

I was starting to get a little creeped out and assumed the worst, but I soon realized that there was no way. She was just a little girl and probably just through a fit.

Betty-He was meanie and Ms. Celina said meanies get punishments so the good boys and girls can be happy... so I gave him a punishment. I was gonna call my mommy on his phone since I found her name,... but I wanna play with my bestest friend alone for now. We're playing house, i'm the mommy and he was supposed to be the daddy, but he keeps on crying so I just made him the baby.

I put my hand on the door knob and I wasn't gonna let my imagination get the better of me, but when I opened the door... the smell was horrible in this office and I saw a man with 2 pairs of little safety scissors in both his eyes. If I didn't get sick earlier I would've get sick here. I slammed the door and I turned back to Betty and she had big scissors in her hand now.

Betty-Are you gonna be nice?

I ran past her since those scissors looked sharp and ran to the play area I came from and I was too scared to stay here or look where I was going and I hit a little play house and it the house I saw a little boy sleeping and was tied up in a jump rope. I was gonna help him, but Betty came out here and she looked mad and like a little killer and i'm not doing this even more fucked up version of 'Children Of The Corn' shit and booked it out of here.

(Y/N)'s mind-Little girls too?!

I made it to the mall and the glass door was broken and that did raise a red flag, but on the other hand if I can't go home I might get some camping supplies and hide somewhere until this all blows over. I went inside and was careful of anything since I just ran from a killer little girl. I saw a Big 5 Sporting Goods and went inside and I looked to see this place was already picked clean and to where the guns were, but they were all gone, but there was knife left on the floor in its box still.


(Y/N)'s mind-Who picked this place clean, this only happened overnight so far.

I left the store and picked up a backpack I saw on the ground and maybe I can find some food.



... Somewhere else. I quickly got the fuck out the empty mall and back on the streets and I started to head out of the city, but I also wanna find a place close by so when things get back to normal i'll know.

(Tina's POV)

I searched (Y/N)'s house, but he wasn't here and I was just so worried I was crying in his bed mourning for him until I collected myself and got back up.

Tina's mind-It's ok (Y/N), I know you're lost and confused about my love, but when I have you i'll make everything clear to you... and nobody will take you from me EVER!!!


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