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After a long game play, countless deaths, jump scares getting to Tina along with her flashing me countless times she finally made it out of the farm and to the destroyed ship. Just then we heard a door open door stairs and Tina was excited then paused the game.

???-We're home!


She ran out of the room like a child on christmas morning and I could here her talking to someone who I can be sure was her mom. All I could do was lay here and wait then soon I saw Tina come back in with what I guess is her family and I knew 1 of them, but it wasn't a good thing.


(Y/N)-You're the little girl that killed a man!

Betty-Hey you're that man that ran away from me.

Tina-Baby please don't yell at my little sister. Mom, Betty this is (Y/N) my boyfriend and baby my mom's boyfriend is Danny and my sister's boyfriend is Tyler.

Tina's mom-You can call me Hazel. We'll go on you 2 say hi.

Tyler came forward to me with a sympathetic look on his face.


next up was Danny and he looked deep in thought for a moment before he snapped out of it and looked at me before he nodded his head to say 'sup'.


These 2 look like they've seen shit and somewhat obedient rather than welcoming, but i'm not gonna ask what happened because I know why.


Hazel-Well we'll get out of here and give you 2 some privacy and i'll make your favorite dinner Tina to celebrate. As for you Danny... you can help me out.~

She traced her finger down his shirt before they left the room and Tina jumped on the bed and straddled me before she gave me a deep kiss and separated when we both needed air.

Tina-I hope you liked what I have to offer, because i'm all yours and you're all mine... and i'll save the best for tonight.~

She got off me then snuggled with me before she unpaused the game and went to enter the ship.

(Hazel's POV)

Betty took Tyler to her room with her while I brought Danny with me to the kitchen and started getting the stuff I needed for dinner and I know Danny wasn't much of a cook, but there was 1 thing he was really good at that my 'ex-husband' would never do for me claiming he was 'too tired from work'.

Hazel-Danny baby, you wanna work your magic for your hard working woman?~

Danny-Yes dear.

He came up from behind me and while I started to get going on dinner he was giving me a nice shoulder massage. I turned my head to give him a kiss and he returned so I went back to focusing on dinner while enjoying this feeling. It's times like these that I remember my old husband and the night that changed everything.


My husband's friend just took my daughter with him somewhere, but i'll deal with that later since I have some important business to attended to. My 'husband' was tied to the table still dizzy from what must be the concussion I gave him and I think he can't feel the pain so much anymore or even focus on anything, but he doesn't need to focus for this.

Hazel-You know 'honey' it always hurt me from how much effort I put into this house, raising our daughters, AND HOLDING THIS MARRIAGE TOGETHER!!!... It's always ignored by you because of 'work'... 'Oh honey can this wait, i'm tired right now', 'Hazel I promise we can do something later, work just had me stressed out today'. You think you're the only 1 with problems and responsibilities in the relationship that 'I' stay loyal to while you just brush it off?!

I doubt he can barely understand me right now or hear me..., but what's the difference? I went into a drawer and grabbed somethings to help 'fix' this 'relationship'.


I set them next to him and started to make him hard and it was slowly working.

Hazel-So baby, I thought of a way you could pay for all the pain you caused me by letting you take it all back it 1 blow.~

Soon I was done then I grabbed the hammer and 1 of the nails and put the nail in the hole of the tip as deep as it can go on it's own then I brought the hammer up.

Hazel-Now just relax and say ah for me.~

Then when I brought the hammer down as hard as I could...


It was music to my ears and I still had some nails left...

Tina's mind-No use letting them go to waste.

(Flashback end)

Danny was such a good find and thanks to these new laws he won't even be allowed to work outside the house unless it's with me.

(Betty's POV)

I was trying to find something cute for dress up for Tyler and I only had a few outfits for him so far and none of them went with some of the princess outfits I had. I only had 2 animal customs for him and being a farm girl was getting boring, but it's all I had... boring.

Betty-Ok since I don't wanna be a farm girl for dress up and I don't have a prince outfit for you we can skip dress up.


