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((Y/N)'s POV)

The girls were all coming to my house and Bella's mom was going to drop us off there and she was quiet the whole way. When we made it to my house we all went inside while Bella stayed behind to talk to her mom a bit. We waited for her at the front door before we got inside, but my mom wasn't here and Kenzie took my hand and we all went to our room and grabbed the collar from the dresser and came to me.


Kenzie-Come on, you know the rules.

She just put the collar on me in front of everyone and I was embarrassed then she played with my bell before she kissed me on the lips. The girls were looking around the room and soon the saw the rules that Kenzie had put on the wall.

(No POV)

Room Rules

Kenzie's Rules

1. (Y/N) must wear a collar in the room and house all the time.

2. No clothes on the ground.

3. All baths and naps have to be taken together.

4. Sit still while Kenzie brushes his hair.

5. Do all tricks to earn treats.

6. Not allowed to be alone or be with anyone else unless I say so.

7. No pushing away from me.

8. Listen to me more than anyone.

9. All naps alone are only allowed in the second bed I made.

10. No going outside alone without me knowing.

11. If (Y/N) is alone, I have to know where he is.

12.Can add more rules.

(Y/N)'s Rules

1. Allowed to take naps alone.

2. Taking off the collar for baths. (Not for bed)

3. I want time alone.

4. Dress myself most of the time.

5. I get 3 baths alone every 3 months.

6. 1 free treat a day.

7. Allowed to feed myself when Kenzie is busy.

8. Doesn't wear collar outside.

9. Can add more rules if Kenzie says yes to them.

(Kenzie's POV)

I was really thinking about that leash and walking at night and the girls liked the new sheets on the bed and I used my old ones to make a bed in the corner of the room for (Y/N) to naps in. I just put my stuff down and thankfully Bella helped us all with our homework at school, so it was all done, except for Tess since she said she had someone else helping her.

Heather-When can we get to my house?

Kenzie-In a second. I just put his collar on. Can he wear it a little longer?

Heather-He can keep it on for all I care.

Kenzie-Oh, then that makes this easier.

(Y/N)-What?! I don't wanna wear this outside! That's rule number 8!

Kenzie-*Sigh*... Fine,... but it looks good on you.~

I just took the collar off him and the girls took their stuff with them before we left the house to go to Heather's house and she was very excited to get there. When we made it to her house we heard relaxing music playing, it smelled like flowers, in here, there was a mat in the front room, and a bottle of lotion on the coffee table, but now Heather was mad.

Heather-I asked her to close the curtains... I'll deal with it later.

She just closed the curtains while she closed the front door and now it was dark in here until she turned on few small lamps.

Heather-Alright, (Y/N), let's try this again, but this time, I want all your clothes off. Can someone get me a hot towel. I had my mom run the dryer for over an hour, but if they're not warm, just run them again.

Bella-I got it.

Heather pulled (Y/N) in a bit and I think it would be good for hi to get a massage and I should help give it to him, so I went over there to help get him stripped down and soon Bella came in with no towel.

Bella-I ran the dryer again. They were cold.

(Y/N)-Can I just have one?

Tess-Don't tell me you're afraid of being naked. We all took a bath together, so we saw you naked before.

(Y/N)-That... I was in a bathroom and it was still weird. Now i'm in a living room. I don't think this is ok.

Heather-You'll have a nice warm towel in a bit. Just lay down and relax.

(Y/N)-B-But your mom-.

Heather-Set all of this up. She knows i'm doing it this time. She even wants to say sorry for last time.

(Y/N)-She... does?

Heather-Alright, enough talking from you. Lay down.

(Timeskip 30 minutes)

(Heather's POV)

I was doing my best and (Y/N) got his warm towel and I cover his lower hips to his ankles and he liked how it felt. Kenzie wanted to help massage him and even said she was his older sister, but this was mine. I did move him on top of the table and gave her a chair to sit in, so she could put his head on her lap. She got to pet his head and I was pressing on his back for a massage while the others wanted to help too. Bella and Tess soon started to massage his feet and (Y/N) wasn't fighting it anymore since we covered his bottom half of his body.

Heather-You like everything we're doing (Y/N)?~

Kenzie-Oh, he likes it... I think my baby brother might even fall asleep.~

I would love it if we could make him fall asleep, so I took a short break to change the sound and turn up the volume and we kept on going while listening to the music.

Not even 30 minutes into the song Kenzie waved at us to stop and we did then we came over to her to see (Y/N) was asleep and I just felt so proud of myself right now. I put my best friend to sleep and I turned off the music.

Kenzie-He just looks so cute.~ *whisper*

Bella-Can I hold his head in my lap? *whisper*

Heather-We can't move him. He might wake up. *whisper*


Tess-I wanna tickle his nose with feather or something and see how he sneezes in his sleep. *whisper*

Kenzie-No, let him sleep. *whisper*

Tess-Fine... Next time. *whisper*

We just kept on watching him sleep, but just then the front door swung open and hit the wall which made (Y/N) wake up and I didn't want that. I just turned around to see my mom and her hands weren't even full, she was just looking at her phone until she looked up to see us and how angry I was now.


