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(Ayaka's POV)

Last night was amazing to just adore our new baby and when we all went to bed Nana wanted to sleep with me and (Y/N). When I woke up I saw (Y/N) was sleeping peacefully between me and my sleeping sister. I think he turns a little in his sleep because I caught his arm between my sisters boobs a little and I don't know how he would react if he was awake to see. I just pulled him closer to me and he stayed asleep, but his hand being taken from my sister made her wake up. She was still sleepy, but scooted closer and her whole body pressing on him started to make him wake up slowly.

Ayaka-Aww, good morning sweetie. Did we wake you?~

We saw him only trying to keep his eyes open, but they soon closed and his groggy eyes just looked adorable, but Nana leaned on top of him.

Nana-Come on little cutie. I wanna play some games with you.~

She just gave him some kisses and I joined in and it did make him wake up completely, but his was also blushing for us. When we got out of bed I just stretched a bit before my sister came with me and brought (Y/N) with her.

Ayaka-Let's take a quick bath together then i'll get breakfast going before the girls wake up.

Nana-Look at you little guy. You get to take a bath with 2 girls.~

(No POV)

While the 2 sisters went into the bathroom with (Y/N) to get started on the day Ayaka left her phone in her room and it started to ring and get texts from (M/N).

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

We just got out of the shower and Nana just made me sit on her lap on the couch while Ayaka was starting to make breakfast for everyone. Nana got me my stuffed doggy to hold while she was holding me like I was a stuffed animal to her and when the others walked in there was a knock at the door.


Ayaka-Nana, can you get that? I got my hands full.

Nana-Awww, fine... Don't go anywhere little guy.~

She put me on the couch and got up to go to the door and just then Yuri sat next to me and pulled me on her lap then started to rub my head. The others sat be her sides and I thought Sumire and Yuzu still didn't like me that much, but I guess they might be trying to be nice. I just stayed still and looked at Yuzu.

Yuri-Hey, i'm almost done with your first outfit, so i'm going to need you later tomorrow most likely.

Yuzu-We get to see it, right?

Yuri-I'll be sure to take pictures, but it will just be me and him in my room.

Sumire-Let me see him.

Sumire pulled me to her lap from Yuri and looked at me until her cheeks were pink and she pulled me into a tighter hug. She gave me a little kiss on my head like she tried to hide it, but soon Nana came back and there was 2 other girls with her.


Nana-Here he is!~

She came closer to us with her friends and Sumire held me a little tighter and turned me away and Nana and her friends just got in front of us.

Nana-Come on, can my friends see him?

Yuzu-You and Ayaka had him all night. It's our turn now.

Nana-Please, just before breakfast.

Sumire-... Fine.


Nana took me from Sumire and held me before she turned me to her friends and they were smiling at me.

???-Oh, just look how cute you are in person.~

???-What's your name, little man?~

(Y/N)-... (Y/N).

???-Awww, he's shy.~

Nana-I know and he's a little cuddlier too. Is that right my little snuggle buddy?~

I felt embarrassed that she just called me that in front of everybody and kissed my cheek then her friends came to me and did stuff like poke my cheeks and played with my ear by flopping it.

???-Are you going to introduce us?

Nana-Oh yeah. (Y/N) this are my friends Mae and Maiko. You also happen to be the very thing we adore the most.~


Mae/Maiko-Cuties like you.~

(Ayaka's POV)

Nana and her friends were starting to dote on (Y/N) and this is my first time seeing them and I could tell they were nice and must be good friends to look out for my little sister. I suppose I can make a bit more food for them and I also saw Yuzu and the girls talking to each other about something and nodded their heads like they just agreed to something.

Ayaka's mind-I'm sure they'll all understand that i'm going to need him out of here later today, so my sister will be borrowing him tonight. A small price to pay then I can make up for that time afterwards.

Just then my phone was getting a call from (M/N), but I just ignored it and sent a quick text asking her "What is it" while I just finished the food, but I did something extra special for my new baby.


Ayaka-Alright everyone, breakfast is ready and that includes you 2 as well.

Everyone got to the table and Yuri took (Y/N) from Nana and sat with her friends and saw the detail I put into (Y/N)'s food and we still don't have the forks he's used to and I may or may not have not gotten any on purpose.