I went to my Nintendo Switch and put on 'Super Mario Party' for us to play and I made him sit on the beanbag chair and I sat on his lap and kissed him on the lips and he was about to rub it off, but I stopped him.

Betty-How many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that?!

Tyler-I'm sorry.

I gave him a kiss longer than the last one and he left it there like a good boy then we started the game. I still think of how bad he was before I started to teach him after I was allowed to claim him.


My friend's dad just brought us back to the daycare and closed the door behind us and started to close all the curtains. He went on his phone while heading to the back room.

Tyler's dad-You 2 play and don't answer that door to anyone. If you need me i'll be in the back on hold with the police station... didn't even know you could be on hold with them.

Tyler-Ok daddy.

He left and we went to the play area and the flower petals were still everywhere from the dance we did for the valentines party. I started to get a strange feeling in my chest, but I just went to go play with Tyler and we had a flower petal fight. During the game this feeling was getting stronger and while he was laughing and throwing flower petals around I walked up to him wanted to ask him something so I tapped him on the shoulder and that got his attention.



Betty-Did you uhhh... like the flower dance we did?

Tyler-*Pffft* Of course not! My friends and I thought it was stupid!


That really did hurt my feelings, but I just quickly grabbed his hands and pulled him to me which made him push against me.

Tyler-Hey, let go!

Betty-That dance wasn't stupid, maybe you just need to do it again.

Tyler-Let me go!

I had an idea and I liked the way it made me feel so I puckered up my lips and leaned into him for a kiss, but before I could the back door opened and Tyler's dad came in.

Tyler's dad-Hey!

He ran to us and made me let go of him and ruined the moment I was about to make.

Tyler's dad-You 2 are way too young to be doing things like that, don't 'ever' do that again!

I felt my heart ache while Tyler just went back to go play like nothing happened then his dad went back to the back room and I felt tears going down my face.

Betty-*Sniffle* *hic* *hic*.

I ran to be alone somewhere which was the arts and crafts area where we all made valentine cards for everyone. I thought this was supposed to be the time for love and caring for each other not making others cry. I looked at all the cards and the 1 I made for someone a teacher told me to do and I looked at the play set where Tyler was still playing and despite everything I can't stay mad at him, but a new feeling even more angry than I ever was before and if it wasn't at Tyler...

Betty's mind-That meanie.

I stopped crying and looked at the back room where Tyler's mean dad was that I looked down at the table at the pile of safety scissors from making the cards and I grabbed 2 of them then headed for the backroom while Tyler was playing alone. I made it to the back room then went down the hall following the sounds of 'his' voice then when I made it to the room and had the scissors behind my back. He noticed me then got off his phone.

Tyler's dad-What is it Betty?

Betty-You better do what I say and stay away Tyler!

Tyler's dad-Excuse me?

Betty-I don't want you near him anymore you meanie!

He got up from the chair and came to me bending to my level trying to be the boss of me, but he isn't.

Tyler's dad-You don't talk to adults like that young lady! Tyler is my son and if anything 'you' and gonna stay away from-!

I pulled out the safety scissors from behind me and swung forward then they went into both of his eyes.


I pulled them out and shoved them back in and that made him stop screaming and moving... I felt so much better now. Soon I heard a door open and I saw Tyler coming down the hallway so I met him halfway.

Tyler-What was that screaming for?

Betty-... Tyler... I wanna play house.

Tyler-What, no.

He walked past me and soon he made it to the room and he looked scared when he saw what was inside.


I walked up to him and since he was crying he didn't notice me until I put my hand on his shoulder.

Betty-I said, I wanna play house.

(Flashback end)

He was so much better and now it was even better since my older sister Tina wasn't screaming and crying from her lost boyfriend anymore. I was thinking of taking Tyler back to school with me tomorrow, but he got some unwanted attention from the other single girls so on second thought that was a bad idea and he was staying here. All I wanted to do now was just enjoy the game and wait for dinner to be done.


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