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((Y/N)'s POV)

Kenzie and I just got to school and the others weren't here yet and this weekend was very busy with her. Kenzie wanted to play a lot of puppy and owner, she got in my baths with me, brushed my hair, and we even made rules for our room. She wanted a lot of stuff that included me and I got to make some too, like how outside of the house and room, I take the collar off, but if I wanted that, she made a rule that i'm not allowed to leave the house without her or someone she says yes to. There's a lot other rules, but we have them written on our wall and she made me sign it with her like a contract. I still missed having the others as friends and just then Kenzie kissed my cheek in front of everyone.

(Y/N)-Why did you do that?

Kenzie-Are you embarrassed? I'm your big sister.

She grabbed my hand and looked a little mad and others were looking at us, but not everyone, not like she cared.

Kenzie-And others are going to know you're my baby brother and if anyone laughs at you for it... tell me.

(Trinity's POV)

My mom was driving me to school now not trying anything thanks to the pictures and "training" I gave her. I made her drink all 3 bottles of dad's hot sauce over the weekend and my arm still felt a little sore from whipping her butt with a belt everyday and sometimes it was too much for her when she had "accidents" on the carpet since she couldn't get up. I had her clean it up after while she was still crying. I even gave her another spanking this morning before school to make sure she knew that I wasn't messing around with her and had her say (Y/N) was my best friend again.

Trinity-Mom, i'm going over to (Y/N)'s after school... Is that a problem?


Trinity-Good and what is (Y/N) again?

Mom-Your best friend.

I just smiled at how good she was doing now and I had the belt I use on her in my backpack along with my tablet, so she can't get to them and speaking of which, I could tell she was shifting a little from how her butt hurts now thanks to me.

(Heather's POV)

I was in the car with my mom and after a weekend of hitting my mom with a bug zapper, belts, and even my own hand on her belly, chest, face, and butt. She cried so much she ran out of tears and I made her say (Y/N) was mine after every hit. With the pictures I took of her I just sent them to the other girls and her face gets red every time I even talk about them.

Heather-Mom, after school, I want you to have everything ready in the house before you go to work. If one thing is not done you're going to lay down for another pink belly or the pictures go online and the other girls have them too.

Mom-Yes, i-i'll have it done and waiting.

Heather-I'm going to be really mad if one thing is missing mom.

Mom-Nothing will.

Heather-And when you come home and (Y/N) is still over?...

Mom-I'm... going to apologize to him and you.

Heather-That's right.

(Tess's POV)

I had my mom under control and Gavin was back in military school and he even punched his doctor, so we can say that's why he's going back. I had pictures and everything on my mom even after she cracked on the first day before Gavin was even finished and coming home, but I kept on going after he left and now she does whatever I say. Which was good because Bella called me on Sunday and said she was having problems, so I went over to have a talk with her and instead of doing the deed for her, I gave her a talk and pushed her and man did I touch a nerve with her.

(Flashback Start)


Bella-I-I'm trying, but-!

Just then I shoved her back a bit and it made her stop talking.

Tess-Come on shy girl, remember what she said to you and after what you said your daddy was like?!

Bella-Y-Yes and I-.

Tess-You wanna end up with a boyfriend like that or do you want (Y/N)?!

Bella-I want (Y/N)!

Tess-No you don't!

Bella-Wh-What?! Yes, I do!

Tess-You just want a man that walks all over you, makes you baby him while he doesn't care!

Bella-No I-!

I pushed her again and now she was getting mad and I just had a smirk on my face from my plan working.

Bella-Stop pushing me!

Tess-You let your dad push you, you let yourself push away from (Y/N), AND YOU LET YOUR MOM DO IT TOO!!!

I pushed her again and this time she grabbed my shirt before she let go and looked at what she did. She was still angry, but holding back... Maybe this will push her over the edge.

Tess-You don't want (Y/N) anymore. I get it.

Bella-What?! No!

Tess-I even think that he can easily replace you if you want to give up your spot in his heart. How hard can it be to cuddle him? What makes you special?

