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(No POV)

The raptor girls were in a clinic overnight to only find nothing was wrong with them, but the staff bought their act still, and as long as they did that they just needed to wait for the right moment, and they still had their own ways to communicate under their noses. The clinic was far from the park and the girls didn't know that because they were never at the park, but at least they were at a place they could break out of. They even remember what happens if they get out, so they would have to move fast.

Doctor-I'm telling you, there is nothing wrong with them.

Man-Listen, they don't look fine and if Clare catches wind of this and they die, she will not be happy, and neither will Owen! Check them again!

Doctor-I checked for literally! Fucking! EVERYTHING!!! Heart rate, blood pressure, known diseases, you name it!

The men continued to argue until they left the room looking at each other and when 5 minutes passed and the girls saw nobody they smiled before they got up. The glass for their holding cells was thick, but the girls were determined to find what they thought was "a new hatchling" which made their instincts kick into overdrive.

((Y/N)'s POV)

All day so far almost every dinosaur place ends up with the Dino-girls looking at me and following me when they get close, and it was starting to get weird and other people were looking at me. There are some shows we go to that are with normal dinosaurs and those are just fine. I would have had more fun if I had stayed with normal dinosaurs and we went back to the big fish one, but now there was something else in the show they said was new. We didn't see it and they said there was a few problems since the new part of the show was being shy.

Felix-Hey, wanna go get a closer look?

(Y/N)-Um, last time we got a closer look, it was... not good.

Felix-You got a few looks, no big deal. They can't get you and think of this as another thing you can see others can't.

(Y/N)-Well... ok.

He took me with him and showed some guards his badge and they scanned it before they let us through a door. There was a hallway going to a room then I saw it was a room with a glass wall, people working, and some screen with the big fish dinosaur, but it was orange and stuff and I saw another one on a screen.

Felix-We have an audience out there waiting for something new. What's up?

Woman-She's not being active right now and the underwater speakers won't turn on without clearance.

They started to talk to each other, and I remember when my daddy took me fishing and he showed me a trick.

(Y/N)-Hey... Maybe you can chum the water... My dad says it makes the fish come.

Woman-... Chop up a shark and pour it in the water over her.

I was kinda of happy they were doing my idea and when some people left. My uncle grabbed me and took me out another door where we were close to the water on the side of the water stage thing or whatever you call it. Soon I saw meat and blood poured in the very middle of the water and soon a huge splash came up and I saw 2 dinosaurs come up, the big fish one and the new one.


Speaker Lady-Ah, there she is ladies and gentlemen. Our new friend for our show. Let's give her some applause for coming out.

The people were clapping, and I didn't know a dinosaur girl could be so big. We watched her swim, but during the show, she stopped and closed her eyes while looking up and soon she looked over here.

Felix-Uh, let's put some more cologne on you bud.

My uncle reached in his pocket for a small can of cologne and sprayed me, but the new dinosaur girl started to swim over here and now everyone sitting down for this show was looking and even the lady speaking for it.

Speaker-It's ok folks, these fences are charged with 50,000 volts. Those 2 are perfectly safe.

Mosasaurus-Aww... Oh.

She reached for me with her huge hand, but the fence shocked her, and she quickly let go. I screamed when I heard the loud buzzing noise I tripped over myself and fell back. She got very mad and hit the fence again before she turned around and splashed us with a bunch of water.

(No POV)

Underwater our humanoid Mosasaurus was getting rid of the tingling feeling in her hand and she was very mad, but not at (Y/N). She tried to take what she wanted and the people that put her here and what she figured put that fence there that hurt her... She was mad at them and with nothing to take out her anger, she was fuming... until she found something.



((Y/N)'s POV)

My uncle didn't believe me that I was fine. I did feel fine and I just got scared from the noise. The only thing I feel right now is confused about when this gas or smell is gonna get off me or if they can make something to get it off. I thought it was going to be cool this morning, but it just feels kinda weird... Also, I wanted to change my socks and shoes, so we were on our way back to his house to dry off before we came back out.

Felix-How about we go on another ride?

(Y/N)-Can it be the ones next to a cage or something?

Felix-You still want to see dinosaurs after all that?

(Y/N)-Yeah, I know it was that stuff making them act weird, but you said your friend can help me.

Felix-Well, there's one close to the T-rex where you can ride on real dinosaurs.

(Y/N)-Really, let's go!

