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(Warning, this chapter contains "extreme" contents of "special torture" (Non-lethal) until you reach Kenzie's POV, please do not read if torture is something that triggers you and you don't like it. You were warned. Also there are over 5,000 words in this chapter. Enjoy)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Today was the worst day ever in my life, when I went to school at the end of the day to meet up with the girls and say goodbye after what my mom said what's going to happen. Tess was leaving and now Bella, Trinity, and Heather aren't allowed to be my friends anymore. The only friend now is Kenzie and she said her grandma passed away last night, so now she was going to be my sister and was having her stuff from her room be moved over after school. I like Kenzie, but now technically, I have no friends anymore. I just have a mom and a sister now and right now Kenzie and I were walking home and she was holding my hand.


Trinity and Hannah got picked up to go home and their moms said it wasn't me, but I couldn't ride with them. The girls didn't like that, but their moms said they were in trouble and I think Tess was mad at her mom earlier. When we made it home I saw some adults moving Kenzie's stuff in my house and Kenzie hugged me.

Kenzie-Oh, this is so awesome! My bed is bigger, so we'll be using mine since we're sharing a room and *gasp* we can have an inside joke or maybe I can be that big sister that gives you makeovers or dresses you!

(Y/N)-Um, how about no makeovers.

Kenzie-But i'm your big sister and you're supposed to do what I say now!

(Y/N)-Mr. Tesla said that you were older than me by 2 weeks and a day.

Kenzie-I'm still older... Fine, no makeovers... yet.

We just got inside and my mom was home for the moving men and she was doing that thing where she has a glass of wine when she's upset.


(Y/N)-Hey mom, i'm back... and Kenzie's here.

Kenzie-Hi. Should I call you my stepmom now?

Mom-Whatever floats your boat.

Kenzie-Oh and Trinity wanted me to say that Tess still has the pictures of our sleepover, just in case you thought you were missing them.

Mom-Oh... How thoughtful of you girls.

She just took another sip of her wine before Kenzie went up to my or... our mom and gave her a hug.

Kenzie-Thank you so much for letting me stay here! Are me and (Y/N) sharing a room?!

Mom-... Yes, but are you sure that I can't just clear out a room for you?

Kenzie-I'm sure. I want to save as much space for you as possible.

Just then Kenzie let go of her and took me upstairs to "our" room room and some of her stuff like her bed and bigger T.V. were in here and my dresser was big enough to hold all of our clothes, so I had to move my stuff to one side of the dresser and put some clothes with others in the same drawer. By the end, it all fit and the men left, so Kenzie pulled me on our bed and it was nice to have a bigger bed, but we were gonna have to change the blankets and stuff, because it's too girly.

Kenzie-Oh, let's play a game!

(Y/N)-Ok, which game console do you wanna play on?

Kenzie-Not those games. I have a game my grandma played with me when I was in kindergarten, but I changed a few rules and the name.

(Y/N)-What's the game called?

Just then she went into her backpack and pulled something out before she put it on my neck and played with the bell a bit.


Kenzie-Puppy and owner!

(Tess's POV)

Gavin was already at his therapy session, this time for dad because he didn't want to come to school. I was so mad all day and at recess the girls and I came up with a plan. Trinity wanted to do what Kenzie is doing and be adopted by (Y/N)'s mom and that would be way too hard and long to do, so as before and what will most likely will be always, I came up with an idea. For thing first was that Bella was gonna have to take one for the team, so as recess while we were playing tag she "accidently" tripped and fell in the mud and would have to go home and take a shower. Her mom brought her back since she wanted to come back to say bye to me and when she did... she gave us each some pills of her dads that we used on (Y/N)'s mom. I gave everyone good pitches on what to do when they get home at lunch and I know what to do with my mom since dad knew what really hurt when I was "bad"... more like not letting him do what he wanted and threatened to tell mom and the cops. Right now I was heading home and my mom would be easy to catch off guard since she feels sorry for me still... It's show time.



Tess-When we get home, how about I make some strawberry lemonade and you put a movie on?... My teacher said it would help if I do stuff with you.

Mom-That sounds nice. What movie do you wanna watch?

Tess-How about we watch (Favorite Kid Movie)?

Mom-Ok and we'll even save some lemonade for Gavin when he's done at 7.


When we got home I went into the kitchen and got started on the lemonade and made it like normal until I poured two cups that looked different, so I know which is which.


I added 4 pills to my mom's cup and stirred it some more until you couldn't see the pills anymore and took them to the living room and gave my mom her cup. During the movie she drank hers and I had mine and now I just relaxed as I watched the movie.


