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(Jill's POV)

I was told my old partner Chris would be here and what we were up against as well as 4 rescue missions, one of which was a boy. I must say that it does feel a little awkward seeing Chris again since the incident with Albert and me being controlled. However I do have a job to do, but I have my own priorities for doing this mission since I have a new friend to report to after all this is over. Chris was taking point as always and it was kinda nice that he didn't change completely although he almost looks like a completely different man.


I went back to my old look that I liked to help me forget about my time with Umbrella and Tri-cell. After the briefing was done the men moved out to clear the stranglers away from the nests or something I was told about, but I just went up to Chris.

Jill-Been a while... Now look?

Chris-You look great too. Glad to see you recovered.

Jill-I heard you've been through hell since last time we meet. Wanna catch up?

Chris-... I got a job to do and you got your assignments.

He just walked away and that was Chris alright and I don't have time to get him to warm back up to me right now. I came looking for answers since this Ethan guy is in a facility with his daughter and seems very important, but since I can't get answers from him just yet...

Jill's mind-Big castle next to a destroyed town or village. Where have I seen that before?... Sounds like a good place to start.

((Y/N)'s POV)

The girls were with me right now and the helicopters were gone or somewhere here and that means somebody is coming to help. I just hope that they can handle this and get me and my parents out of here and home quickly. Soon the girls went from being worried until Cassandra stood up.

Cassandra-I'm going to look around the castle. We might be having intruders soon.

Daniela-It will be faster if we all go and split up.

Bela-Fine, let me lock our pet up first. This shouldn't take long with mother searching too.

I was glad they were going to leave and if it's a pet cage then it will be easy to open, bit it was just a bigger cage like Alcian carried me in and there was 2 key locks on it and they took the keys with them. They closed and locked the door before I heard a click from it, but I can see how I can unlock it from in here. When I was sure they were gone I tried kicking the door with both of my feet while I was laying on my back, but then...

Bela-You better stop doing that! *In the distance*

I was scared that she heard me and I stopped before she comes in here to punish me or something. My mommy said if i'm in danger then I should get somewhere and wait for an adult... I guess this cage is going to be the safest place I can be right now.

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

I felt so bored and alone in here, but I kept on looking out the window hoping someone would bust in and take me away and find my daddy and mommy then we can go home. While I was thinking about it I heard something from the door and I was sad that nobody came to save me before the girls came back, but when the door opened I saw it was not the girls... It was someone else and they look like they were rescue person!


She quickly saw me and I felt so happy that I was getting out of here, but still shy to see someone new.

(Jill's POV)

When I picked a locked door I expected to find some experiments or something fucked up and it was like this, but I did not expect to see a child wearing a collar in a cage, in a bedroom.


???-Are you a rescue team person?

Jill-Uhhh, yeah.

I don't know why he was in a cage, maybe to save as food for later, but it didn't matter. I went to the cage and these locks were so old and easy to pick and i got him out and there was a lock on the collar, but i'll deal with it later. This kid could have seen some stuff the short time he was here and that makes him extremely useful on info provided i'm gonna have to find out what he is actually trying to tell.

???-Come on, my daddy's here and I know where my mommy is too!

He grabbed my hand and was clearly excited, but loud too, so I snatched him up and covered his mouth to keep him quiet before I took a peak out in the hall and saw the coast was clear still. I was relieved, so I put him down, knelt down to him and put on a serious face for him to know that i'm not playing around.

Jill-Kid, you need to be quiet. I don't know who's here or what they can do and I don't want to find out just yet. *whisper*

???-Oh... I know who's here and what they can do. *whisper*

Jill-And I believe that. Let's just get you out of here then we can talk. *whisper*

???-Ok... I'm (Y/N). *whisper*

Jill-Jill, now let's go. *whisper*

I carried him again and soon he got scared when we heard buzzing coming from around the corner.

(Y/N)-Hide! *whisper*

I didn't take any chances and went into an open room and could hear the buzzing getting louder and closer until it got further away. I sighed before I continued and started to go back the way I came in, but I bumped into a wall I wobbled a bit then I heard something come from the collar he was wearing.

*Bell jingling*

Just then the swarm that was just leaving around the corner stopped and came back a bit before something formed in it and it was a woman in a black robe.


???-Put our pet down... NOW!!!

