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((Y/N)'s POV)

This week was very hard at school and even at home because even with Tess getting a new phone and her mom giving her the big room she has a good reason to be happy, but because I got moved seats they were all mad and wouldn't even let me talk to the other boys that Mr. Tesla tried to make me friends with.

(Y/N)'s mind-Why is everyone acting so weird this week? I just want some alone time when I get home... Just need to get Kenzie to let go of my hand... If I can.

Right now we were walking home and It was just Kenzie, Heather, and Trinity since Bella had a dentist appointment for a check up, and Tess was packing up for the sleep over we were having again, but all of them were mad that I got moved away from all of them , so I don't know how it's going to be, but my mom says she thinks a sleepover every weekend can be a good thing.

(Y/N)-Um... Can you let go of my hands?


Kenzie-You're lucky I let you talk me out of wearing a collar to school, but when your new ones come in tomorrow, you're wearing them!

Trinity-That stupid teacher hates us and is even trying to break us apart! Does that mean anything to you?!

Heather-That's why we have to do this every weekend and next week we're having the sleepover at my house! You'll be wearing your collars there too!

(Y/N)-No i'm not!

Kenzie-With that attitude you are!

(Y/N)-Why are you all just so mad at me?!

Trinity-For the last time, we're not mad at you, we hate the teacher and his stupid new ideas!

When we made it home and Trinity and Heather went home to get their stuff they had packed at home Kenzie took me to our room and she put my collar on me.


Kenzie-*Sigh*... Get in bed and since mom isn't home, i'll get us a snack before the others come.

She just left the room and I got into bed to wait for her since I don't want to make her more angry when she's trying to calm down. when she came back she had spray cheese and Ritz crackers with her and she wanted to feed me again and she's been doing that a lot now.


We were only watching a movie with our snacks and when she thought we had enough she just put them aside and cuddled me until we heard the doorbell ring, so she got up and left me on the bed. I just stayed here and soon she came back with Trinity and Heather and they put their stuff down.


Heather just ran to me and jumped on the bed to hug me and Trinity and Kenzie got in bed next to pile on me, but they were still a little mad. Heather just kissed my cheek before she held me tighter and Trinity just bite my arm a little and let go.

(Y/N)-Why did you bit me?!


Kenzie just kissed where Trinity bit me then started to pet my head.

Kenzie-There, all better. She's just mad that Mr. Tesla gave a talk during free time in class today.

(Y/N)-I didn't see that.

Trinity-Because he took me to a corner to talk to me after I got those boys to stop picking on you!

As we all waited the doorbell rang again then Kenzie got up and left me with Trinity and Heather then soon...


Just then Kenzie ran back in the room with a box and soon Bella and Tess came in and put their stuff down and Kenzie just got some scissors to open the box and I knew what was inside.


Kenzie-They're here, they're here, they're here!

Tess-At least someone's happy... Make room, i'm coming on.

Bella-Me too.

Just then they got on the bed and when Kenzie opened the box she poured it out on the bed and there was everything she bought and she looked so happy to see them, but I just felt kinda weird.


Kenzie-Oh they just look so great!~

Trinity-Are these the news surprises you and (Y/N) kept secret from us?

Tess-You got him more collars?

Kenzie-And leashes. (Y/N), I wanna try them on you and see how they look on you.

Bella-We just got comfy with him.

Kenzie-Fine, then help me change his collars. I wanna start with this red one.

This put Kenzie in a good mood and Bella took the collar I had on off and Kenzie came at me with the red collar and put it on my neck and my face got warmer and the girls looked at it too.

Kenzie-What do you all think?

Bella-I think it looks cute on him.

Tess-I think I want that bell on it.~

Kenzie-I was even thinking about staying up really late and going around the block with him tonight in his leash and collar.

Just then I felt my heart sink, my stomach felt sick, and there was all these other things I was feeling about this. I don't know why she would want to do that, but there was no way I was doing it.

(Y/N)-I'm not wearing this outside! You said I just have to wear these inside!

Kenzie-It's going to be while everyone is sleeping. You'll be fine and nobody should see you as long as we're quiet.

(Y/N)-I'm not going out with this on! You were all mad this week, you yelled at me, telling me it's not me, scaring other kids at school away, and being mean!... I'm not wearing this!

Just then I took the collar off and threw it at the wall and Kenzie looked sad before she got even more angry than she did all week.

Kenzie-(Y/N)... go get your collar and put it back on, "now".

(Y/N)-You can't make me! None of you can!

I pushed them all off me and I was about to leave the room, but just then I felt someone grab me and it was Tess and now she was mad.


Tess-I'm giving you to the count of 3 to be good again.

(Y/N)-Get! Off me!

