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(Minnie's POV)

I was waking up a little, but kept my eyes closed from the light to not hurt them and I felt someone next to me and I quickly remembered what happened last night. I knew it wasn't my husband Mickey, but (Y/N). When I finally opened my eyes, I saw him still sleeping and he looked so peaceful considering how hard it was to get him to sleep from being home sick.


I just fixed his hair that was in his face without waking him up, but he did stir a bit from my touch and nuzzle his head into his pillow. I never saw a creature like this before and most would see this as skeptical, but I see this as kinda hypnotizing to see him take deep and steady breaths sometimes in his sleep. I soon got up while he was still sleeping and got in a shower to get ready for the day. By the time I got out of the shower, I came out in a towel and saw that (Y/N) was still asleep and after I got dressed, I think it was time for him to get up now. I slowly got on the bed again and crawled up to him to gently poke his soft chubby cheeks and stroke his head and he was stirring more and more.

Minnie-Come on, it's time to get up. We have a whole day ahead of us.~


He slowly opened his a little while still looking tired and I helped him up and I could smell the cold sweat on his body and his clothes were sticking to him a little, so it was clear to me his clothes needed to be washed and he was in need of a bath. He one the hand wanted to sleep some more, but I can't leave him like this, so I did my best to pick him up and he was kinda heavy for me, but I got him to the bathroom and put him down as gently as I could.

Minnie-I'm sorry, but you need to get up now. Do you know how to bathe yourself?

(Y/N)-... Kinda.


(Y/N)-Last time I just got soap in my eyes.

That to me sounds like he's not ready to do this on his own and if he did get soap in his eyes again I would have to come in and help anyway. He's only a child that needs help, so this shouldn't be anything more or less than just helping to get him clean. I turned on the water and put in some soap to make this a bubble bath for him then I walked up to him.

Minnie-I'm just going to help you with your bath. You can just play with your bubbles, does that sound good?

He only nodded and I turned away while he got undressed and when I heard him get in the bath I saw his head poking out from the bubbles and he looked adorable. I went to the bath and the bubbles were covering the view of his body, so I sat on the edge and grabbed a small cup we keep in here and poured some water on his head a few times.

Minnie-I'll be starting with your hair, so please close your eyes.

He did what I said and when I got started he played with the bubbles with his eyes closed by rubbing and patting the top of them only to have the feeling in his hands for now. This was actually relaxing to care for him like this and his hair felt very soft and nice to let run through my fingers. Soon I washed the soap out of his hair and he opened his eyes. The soap in the water should be cleaning him, but I went ahead and scrubbed his back and arms since that's where he was sweating this morning then I just let him play until I heard a door open.

Daisy-Minnie, are you in here?

Minnie-In here Daisy. I'm dressed, but (Y/N) is taking a bubble bath.

Soon I saw her peak her head in before she came in trying not to look at (Y/N) and I giggled a little since she won't see anything. That's part of the reason I put in the bubbles.


Daisy-Don't you think this is going a little too far?

Minnie-He said he got soap in his eyes last time, so if that happened I would have to come in anyway. He's only a child anyways.

Daisy-I suppose... Anyway, we have a problem.

Minnie-What is it?

Daisy-There's unrest in town and rumors spreading like wild fire about (Y/N). The people want answers soon.

Minnie-... I'll go talk to them after we get (Y/N) dried off and dressed and-. Oh dear!


Minnie-I forgot to get his clothes washed and dried. He has nothing to wear.

Daisy-Calm down, i'll just get a mage to cast a cleaning spell on his clothes. Just go and i'll take care of this. They're out front waiting to hear from you.

Minnie-Thank you.

I just got up and left to go take care of my people and think of a speech on the way while Daisy was left to care for (Y/N).

(Daisy's POV)

It was simple to get a low-ranking wizard in here since the cleaning spell should be very simple at this level when I found the clothes. In 10 minutes the deed was done and the bath was being drained, so I stepped out to let him dry himself off and get dressed. When he came out he was dry, so he knew how to do that much, but I sighed when I saw his jacket was buttoned up wrong and his shoes were on the wrong feet, so I made the quick changed for him and put on his scarf and now he looked much better.