This psycho started to charge at us with flies or something coming out of her, so I just ran as fast as I could.


She said it like she was scared, but I wasn't stopping and soon I made it to the room with the front door, but then I saw a door in front of me swung open and judging from the painted I read when I got here the one that was chasing us was Bela.


Daniela-Put. Him. Down.

The kid was scared and the girls were closing in on me, so I made a break for it to the front door and when I opened in and a cold breeze came in they all screamed in pain before they ran off deeper into the house.

Jill's mind-Guess they're not fans of winter.

I just ran off while nothing was happening and hopefully it stays that way for a while until I can get back to Chris and the others.

(Y/N)-Wait, what about my daddy?! He's still in there!

Jill-We'll get him later, but right now, you're getting out of here and somewhere safe.

(Y/N)-But what about my mommy? She's with a scary woman in a black dress all over her body and a living doll that wants us to her toys.

That had to be some of the craziest stuff I heard, but after seeing girls made of bugs, anything here is possible for now. I was heading near the set up we had then suddenly the kid started to cry and I was wondering why and I caught him looking at the castle.

Jill-Hey, it's ok. We're going to get your mommy and daddy and get you somewhere safe. Uhhh... Do you remember your nice neighbor Ethan and his daughter?

This did not calm him down at all and I think he knows the safe place is not going to be his home. This was another scene of hell on earth and he must've gone through who knows what and if he cries out loud, it might get worse.

Jill-Hey, hey,... I know you're scared, i'm scared too and it's ok.

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* B-But you're a *hic* soldier person. You're supposed to be br-br-brave.

Jill-I am, but that doesn't mean I don't fear anything... I saw and fought monsters, real monsters before and won. I was brave then, so I need you to be brave now, so we can get your mommy and daddy and you'll be safe again.

(Y/N)-... Can you stay with me until they do come back?


He was giving me a puppy dog look in his eyes and how do I break something so harsh to a kid who is just getting better... On the other hand, we could talk about what he saw.


He'll have a transport no doubt in no time assuming what Chris says and I don't know about helicopters coming in and out at the set up to only attract unwanted attention. This kid just clung to me and it was kinda cute, so I let him hold on and we were almost to safety.

(Timeskip 2 hours)

I got him some food and he wasn't a big fan of it, but then again neither am I of this packaged military food. He only had a bit before I got him to talk to me by making a deal with him. He tells me his story after I tell him one of mine and he even called me "Super Jill" and it made me laugh a little. I'll give him this much, even from a story of him going through hell he did have something to make it sound a little less bad, but still awful. Soon Chris was walking to us and he noticed I had the kid with me, but he still looked a little annoyed.


(Y/N) got nervous and I guess my partner didn't always give off that he was a "people person" and based on his story I can understand why he's skeptical of Chris even if it's not entirely Chris's fault... Could've been nicer about it though.

Chris-I ask to clear the area and you go into a castle the enemy lives in alone.

Jill-You know I did worse stuff and i'm fine so far. We're not exactly here to stay safe.

Chris-Why didn't you at least bring me along?

Jill-You were busy and I know you still worry about me after what happened before, but i'm not helpless.

Chris-Don't give me that-... *Sigh* Just don't do it again. Did you find out anything?

Jill-My little storyteller here told me his dad is still in that castle and the mom is in some house past it.

Chris-Still a few areas we haven't checked... Stay here and make sure if we bring others you other keep an eye on them until we leave or a transport is ready to take who we have out of here.

He was putting me on babysitting duty, but I kinda put myself on it already after I told (Y/N) that I would stay with him until his mom or dad get here. Chris left and (Y/N) leaned on me.

(Y/N)-Why is he so mean?

Jill-Chris isn't mean, he's just... he's complicated, but it comes from a good place.

I don't think he believes me on that, but he doesn't need to and maybe he just needs some cheering up from being around a place like this.

Jill-Hey, how about I tell you some other stories of mine, so get comfy because they're long.

He took it literally and helped himself to lay his head on my lap and for a bit the heavy feeling around here was gone, but I snapped out of it to stay on guard incase something happens. I just started to tell my story and the cute amazed look in his eyes was just so adorable and I got carried away a bit and bopped his nose a little.

Jill's mind-Why is it that the sweetest people have to go through the cruelest times... Well you're safe with me now.~


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