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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was night time and we were all outside at night and I was in a leash and collar and I never felt so embarrassed before. Kenzie had the leash in her hand and Tess just played with my bell a bit and I just turned it away from her. We were only going to walk around the block and I don't think anyone could see us since they were asleep, but it didn't change how I felt.

Kenzie-You're being really quiet (Y/N).

Bella-Stop it, he's just getting used to his first walk like this.

Trinity-I know (Y/N) will get used to this after a few times. It's not like everyone in the neighborhood is watching.

Just then Bella wrapped herself around my arm and I looked at her to see that she looked kinda sorry, but then smiled a little.

Bella-When we get back to your house, I think you'll like us cuddling in bed. I know you like being held close.

Kenzie-And by "us" you mean all of us, right?

Heather-You're not hogging him.

Bella-I know.

We kept on walking until we finally made it back home and Kenzie took off the leash, but left the collar on me while we just went back to our room with the others and they closed the door before they all started to get changed into their pajamas in front of me and I just sat on the bed, but Tess pulled me off.

Tess-You gotta get dressed too or do we have to do that for you?

Trinity-*Gasp* I wanna do it!

Kenzie-What?! No, i'm his sister, so I get to do it!

Heather-Step sister! I wanna do it!

Bella-No, i'm the most gentle. I should do it.

Tess-Hey, I came up with the idea!

Kenzie-Fine,... we'll draw straws!

(Y/N)-I-I can just get changed by my-.

All girls-No!

Kenzie just grabbed some ribbons from her dresser and shuffled them before she held them out and they took a ribbon and some were shorter, but 2 were the exactly the same and the ones that had them were...


The others were mad while they got some of my pajamas then came to me and Trinity had my pants while Bella had my shirt while the others just watched us and when we were done we all got on the bed.

Kenzie-What movie do you all wanna watch?

Bella-Um... theirs something that my cousin showed me once. It's an anime if you wanna try it.

Tess-What's it called?


Kenzie-Alright, i'll put it on.

Kenzie just put the show Bella wanted on for us to try and they all piled on me and sometimes would play with the bell on my collar.

((M/N)'s POV)

I was up late and couldn't sleep while thinking what those brats were doing with my son and I couldn't do anything. Tess has here own phone with the photos on it, so if I go back home I can't even risk calling her bluff because if she does then i'm most likely going to jail and be registered as a child molester.

(M/N)'s mind-I can't just give up and let them win! If it wasn't for those pictures they would have nothing!

Soon I heard a door open and Trinity's mom, Kim just came out and saw I was awake.


Kim-Can't sleep either?

(M/N)-How can I? Your daughter and her other friends are treating my son like they actually own him and even blackmailed all of "us"!

Kim-... *Sigh* That about sums it up.

(M/N)-You even said you daughter did something to you before the pictures.

Kim-And we're leaving it at that. We can't do anything and those pictures put us in a real tough position if we can't prove anything.

(M/N)-We can't just sit here!

Kim-Call the police then! See how that works!

(M/N)-Are you always like this!

Kim-And you think i'm happy about this too?! If you knew what my daughter did to me you wouldn't be having nightmares about it at night!

She was really shaken now and she was probably right, but we can't live like this. I soon thought of something that was a long shot, but we needed all the moms on board for this and if this works "all" of the pictures will be gone and those girls are gonna get what they deserve.

(M/N)-Tell me, do you still have our group chat with the other moms?

Kim-Yeah, why?

(M/N)-I think I thought of a way to get the pictures taken care of, "all of them".

She just looked at me with some hope in her eyes and I was so confident in this plan that I was even smiling a bit.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to all the girls still sleeping on top of me, but then I felt someone move and saw that Bella was awake and she put a finger to my lip to keep me quiet before she leaned in to give me kisses again and again. I just moved a bit and I felt her grip my arm.


Bella-No. Don't fight me. *whisper*

She just gave me more kisses while the others were sleeping, but soon we heard a door open downstairs then not long after my door opened to show my mom and she knocked on the door to wake up the girls, but there was another thing... she looked kinda happy.


Mom-Wakey, wakey kids. I got a surprise for you.~

The girls slowly woke up and just looked at my mom and we were all wondering why she was smiling.

Trinity-*Groan* Just let us sleep.

Mom-Your mom's and I are gonna pay for you to the Six Flags today.

We were all surprised by that and she even reached behind her to show us that she had tickets and now the girls were happy, but Tess just grabbed me and pulled me closer to her.

Tess-What's the catch?

Mom-The catch is take it before I change my mind. We're gonna be leaving in 30 minutes.

Just then my mom left the room and the girls were all excited and getting changed and even helped me get changed, but I was confused. My mom gets treated badly yesterday and now she's taking all of us to Six Flags? Just then Tess left the room while she was on her phone to go do something.

((M/N)'s POV)

All the kids were getting ready and we were going to Six Flags and the reason why is that every ride has a little cubby to put your stuff in to keep it safe and right now the photos at their homes should all be gone, so all Tess needs to do is put her phone in one of those cubbies when she goes on a ride, I don't go on and grab her phone and delete the pictures since their accessible on the lock screen then this whole night will be over.

(Short Timeskip)

(No POV)

Everyone was in the car and on their way to Six Flags and everyone was all excited, but some have different reasons... All except Tess, but soon she got a text on her phone and... it was her mom.


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