I pulled my hand out of hers and walked out of the room because if they're going to be mean, I don't if they're my friends or sister, i'm done! I made it downstairs and we about to go in the backyard, but then Tess came downstairs then grabbed me by my shirt.

Tess-So, you think you're tough?!

(Y/N)-Let go off me!

Tess-Do you have any idea what I do for you, what I did?! I beat those boys with the lip stick for you!

Just then she pulled and pushed me back up the stairs and back into my room where the other girls looked mad, except for Bella that was crying now.


Tess threw me on the ground and Heather and Trinity held my arms down while Tess sat on my legs and Kenzie stood next to my head holding the collar tightly in her hands. She got down on her knees and I tried to get the girls off me, but it was too hard and Kenzie put the collar on me again.

Kenzie-You're going to listen to your big sister now... We've done way too much just for you to act like this us! You're going to be a good boy and you're going on this walk tonight and if you were good I wasn't going to use a leash to be nice, but now you're going wo wear one!

(Y/N)-I'm telling my mom on all of you and you'll be in big trouble!

Just then a few of laughed a little, but Bella was only calming down a bit while they all looked at me with smiles on their faces.

Tess-Go ahead, tell her... Actually, here, you can tell my mom.

Just then Tess pulled out her phone and went on her contacts to call her mom right in front of me and even put it on speaker. It rang for a little bit before it stopped and there was a bit of noise before...

Tess's mom-Hello.

Tess-Hey mom. (Y/N) wants to tell you something. He's right here... Go on, tell her.

(Y/N)-T-Tess and the other girls are holding me down and being mean to me. She pushed me up the stairs, and they were mad at me for taking a collar they made me wear off!

Tess-*Giggles* So mom, are you gonna do something about me or are you going to remember what we all have on you?

I have no idea what she meant by that, but it was quiet on the phone for a bit before...

Tess's mom-Tess... Can you be nice to your friend?

Tess-He was being bad mom, but what are you going to do to me?

Tess's mom-... Nothing.

Tess-Good. Bye mom.

Just then she hung up and I couldn't believe what I just heard from her mom then she went to another contact that said Trinity's mom and it was the kind of thing from them then she did Heather's mom, and Bella's. I was getting scared and just then I heard the front door open downstairs and I know who it was and I know she won't let this happen.

(Y/N)-MOM!!! MOM!!!

Just then I heard footsteps running up the stairs and soon my mom came through the door and I felt better knowing that she can make them stop this.


(Y/N)-Help! They're being mean to me and won't get off!

Kenzie-Yeah "mom", do something.

Tess-Don't forget what we have you doing.

Tess just held up her phone and went to something before she showed my mom, but I couldn't see it, but my mom was nervous now and so was I. She just stood there and looked at me.

Mom-Girls... Stop it.

Tess-Excuse me?... Did you say, hit send?

Mom-No!... What do you want to stop!

Kenzie-Nothing that you can give us, but... Actually, we're taking him on a walk tonight and now he's being bad... Make him behave and make him listen to us.

Heather-Or else.

They finally let me go and backed off before my mom came to me and hugged me and we looked at each other.

(Y/N)-Mom, can you make them all go home?

Mom-... Sweetie... I'm sorry, but... I think it's best you do what they want.


Mom-Just hang in there... for me. Everything will be better soon, I promise.

(Y/N)-N-No. I don't wanna go on this walk! Why can't you do anything?!

Just then Trinity grabbed my arm and pulled me into a group hug with the other girls and looked mad at my mom.

Trinity-We need some time alone with him, so why don't you go sleep at my house tonight with my mom... "now".

I just looked at my mom and she never looked so,... I don't even know a word for how she looked, but it was like she was scared to talk back to her and soon she just left and I didn't know what to say... They just told my mom to do something and were so mean about it, but she listened like she was a kid and they were the adults. She was walking slow and Tess ran up and pushed my mom out of the room.

Tess-Get out!

She slammed the door in her face and she didn't open the door either to yell at Tess and Kenzie left the hug to grab the other collars and walked to me.

Kenzie-See, even our mom says you should do this. Now,... let's try the rest of the collars on you and we're going to take a nap before we go out for your walk tonight and if you're going to make things harder... we'll make you walk on all fours. I already have to get you a cage now.

(Y/N)-Wh-... What?

I was scared and when she was right in front of me she put the pink collar on me and even put a leash on me.

Kenzie-Awww, you look so cute... I think you're going to wear this one tonight.~


((M/N)'s POV)

I was on my way to Trinity's house and on my way there I felt so ashamed for leaving my son like that, but if those pictures went up I would be going to jail and lose custody of my child. I know they won't hurt him or at least I hope not.

(M/N)'s mind-There's gotta be a way to stop this, but how?


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