Tess-Are you tired mom?

Mom-A little.

Tess-How about you go to bed and tell the doctors to have an uber driver drop Gavin off at home again while you take a nap. I think everything bad that's happened is just making you sad and tired.

Mom-But the movie.

Tess-We can watch it later... How about I take a nap with you? I had a long day.

Mom-Well... ok.

We turned off the T.V. and went t her room where she called the doctor and asked to order Gavin an uber driver if she isn't up by 6 to go pick up Gavin. This happened before, so it'll see normal and when mom and I got in bed, I just need to wait for her to go to sleep then I can go to the garage where I know dad kept his "holiday toy stash" he used for me. It's basically cuffs, plugs, costumes, and stuff, but for Christmas, Valentines day, and other holidays... I hated the Easter ones the most.

(Bella's POV)

I got home with my mom and was told to be in my room, but she got into the shower when she got him after I "accidently" popped my balloon filled with glitter in the car that I made in arts and crafts today. While she was in the shower I snuck out of my room and looked for something she was drinking and I now she loves bottled tea and just my luck, she had an open one still mostly full in her room, so I put the pills I had in there and shook it before I left and ran back to my room to look like I never left.


I just have to wait a while after she get's out of the shower, so I just relaxed in bed and grabbed my notebook to draw some more and when the water turned off, I think I just need to wait an hour or 2 before I go see if she's asleep like she used to do to dad when she had to leave for a bit and didn't trust him or she just wanted him to be asleep,... but now it was her turn.

Bella's mind-You can't keep from (Y/N) mom, nobody can... and you're going to understand that.

(Trinity's POV)

I was locked in my room, but I already had the pills in my mom's beer while she was driving us home and she was too into her music and the road to see what I did.


She didn't take another drink of it until we got home and she sent me straight to my room while still yelling at me for what Heather and I did, but when I made it to my room... I just smiled and remembered what Tess said and it wasn't a bad idea. I just need the big zip ties from my dad's old desk, hot sauce, and i'm set.

Trinity's mind-If I want to give my best friend a massage, i'm going to do it and if you think I need to be punished for that and never see him again after Mr. Tesla, said that "giving a friend a nice surprise was just being a good friend"... If one of us should be being punished, I think it's you.

(Heather's POV)

I couldn't get my mom to take these stupid pills yet because she drinking anything and Tess and Bella said to put it in a drink. I was in my room with no idea what to do if I can't find a drink. I just snuck out of my room and heard my mom in her room, so I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge quietly. I saw few things, but no drinks I know she would have, but I have an idea even if I know I was going to get yelled at... I took one of her protein powder shakes and put it in there and shook it before I went to my mom's room and saw here on the bed.


Heather-Mom... I'm sorry, but I-.

Mom-I told you stay in your room! You're grounded!

Heather-... I brought your favorite protein shake.

She took it, but she was still mad and pointed me to my room, but before I left, I saw her open it and drink some, so I hid my smile and went to my room to wait a while and I remember my dad had those straps for his truck that get tighter when you crank them or pump or something, the point is I remember when my old friend and I played with them and I got stuck and they didn't know how to undo do it until we went to my dad and that thing left marks on my arms.

Heather's mind-I think dad's truck straps can hold you mom.

I also remembered she spanked me before school after I yelled at her in a fight, but I know I was right and she was wrong, but I wasn't that strong as Tess, but she told me about something that really hurts and I don't need to be strong... I can't wait to do it.

(Timeskip 2 hours)

(Tess's POV)

I had my mom's arms and legs cuffed to all the edges of the bed and on her belly and I had my tools ready and her pants were off, but I left her underwear on, but after she sees why I purposely left them on, she's gonna wish they were off.


I gave her the Christmas cuffs and the  rubber Christmas cookie gag to keep her quiet and she should be waking up after I start since she didn't have as much as (Y/N)'s mom did. I just took the belt then...


Just then my mom woke up then soon started to panic from how she was until she saw me and looked confused, but I only glared at her to show her I was not happy and I was done doing things her way... Not like it ever helped me before.

Tess-Hey mom... Don't worry, Gavin should still be at his therapy, but I wanted to talk to you and you're going to listen... My whole life, you never helped me, Gavin and dad have been ruining my life and what did you do to stop them... nothing... NOTHING!!!


Mom-*Muffled yelp*!

Tess-You wanna know why did what he did and why he had this stuff I have holding you down and it's not even all of it! He said he loved fighters and got bored with subs like you! I couldn't make any friends or even want to because of him and Gavin and now that I did, you have Gavin come back and ruin it then-!