We started to head to the ride, and we walked through the T-Rex cage in a hallway with a window to look in. I saw the T-rex in there. It was another girl dinosaur, but my uncle said she couldn't see or smell us, so we were fine and kept on walking.


We had passes that didn't have to make me wait in line, so I could get on without waiting so long. I got to ride baby dinosaurs and I saw my uncle on his phone maybe trying to fix this. He was smart since he works in a lab, so I'll be ok. If they can make a problem, they can fix it like my mommy says. When the ride was over, we went on the spinning dinosaur eggs then on a ride my uncle got to drive where we could see the safer dinosaurs for a while until we started to get hungry, so we turned back to go get something and he said he knows a place here that has great buffalo wings.

(Doctor's POV)

These raptors have got to be fucking drama queens because I went over the results 5 more times and only came back to the same damn answers. Everyone was gone to report to other labs and Owen and he's not going to be a happy camper when he gets the news.



I went to where the noise came from, and I heard more glass being shattered, and by the time I made it to the room where the raptors were... It was empty and I felt the fear of God put in me as I looked for the girls. I walked into the room but did not see them. However, I did see the tracking implants we had in their backs on the ground covered in some blood.

Doctor-Ohhh, fuck. *whisper*

I saw the alarm to alert HQ about assets out of containment, but when I made a break for it to the button I was tackled and literally stabbed in the back.


I was flipped over and saw Blue on top of me and the other girls were coming out of their hiding spots in here and Blue bared her teeth in anger before she bit into my neck and ripped a chunk out before she flipped me back over to take back her knives then they left me for dead.


((Y/N)'s POV)

We were waiting for our food and my uncle let me play battleship on his phone with him while we waited and took turns. He was winning by one ship, and he just needed my smallest ship, but before we could finish the game the food came, and it looked so good.


Felix-Time out bud. Try these bad boys with ranch and be careful of those bones.


We both started to eat, and these were pretty good and the ranch did make them better and we also had some sodas with our food.

(Y/N)-Can we get dessert?

Felix-Let's wait until after dinner time.


When we finished eating, I felt so full that I did not want to go on a ride right now, so we went to a show to relax, and it was just regular dinosaurs trained to do tricks. Everything was fine and I was feeling better before we heard an alarm go off.

Speaker-Attention all guests, please go back to your rooms for shelter in a calm and orderly manner. There is no need to panic.

It started to say the same thing and everyone was going inside and we were running which got me and my uncle separated, and I had no idea where I was going.

(Y/N)-Uncle Felix!

I could see him fighting through a crowd and he grabbed my hand and held it tight before he pulled me and pushed me out of the crowd, and he started to run with me back to his jeep and we got in.

Felix-You good?

(Y/N)-What's going on?!

Felix-Relax, we have a very good team, and everything is going to be fine. We'll just go back to my home and lock the doors and windows and they're strong enough to stop a bullet. We're going to be safe.

He started to drive, and I looked around to see almost everybody was inside somewhere and my uncle started to drive kind of fast. I was looking around for something scary like a dinosaur that could kill and eat us! We made it back to his house and I ran in the house as fast as I could, and my uncle got in and locked the doors and closed the curtains.

(Y/N)-Do you have a gun we can use?

Felix-Uhhh... Y-Yeah, only for emergencies.

(Y/N)-Can you bring it out?

Felix-I told you we have a great team, and my home is able to keep most dinosaurs out. I'm just gonna call and find out what's happening. Just watch a cartoon and try to calm down and I'm sure this is going to last an hour, "max".

He just left the room and I wish he would bring out his gun just in case. I did not turn on the T.V. to stay quiet and just peeked out the window a bit and if I saw anything I'll get my uncle to get his gun.

(No POV)

The Raptor girls were at large for the part after the body and tracking implants were discovered, but what they don't know is that the girls were in the park already. They could smell other people, but not the one they were looking for and soon they broke into a cage control room to find not their baby, but a worker in there sleeping on the job unaware of what just happened. This irritated the girl that they didn't find who they were looking for and Charlie walked up to him and slit his throat which made him wake up, but was now dying and fell back forward on the controls and accidentally opening the door to the cage slowly as they left to go search some more.








The T-Rex was now free and started to get a move on to explore what she never could before, and the HQ was notified immediately but could not close the door in time because they were too focused on finding the missing raptors. There's an old saying, life cannot be contained... Life... finds a way.


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