Daisy-Honestly, you're lucky we found you when we did.

*Stomach Growl*

Daisy-*Giggles* Very lucky. Come, let's get you something to eat.

He followed me and was staying close too because he was still afraid of the guards and servants here, but I know they won't do a thing to hurt him. We just had simple fruit and granola for breakfast, but I was worried about Minnie then something snapped me out of my trance when I caught a mysterious figure in a cloak thinking I can't see him, but I did and they pulled out a dagger and looking (Y/N). I panicked and got up to run to (Y/N) and pulled him off his seat and into my arms to protect him.


I pointed to where the intruder was in the castle and they tried to run, but bumped into the guard behind them and pinned him to the ground and the knife was sent flying next to a wall and I got a look at this intruder then saw they caught 2 others I didn't even notice.


Minnie was going to hear about this and when I felt (Y/N) shaking I just looked at him only to see tears coming out of his eyes. Poor thing must be scared and I was furious something like this has happened and the thought of the purpose of that knife made me even more mad.

Daisy-To the dungeons with them! Make sure the queen knows what just happened here when she's done outside!

Those men were taken away and I was left with a crying child that seconds ago was fearing for his life. I just did my best to get him out of here as quick as we could and I took him to my room and we sat on the couch in here before I went ahead and laid his head on my lap. He was mostly calm now as my body acted on it's own and stroked his head to comfort him, but I could tell that assassination attempt on him was still getting to him.

Daisy-Hey, you're ok. Those men are going somewhere where they can't even get close to you.~

(Y/N)-Wh-Why would they do that?... I didn't do anything.

Daisy-They were just bad men. Don't even give them a second thought.

Not even a week of everyone talking about (Y/N) and we have those who already want to break in and do something dangerous. I know Minnie says to see all citizens as equal, but how can you do that when there are those who are a danger to others. I was calming down more and more as I was comforting him and soon enough I could relax while he was still laying down on my lap.

Daisy's mind-You're not only helpless, but also a magnet for danger... I don't think we can ever let you out of our sights.

Just then the doors swung open and we looked to see Minnie and she looked worried as she ran to us and checked (Y/N) for any injuries and thankfully there was no new ones.


Minnie-Oh, i'm terribly sorry for what happened. Thank goodness you're alright.

Daisy-You got the people under control?

Minnie-I talked to a few and they asked if (Y/N) brought purple monsters with him.


Just then (Y/N) tensed up and had a look that said he might know what we're talking about and it would make sense if he was attacked by these monsters. He was about to talk, but I stopped him since the last thing he needs right now is to open more wounds.

Daisy-The guard will take care of that. We'll deal with the intruders later. We had a very bad start to the day, so we should rest.

Minnie-Maybe you're right... Excuse me.

She came up to a spot on the couch and (Y/N) moved his legs to let her on and she let him rest his legs on her lap. She rubbed his legs and when she got his feet a little to play with him he jolted and giggled a bit which made us smile.

Minnie-Daisy, after this, we'll all go into town with the guards and get this whole mess sorted out.

Daisy-What about the monsters?

Minnie-We'll have at least a few dozen body guards to help check on people. They can handle a couple of small monsters. I want to get this clear to everyone that (Y/N) is no threat.

He looked nervous, but it does make sense that it's for his own good and if things go south, we know a few secret shortcuts in our town.

(???'s POV)

I was on my glider heading to another world and looked to find more heartless since there has been some popping in randomly, so I can take chances and find the source. They're leaving other worlds completely or going back to the realm of darkness, so it narrows down my search by a lot. Next I came to a world where I saw a town and a huge castle, so I flew down and landed just outside the town and walked in to see it look kinda empty.

???'s mind-Where is everybody?

I looked around and I did see a huge crowd of the people here at the castle just camping outside of it.

???'s mind-What's going on here?


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