Heather-Mom... Can we talk in your room? Now.

The girls tried to get him to go back to sleep, but him being looked at from my mom and the light stinging his eyes made him more awake and me more angry until I just closed the front door and took her hand before pulling her down the hall to her room. When we made it to her room I just closed and looked her door then I heard music coming from the living room... It's better if (Y/N) doesn't hear this, so I just turned to my mom and she looked scared and she should be.

Heather-Do you know what you ruined? (Y/N) was so adorable to watch sleep, he was so relaxed, and happy... You ruined all of that when you let the front door hit the wall, had the light sting his eyes and I wanted the curtains closed with the small lamps on before you left!

Mom-It was an accident and I was in a hurry and must've forget.

Heather-I should post the pictures online right now or have one of the other girls do it!

Mom-No, don't! You shouldn't even be doing this!

Just then she shut up knowing what she said and I felt something in my snap.

Heather-Mom... Get in bed and i'll be back.

I just left the room and didn't let her talk to me and I went back out to the living room to see (Y/N) getting dressed up in a hurry while he was embarrassed.


Heather-Hey guys. I'm gonna talk to my mom and she's shy too. I'll have call your mom (Y/N) and she can apologize to you later. Tess if I don't call you tonight, do you mind doing me that favor we talked about.

Tess-No problem.


They soon all left and I went to my room to grab something I found under my mom's bed during the weekend and it was some kind of whip. I was gonna use more, but this is a good place to start.


Heather's mind-I'm going to make you regret what you said to me and i'll be washing your mouth out with soap after!

(Timeskip To Night)

(Kenzie's POV)

Right now I was in bed alone watching a movie while (Y/N) was in the hallway on the phone with Heather's mom. I know Heather wanted her mom to call and apologize to him, but she picked a bad time. I was really comfy cuddling my baby brother and I tried all day to get him to take another nap, but when he used one of his baths alone as soon as we got back, he was impossible to get back to sleep. I got my new stepmom to buy me a few things on amazon, so i'm gonna be adding a rule here real soon, but just then I heard (Y/N) getting closer to the door.

(Y/N)-N-No, it's ok... Alright... Hey Heather... I think she's fine... Ok, bye.

Soon he walked back in our room and I loved seeing his collar on him and he crawled back into bed.

Kenzie-So how'd it go?

(Y/N)-Well Heather's mom was kinda crying when she wanted to say how sorry she was and Heather told me she was gonna have another talk with her mom, just to be sure.

Kenzie-Well, you were so cozy before she woke you up.

I just grabbed him and held him closer to me and rubbed his head and I wanted to keep this a surprise, but... I was just so excited I had to tell someone and the girls aren't here, so...

Kenzie-Hey (Y/N), i'm adding another rule. I had our mom by me a few things and you're even getting a few new collars and... some leashes.


Kenzie-This one is cute and special, but it don't go with your clothes, so I got some that would look nice with matching leashes too. My new rule is i'm allowed to put leash on you whenever I want and we can even take walks outside at night.

(Y/N)-You want to take me outside on a leash?!

Kenzie-I know, you'll just look so cute!~ Oh, maybe we can do your first one when the girls spend the night this weekend!


Kenzie-No buts. I'm your big sister and the stuff is already ordered. Don't worry, nobody will see you... That's only for us to see.~

I just kissed his head and gave him a hug before our mom called us down for dinner, so we both got up and went downstairs.

(Tess's POV)

I just got off the phone with Heather and I could even hear her mom behind her sniffling and calming down, so I won't post the pictures. In the mean time I just looked at my homework my mom did and it all looks about right, so I gave her an award by pressing the good button. My dad did this to me and I know how much it sucks, but if it helps me keep friends then I don't mind doing it to some else. Just then my mom came in my room and she had dinner for me and came to get her phone back, but this would get annoying.


Mom-Can I have my phone back, please.

Tess-Sure, but I think I want my own phone. Can we return this tablet for a refund or sell it online to get money for it.

Mom-I'm... surprised you thought of that... I guess we could do that.

Tess-Good, but it better be a good phone. If it can't be a good one i'll be taking your and give you the new phone.

Mom-What? I won't give you my-.

I just grabbed the remote and pressed the shock button and she winced in pain for a second and still kept my food in one piece.

Tess-Now what were you saying?

Mom-I'll... I'll make sure you have a better phone than me.


She just gave me my food and got out of my room and while I was eating I felt like she could take more, so I just pressed the shock button 4 more times and felt like that was enough. She knows better to talk like that to me now. She's lucky i'm letting her have the bigger room and who knows... You know what, tomorrow, I know she's off, so i'll give her something to do by switching our room and to make it easier on her by only switching the small stuff... I'll keep her bed, big dresser, and T.V. and she can have mine. She'll just move everything else.

Tess's mind-I'll tell her the news in the morning before school.


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