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(2 Days Later)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Today we were going back to my house, but my mommy won't be there with us anymore. Erelah did say we can see her again someday when she's doing better, but I wanted to see her right now and she said no. When we were back home we got in and this place was so clean and the window my mommy broke was fixed, the walls looked a little whiter, the carpet looked brighter, so I wonder if they cleaned. She took me to our room and put me on my bed and tucked me in since I was tired after we had lunch.

Erelah-I'll wake you in 3 hours before dinner.

(Y/N)-Do I have to take a nap? I wanna play my games.

Erelah-You can play later, but I saw how tired you were after stuffing yourself silly. It's nap time for you, but I won't be leaving you alone, i'll be right by your side until you fall asleep. You also get to cuddle with my wing and use it as a blanket.~

I tried to play it cool, but I was kinda happy to hear that and she just laid down with her wing on top of me and even if the blanket was in the was, it still felt good. She also rubbed my head while leaning on me and gave me very soft kisses until I closed my eyes then kissed my closed eyes now.

(Erelah's POV)

It was really easy to get him to stay still and relax and my gentle and soothing touches and affection were luring him to sleep. It took only 30 minutes, but he was out cold and I carefully got up and went to unpack everything and seeing as we have a spare room, I took it upon myself to make a shrine to my goddess to stay in touch with her. It was easy since I know how to make one from my light magic and since I had nothing to, I decided to say a prayer.

Erelah-Dear my most humble goddess, please give me the strength to continue to protect my child from harm. May I also ask that I find a home suiting and safe for my child to run and play in the near. May you watch over us, amen.

The light from my shrine flickered a little brighter and I smiled before I left the room and checked to make sure everything was clean and I must admit, this house is spotless. Still, I could look outside and see kiddie pools and toys littering the other yards and it did bother me a little. I just went back on the computer in my room to also watch my child incase he has a nightmare or something and I can immediately go to his aid. I started to look at houses and soon I found a little tool that can help so less houses for what I want. I wanted something secluded and out of town where my little one can run and play and nobody will ever be able to hurt or scare him. When I got everything in place there was no matches, so I did all prices and all that came up 4 houses and some land I could by.

Erelah's mind-That's in a community,... that's too close to the town,... maybe a cabin could do,... and too close to a river.

I looked more into this cabin and there was 2 rooms, but no bathroom, so now that was out of the question. Maybe other websites have other houses I can find.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

I was still looking and I only came up to 3 houses that were perfect and cozy for me and my child to start a life together. I was about to see what I can do to talk to someone about it, but just then I heard my baby whining a bit in his sleep and he was tossing and turning a little.

Erelah's mind-Awww, my poor child.~

I put the computer down and went over to him and gently got back in bed with him to cover him with my wing and stroke his head again while keeping him asleep.

Erelah-Shhhh, it's just a nightmare honey. I'm right here.~

Soon he was calm again and I kept on going for 10 more minutes before I gave him a kiss to bliss him before I got up and he was peacefully asleep again. The houses I was looking at were all out and away from this town, so that's the only downside, but other than that, they were perfect. I tried to talk to someone again, but then I saw (Y/N) wake up and rubbed his eyes before he looked at me.


Erelah-Sweetie, did you have a nightmare?~

He just nodded his head yes before he got out of his bed and came over to mine then helped himself to cuddle with me and I was a little surprised, but very happy too. I wrapped a wing around him then he took a peak at the computer, but I closed it before he could get a good look. It's too early for him to find out right now.

(Y/N)-What was that?

Erelah-Just boring adult stuff. Come here.~

I leaned back, flatten my legs to put (Y/N) on my lap then used my wings for him to lean back on. I wanted to play with him myself and I did that by lifting up his shirt and blowing on his belly to hear him laugh, so I did it again and again. When he had enough I pulled him to lay on top of me and he was catching his breath.

Erelah-We still got a while before dinner time. What do you wanna do?

(Y/N)-Hmmm... Can you show me some more tricks?

Erelah-Um, ok,... but nothing wild.


I loved that my child wants to know more about me and I won't do anything to overwhelm him, so I just made a ball of light appear in my hand and he watched in awe before he stuck a finger in it.

(Y/N)-It's so warm.

Erelah-Watch this.~

I made a light barrier ring around us and he just watched it sparkle and touched it again only to see it was solid and he was amazed. When I made the barrier break into a glitter like cloud he leaned in t get a closer look before the glitter tickled his nose and made him sneeze.

Erelah-*Giggles* Bliss you.~

(Y/N)-Are all angels this cool? Can I see some more angels?

Erelah-Um, all angels are very busy most of the time or just stay up in heaven. We can't just come down whenever we want.

(Y/N)-Why? You did.

Erelah-Well, i'm your guardian angel, so I get to watch over you... How would like a story?

(Y/N)-What's it about?

Erelah-How angels are born and there is also things you should be warned about. Let's start with an angel and a "fallen" angel.

((M/N)'s POV)

I was trying so hard to stay mad because I should be after all the bullshit i'm being put through. I won't take their damn pills because I don't need or want them and the only thing good here is their meals because they come with stuff like pudding and brownies. If they think i'm going to admit i'm crazy or get me to say anything like that then they are dead wrong and they can kiss my ass. Just then the doctor came in and I hate her.

Doctor-Hey Ms. (L/N). We feeling better today?

(M/N)-What do you think?... I hate all of you.

Doctor-Well that's a shame. I even have a surprise for you.

(M/N)-I don't want it.

Doctor-Don't be like that. It might be fun. You'll have a fun ride and if your good you can have some more pudding after.~

I did want more pudding and it was impossible to be mad right now, but I can still act like it.

(M/N)-... You may to me on this ride.

Doctor-That's the spirit.~ Mind helping my by getting in your fun wheel chair?

I did what she wanted and she started to push me out of the room and I don't know where we were going, but I was holding her to that pudding. We made it to a room where there was some machines and she put some sticky cord things on my head.

Doctor-We're gonna play a nice game. You just need to tell me the truth and the more you do that, the more pudding you get... Now first question... Did you see an angel in your house?

(M/N)-Yes, I told you all the story!

Doctor-Woah there cowgirl, no need to get mad over a game... Do you also believe that your story you told us is true?


(Doctor's POV)

The machine said she was telling the truth by her standards and this only proves my worries about her mental health. I went over the whole story bit by bit and what she was saying was utter nonsense and when she even said no to some crazy parts the machine told me she was lying by her standards. Thank goodness her kid has his new nanny or whatever looking after him or he would be in an orphanage and I know most of them can be bad.

Doctor-Just to be sure, this is all true, right?

(M/N)-Yes! For the last time yes!

Doctor-Ok, ok, let's just take a breath. *deep breath* Good.

(M/N)-Can I get my pudding now?!

She's in need of another dose anyway and I had some ready for her and let her have at it to calm her down again. I went over my notes and I have to options, completely turn her reality back to ours slowly, but not surely or...

Doctor's mind-... I'll give her 4 weeks to show even a tiny bit of improvement before I start arranging a lipotomy for her... I really don't want to be a person that somewhat takes someone's mother away for good.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Erelah told me about werewolves, vampires, and demons and that they were all real, but she was strong, so she could protect me from them. She even asked me what she could do to make me feel better and I did have an idea...

(Y/N)-I wanna see my mommy tomorrow... Please.

Erelah-*Sigh*... Ok.


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