Yuzu-Hey, how come his is all crafted?!

Ayaka-I thought it would be cute for someone his age. Would you like me to do the same for yours?

Yuzu-N-No! I'm too old for that!

I could see she was trying to deny it, but I just went along with what she said then I just watched (Y/N) as we all started to eat and he we trying to copy what we were doing with our chop stick, but was having some trouble. Everyone saw this and Yuri was the first to pick up his chop sticks for him and got a bit and I was happy the rice was sticking together so good thanks to the glaze to make it a little sweet also.

Yuri-Ok (Y/N), say ah.~

(Y/N)-Can you just teach me how to use them?

Yuri-Then your food might get cold. We'll teach you later.

Nana-Hey, I wanna feed him!

Ayaka-You had him all morning and I actually have a favor to ask you later. Let the girls spend time with him.

She and her friends only watched wishing it was them feeding (Y/N), but they'll have a very important job later. I just enjoyed the show until I felt my phone vibrate from a text and I finished my food before I checked.

(M/N)'s text-I will be there tonight, be sure all my son's stuff is packed up.

Ayaka's text-Don't worry. He's had trouble sleeping and is very tired, so maybe staying the night won't be too bad for you and you can leave in the morning. We can even catch up when you get here.

I was annoyed a little by here pulling something like this. I was supposed to watch him for a year and as soon as I get attached she decides tp rip him away to play with my heart and her son's heart too at that. Choosing your job over family to me at times simply unacceptable. I looked to see Sumire and Yuzu adoring him in their own way like they were his loving sisters and as for my sister is like a loving aunt with her friends clear affectionate of him too.

Ayaka's mind-I won't let you lose a "real" loving family. She will either go home empty handed or not at all.

After breakfast Yuzu and the others took (Y/N) with them and I kept my sister and her friends with me to talk with them and I think they might like this.

Nana-Alright, so what's up sis?

Ayaka-Remember when you said you wanted to take (Y/N) home with you? I actually wanted to ask if you mind borrow the girls too. I need the place to myself tonight you see.


Mae-You better invite us over too!

Nana-A little capmt, but i'll make some room. What's the occassion?

Ayaka-Oh, it's just a little... pest problem I need to take care of and I want to keep this a secret from the girls. Yuzu and most likely (Y/N) might get jumpy.

Nana-Got it. Do we get to take them right now?

Ayaka-I would prefer that since I want to get started right away and if you also don't mind there's a big stuffed animal sleeping bag in his room tucked in suitcase he might love to sleep in tonight.

Nana-No. Way... Tonight's going to be awesome!

My sister and her friends started to go over what they were going to do tonight and I was ok with it as long as (Y/N) and the girls were asleep at a reasonable time.

(Timeskip To Night)

((M/N)'s POV)

The ride here was so tiring and I still have to make the trip back home with my son after I talk to Ayaka for a bit. I just want to get home as soon as possible. When I made it to Ayaka's place I just knocked on the door and fixed myself to not seem tired when she opened the door and smiled at me.


Ayaka-Oh, (M/N). Please, come in.

I came in and I know the thing to take your shoes off at the step in the house with her and followed here into the living room and had a seat.

Ayaka-I just put (Y/N) down for a nap. Poor thing was so tired these past few days.

(M/N)-Well this was his first time sleeping away from home. Where are the girls you told me about?

Ayaka-Oh, just on a school trip. I was hoping we could talk over a few drinks. You seem tired and how long as it been since before we actually hung out?

(M/N)-Well... I guess a few won't hurt. These last few days and nights were so stressful with adjusting to so much traveling planning.

Ayaka-Wait here and i'll get a bottle and cups.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

This was nice just to unwind for the night with an old friend and just talk about things other than work. She was also a good shoulder to cry on for all my stress and her rubbing my head was a feeling I never thought I would feel again.

(M/N)-You're pretty big for a baby (M/N).~

(M/N)-I just wanna be one of those workers that works at home and has good pay, but my position has to be at the office!

Ayaka-You poor baby... Maybe you can have some time at home alone after work and just leave (Y/N) in my care.~

(M/N)-I can't do that. I have to bring him home or he might just hold it against me.