Bella-He loves my cuddling! I gave him hugs and kisses after he got bullied, I was even asked to sleep in his bed with him at my first sleepover!

Tess-And you wanna give that up?!

Bella-... No... No, NO!!!

Just then I went into my bag and gave her something and she can keep this because it's one of the things my dad made me hate the most even if he only used it once.


Tess-Prove it then!

I shoved it into her arms and she just starred at it and she just got mad before she went into the back room with it and soon...


Bella's mom-*Muffled screams*!

(Flashback End)

Tess's mind-I'm a good friend.

As for my mom I had something extra for her and I plan to keep it that way, it's even that way right now on the way to school. She looked so nervous and ashamed about this weekend, but as long as I stay in school and with (Y/N) and my friends, i'm happy.

Tess-Hey mom, i'm going over to (Y/N) and Kenzie's house after school. Understand and maybe when I get home, you can do all my homework while I take a nap or something.

Mom-Tess, you're a smart girl and you always have no problem with-.

I just pulled a remote out of my backpack and it made her shut up when she saw my finger was on the zap button.


Tess-Did I ask you if I know my homework is easy? I just want a nice day back with all my friends "you" almost took away and come home to relax. I'll do my own homework next time or do you have something else to say?

Mom-N-No, i'll do it.

I just put the remote away and relaxed on the rest of the way to school.

(Bella's POV)

I told my mom I was sorry about yesterday, but how she made me do it when she just wouldn't learn and Tess came over yester around twelve, but by the time I was done and really tired, I saw how red I made my mom's butt, she was crying and begging from her gag, and when I looked at the time, it was almost six. The ride to school was quiet and I just hope the ice pack I gave her last night helped her sleep even when she flinched when I put it on her and she was even sitting on one while in the car and called off work for having "too many blisters". I took the pictures like Tess said and now my mom doesn't even yell at me for the weekend... I even think she was scared of me.

Bella-Mom, I didn't wanna do that, but if I have to... i'll do it again or i'll have to post those pictures.

Mom-I-I know.

I just put my hand on her shoulder at a red light and she looked at me and I gave her the best hug I could from where I was sitting.

Bella-I... I want to go to (Y/N) and Kenzie's house after school. Ok.


Bella-I love you.

Mom-I love you too.

I really did feel bad, but I know I would do it again if I have too... I know that she calls this tough love and I understand why it's called that. You don't wanna do it, but you have to.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Kenzie was petting my head still and the bell should ring in 20 minutes and just then I Trinity, Bella, Heather, and Tess running to me and I was surprised to see that Tess was still here.



They all came to me and Kenzie and were all talking about missing me and how we can stay friends, but it was hard to understand with all of them talking at once. When they calmed down Kenzie told them about our room rules and I wish she wouldn't tell other people because some of them are embarrassing.

Tess-Wait, you even made a list of them and put it on the wall?

Trinity-I wanna see!

Heather-Hey, I want him to come to my house after school. I have something planned.

Trinity-Fine, we'll see the rules first then see what you got at your house.

Heather-Fine,... but it's only for him.

Bella-Ok... and Kenzie.


Just then Bella grabbed me and pulled me into a hug and Kenzie was a little surprised and Bella was rubbing my head.

Bella-C-Can I cuddle with for until the bell rings?

Kenzie-You're already doing it, but ok.

(Mr. Tesla's POV)

I was getting some last minute work in before the bell rings in 3 minutes and I have to go out and let my students in, but I just looked out the winder and I saw Bella holding (Y/N) close and the other girls were close too and looking happy. She was holding him close and petting his head then even kissed his cheek and that does raise a few concerns. When the bell rang I brought the students inside and I just got started with sending out the warm-ups. After warm-ups I had math lessons to start with and during the lessons I caught something out of the corner of my eye under a table... Trinity was rubbing her foot under on (Y/N)'s leg the table.

Mr. Tesla's mind-What the hell?

I didn't want to say anything and make a scene, so I waited until the lesson was done I just book the book down.

Mr. Tesla-Alright class, we'll take a short break, but can I see Trinity, Kenzie, Heather, Bella, and Tess outside for a second.