She was actually crying and trying to talk with that gag, but it reached the back of your tongue to make it impossible to talk and I should know.

Tess-Dad would do all kinds of things to me and not even caught on video! At Christmas those mother and son gift runs were just so you would leave with Gavin for a few hours and dad would have me in ways like this, but unlike me, you don't have plugs or toys in you and clothes on!

I could tell she was scared and trying to get out, but I just whipped her until I was a little out of breath and grabbed the hot sauce and opened it.

Tess-Listen to me now mom... I'm "staying" in school, "Gavin" is going back to military school, and you're gonna stop being sorry to me and start really making it up to me... (Y/N) is my friend... and if you want to get in the way of that...

I just poured the hot sauce on her red ass and her underwear was soaking it up and keeping it in place to last way longer and dad did this to me too and it burns a lot. She was screaming and trying to get out again, but I kept on pouring until I get up and got the belt again.

Tess-We got a while before Gavin gets home... AND I'M GONNA MAKE SURE IT HURTS!!!

I whipped her again and again and if dad was right about one thing, is that mom will do anything for anyone the second she sees your stronger than her and too weak to follow through on a punishment for anyone... It's just how she is, so i'm gonna make sure she listens to me.

(Bella's POV)

I was all set and I listened to what Tess told me what her dad did to her and it was really gross, but if it meant staying friends with (Y/N)... I'll do it. I also stuffed a pair off socks in my mom's mouth since Tess said their mouths need to be full and covered, so they can't scream for help or yell at us... I need her to listen to me and I was gonna do anything to make that happen. I had her pants and underwear off and he legs completely wrapped in duct tape and her arms too behind her back and I even used to rest to keep her still on the the ground. I was waiting for her to wake up and when she was starting to, I just put on my gloves.

Bella's mind-Alright Bella, this is the grossest thing ever, but you can't lose (Y/N)... She deserves this for trying to take (Y/N) away, just like his mom did.

When I thought about his mom, I felt a little better and got into the freezer for the bowl of ice cubes and poured cold water into it.


I went back to my mom's room and she was awake and trying to get out and she was really angry when she looked at me.

Mom-Hella, het he ouh, wis insins! *muffled*

I didn't understand here much, but I knew what she was trying to say and I have to listen to Tess. Our moms are wrong and we are right... I can't listen to her right now, so I just put the bowl down next to her and pulled on my gloves.

Bella-Mom... I know your mad and so am I, but I still love you... You said dad needed to be punished and sometimes I did, but you said it's because I needed to learn not to do something wrong. You just need to learn not to tell me that I can't be friends with (Y/N) anymore... I... I love him and I won't let you take him from me!... He's the reason I have friends now, he loved my drawings, and made me feel more special than anyone else did before... Even you.

She was still mad and tried to yell and me some more and I didn't want to hurt my mom, but Tess said this was best thing for me to do that she knows about and it still hurts, like when you take too big a bite on a popsicle and it's so cold in your mouth.

Bella-J-Just... stop yelling and learn your lesson mom,... please.

I took an ice cube with my gloved hands and couldn't even watch as I reached for her butt and went in between until I found a place for it to go inside and she was screaming and trying to get out again, so I can't stop now.

Bella-Mom, just stop. I'm doing this, so I can be happy... You want me happy, right?

She kept on yelling at me and it made me feel sad, but I was starting to get a little angry which made this a little easier to do, but it was still gross.

Bella-Mom, st-stop... Stop, stop... I-... I said,... stop yelling at me!

I got another ice cube and still couldn't watch as I put it in her and I kept on going and soon her yelling changed a bit and as much as this was working, it was still disgusting. I was starting to run out of ice, but before I did... I couldn't fit anymore in her and she tried to pop them out, but I just put the back in while she was screaming and even starting to cry. I felt bad, but I can't stop now or i'll be in even more trouble since she will think I did this because of me just wanting to hurt her, but it's not that I want to do this... I need to do this for (Y/N), but still...

Bella's mind-Why would Tess's dad, do this to her for fun?!

(Heather's POV)

I was just finishing up putting the truck straps on my mom's arms to keep them behind her back and made sure they were tight, but I tied the loose ends of the straps, just incase. She was strapped to the bed and I had her shirt and bra off from what I had planned and I remember seeing this on YouTube before, but it was on someone's arm, but now, it was going to be on my mom's belly and chest. Almost all the close were dirty, and her shirt was too big, so I just put my socks that I was wearing in her mouth and taped it in there to keep them in. I got the bug thing that looked like a tennis racket from the backyard and was going to give her a pink belly with it and now she was waking up.