Ayaka-Are you sure? He actually seems to love it here considering he just arrived. Maybe it's for the best.~

(M/N)-No, i'll just take him with me in the morning. *Sigh* Maybe we'll come over again for a holiday.

Ayaka-... I see... I just thought of something. Pardon me for just a moment.

She just got up to leave for a moment before she came back with a cup of sparkling water and it had a tablet on the bottom to make it fizzy.

Ayaka-This should help you sober up, so you don't have a hangover.


She gave it to me and it tasted funny, but it might be from the tablet and when I finished, I just put it down.

Ayaka-I think I might know a place where you can make a lot of friends here.

(M/N)-I don't know about going that far.

Ayaka-Nonsense, let's get right now while the night is young.

She grabbed me and helped me to the door and put my shoes on like I was a child and put my arm over her shoulder to help me walk since she barely drank not that I think about it. We walked a few blocks before I started to get dizzy and was thankful Ayaka was holding me.

(M/N)-Ayaka, I-.

Ayaka-You know, leaving a child for a whole year is what most would consider to be bad parenting. I myself found it a bit troubling in these circumstances. I wanted to be nice about it and offer you a chance to leave (Y/N) with me and I would even invite you at holidays, but if you can't see reason to choose your family over work then it might be best you just don't have one.

(M/N)-Huh? What the hell... are you-?

Ayaka-Just lean on me for now... I did say you can make a lot of new friends and I think you have what they love.

(M/N)-L-Let go of me.

I couldn't yell and to others we walked by it just looked like a stranger or friend helping a drunk friend home. I tried to pull away, but she was not letting go and soon we got to what looked like a bad area to be in and she took me into an ally before she let me down against a wall.

Ayaka-I'm sorry, but i'm going to have to work fast. Don't want myself being caught here.~

I was confused, but then she started to take my clothes off me back here and I was too dizzy and weak to stop her. She was soon down and threw my clothes in the trash, but not my jewelry and wallet before she came over to see me naked, embarrassed, and helpless.

Ayaka-Oh my, i'm sure men and woman are going to love your new look. Now if you excuse me, I need to go home and clean up for my new baby. Bye.~

She rubbed my head one last time before she left me and I tried to grab her foot, but only fell over while she just left me here. I was scared before I started to hear footsteps and saw someone walking by and I just swallowed my pride and...

(M/N)-H-... Help.

This got their attention and I was ashamed to be like this in front of someone then things got much worse.

Man-*Whistle* Who are you? Hehehe.~

The man just helped me up and started to play with me and I tried to get away, but it was hopeless right now.

Man-You're gonna help me cash in big honey.~

((Y/N)'s POV)

Nana had me on her bed and my sleeping bag with her friends and I was in the middle of a circle of them while did stuff like hug, kiss, put me, lay my head on their laps, and other kids of stuff. We just stopped playing video games since I kept on losing and just watched a movie.

Yuzu-Hey, I said cool it! No perverted stuff!

Nana-Chill out, we're not hurting him or touching him anywhere bad.~

Maiko-I just wanna cuddle him forever and ever.~

Mae-He's gonna be sleeping up here with us.~

Yuri-Speaking of which, it is about time for him to be in bed.

Nana-Alright then, you heard her (Y/N), it's cuddle time.~

The 3 of them got close together with me in the middle while the others turned the T.V. off for the night and Sumire and the others leaned over to give me hug or kiss goodnight, but each time Nana and her friends would give me a kiss like it was a contest.

(Y/N)-Are we done?

Nana-Awww, are you shy or just ready to go to sleep?~

Mae-It's ok "little spoon", we don't bite.~

(No POV)

After an hour of the girls doting on (Y/N) they all finally went to sleep for the night. Meanwhile Ayaka was tidying up, so in the morning she would have no chores and can have (Y/N) first thing when the girls come back with him. As for his mom... let's just say she was going on another kind of "business trip"... forever.

Ayaka's mind-I'm going to make sure you feel a mother's love everyday for now on... You won't ever leave me.~


Isaiah Weeb

Holy hell... Did she just leave her on a street to get R@ped?