They got up and went outside with me and just closed the door and made sure we were alone before I just looked at them.


Trinity-Is everything ok?

Mr. Tesla-Trinity, I saw what you did during math and what Bella did before the bell rang.

They were frozen for a bit and weren't talking, so I knew I had to push this on myself.

Mr. Tesla-I know (Y/N) said you're all friends, but behavior like this is very serious and inappropriate. I don't know about the rest of you, but I want you to understand that hugs and handshakes, stuff like that is fine, but things like kisses is gonna have to wait. As for you 2, i'm gonna have to tell your moms about this.

Bella-... Ok.

Mr. Tesla-Alright, you can head back inside now.

They all went back inside the class and sat down and I think they took that very well, granted they'll be worried about their moms when 2 of them go home today.

(Tess's POV)

I was really mad that he just told us how to treat (Y/N) and I know he's gonna get nowhere with our moms, but still, we can love (Y/N) how ever we want too. It's not like we hurt him and make him cry for fun and trust me, I know stuff that's meant for that, but I wouldn't do it to him. When recess started after English we were going to take (Y/N) to our spot, but then... he pulled away from us.

(Y/N)-Hey, you just wanna hang out at lunch?

Tess-What, why?

(Y/N)-Mr. Tesla during English said that I should try to play some sports with other kids and he would give me a tootsie pop.

Kenzie-I have candy with me.

(Y/N)-I tried to tell him no, but-.

Tess-Then the answer is going to be no.

I just took his hand and pulled him with his and now that teacher was ok at first, but now he's trying to separate all of us because of something Trinity and Bella did and they were just being nice... I don't want Mr. Tesla to talk to (Y/N) anymore without us or not at all.

(Bella's POV)

I know my mom knows better than to be mad about this and she knows i'm allowed to hug and kiss (Y/N) whenever I want. Mr. Tesla was just being mean and doesn't want me to give (Y/N) cuddles and kisses anymore, but I know he was wrong, I helped him the same way when he got bullied and now he's happy again.

Bella's mom-Mom, please help me with the teacher when he calls... I don't want to punish you again.

(Trinity's POV)

I hated this feeling I had when the teacher said I was in trouble for just playing with (Y/N) and bit and it's not like anyone noticed or cared that I was doing it. It was just rubbing my foot on his leg, not kicking him! I know my mom should get him off my back and be good, but if she doesn't I still have the pictures and some hot sauce I can borrow from someone.

(Kenzie's POV)

I wasn't going to let him tell my baby brother what to do and (Y/N) knows to listen to me more than anyone because that's rule number and I put it as rule number one for a reason! If he talks to Mr. Tesla alone like that to give him bad ideas, i'm taking away the no collar rule and he "will" wear it to school. Tess can make sure he doesn't get bullied and i'll make sure of it too, so it won't be a problem.

Kenzie's mind-I wonder if i'm going to have to make him wear a leash around the house. Outside might be too much... in the morning... maybe late at night.

I just thought of something I can try if we stay up late and can't sleep. We can walk around the block at night with his leash and collar!... I like that and maybe we can do that at our next sleepover with everyone. The idea did put me back in a good mood, but I was still mad at the teacher.

(Heather's POV)

I don't care what the teacher says because we know (Y/N) doesn't get hurt by it and I have a whole setup at home just waiting for him. I just know he'll love it and you would wish a girl would do it for you. I just hope my mom remembers everything and has the right music on and the living room needs to be perfect.

Heather's mind-You'll know not to listen to people when they say you need more friends (Y/N)... You have us and we have you and "that's it".

(Tess's POV)

Does Mr. Tesla know what would happen if he told (Y/N) to play with other boys and how the last ones picked on him. I took care of that, so it won't happen again, not just for you to have others do the same thing or let (Y/N) be friends with boys THAT DON'T DESERVE HIM!!!

Tess's mind-I swear, if he or anyone else tries to force friends he doesn't want on him, i'll make sure they just know that (Y/N) is ours and they can pretend to be friends for the teachers, but I won't let them touch him... or they answer to me.


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