Mom-*Hmph*?... *Muffled yelling*

Heather-Mom, over here.

She looked at me and I hid the bug thing behind the bed where she can't see it and she got mad seeing where she was. She was yelling at me through my socks in her mouth until I showed her what I had and got in the bed and turned it on and for a second, you could hear it buzz.

Heather-Mom... I just wanted to be nice to my bestest friend in the whole wide world and the teacher said it was okay to surprise your friends,... but you took him away from me and say i'm in trouble for being nice?... I think you were jealous because dad isn't here to give you one anymore!

She tried yelling at me and I could barely understand here and also didn't care because Tess and the others said they want us to feel like we're in trouble when they should be in trouble.

Heather-Mom, you tell me why i'm in trouble before you punish me, so let me tell you why "You're" in trouble... You. Took. MY BEST FRIEND AWAY!!!

I brought the bug thing hit then hit her belly with it as hard as I could and she screamed from it.


Heather-You listen to me and you listen good!


Heather-(Y/N) and I are staying friends!


Heather-I'm not going to be grounded!






I kept on going while she was screaming and I made sure to her belly and her whole chest. She finally stopped yelling at me, but screaming for me to stop and tears were coming out of her eyes.


I didn't let her try to talk to me as I kept on going because when she yells at me while not stopping her spanking when i'm in trouble, why should I do it for her?

(Trinity's POV)

My mom had zip ties on her ankles, knees, and hands, so now I was waiting for her to wake up and I had an idea from what Tess said and I was going to do that. I had a bottle of hot sauce in her mouth and daddy said she can't handle his hot sauce at all because it was too spicy for her and me, but I tapped the bottled to her mouth and gave it a test pull to see it was in there good.


All I had to do now was squeeze it to squirt some into her mouth and she can't do a thing about it. I sat on top of her and poked her until she woke up and started to slowly struggling until she saw me and got angry, but I should be angry at her, so I gave the bottle a little squeeze and it should just be a drop or so and she tasted it and didn't like it.

Trinity-Hey mom.

She started to yell at me through the bottle and all I had to do to shut her up was squeeze it again and I don't know how dad makes this, so spicy, but I got 2 more bottles of this in the fridge in the garage that he left behind.

Trinity-Mom, you better listen or i'll go get the other hot sauce bottle and I saw some people online putting it up their nose and it's supposed to hurt!

That made her scared that she couldn't do anything right now and I just smiled at her for a bit before I got serious.

Trinity-Now, let me explain. Heather and I just wanted to do something nice for our best friend that I. Know. Since. Kindergarten.

I got so mad that I squeezed the bottle and made her swallow more hot sauce and she was sweating now and I grabbed her by the chin and made her look at me.

Trinity-I'm not losing him as a friend, you understand me?!

I gave the bottle a hard squeeze and she screamed from how hot her mouth must feel right now and crying while not looking at me anymore, so I raised my hand then...


Trinity-LOOK AT ME!!!

I gave the bottle 3 good squeezes and this mad her look at me, but she was still breathing fast and crying, but I didn't care. She made me cry and feel like my heart was broken, so she was going to feel what I felt.

Trinity-We're gonna do this all weekend if we have too and don't think the other moms are coming to save you! They're being dealt with too!

I heard her begging to stop, but I just kept on squirting my hot sauce in her mouth for her to swallow it until I felt like it was empty the I heard the farting sounds from the bottle, so it was empty now and I still don't think she learned her lesson because she was still trying to get out. I heard her begging, but I know that was only because of the whole bottle of hot sauce I made her drink and she wanted milk, but there was no way I was getting her some. I need to do what Tess said and make sure she learns her lesson even if it takes all weekend.

Trinity-You're not going to keep my from (Y/N) anymore and if you do anything, i'm going to make sure you regret it... In fact... let's take some pictures after a few more things.

She wasn't listening right now because of her crying, but I don't care. I just flipped her and did my best to pull her pants and underwear down as much as I could like she does to me sometimes, but I wasn't going to use my hand... I went into the closet and got one of dad's belts and when she saw it, she flipped back over and tried harder to get out.


I managed to get past her and make a chain of zip ties and connected it to her so short and close to her bed, she couldn't flip over completely anymore and still crying from the hot sauce.

Trinity-Let's get you red enough for some pictures mom and just remember... THIS IS MAKING ME SAYING (Y/N) WASN'T MY FRIEND ANYMORE!!!


(Kenzie's POV)


Just then (Y/N) sat on the floor crisscrossed and his cute little bell jingled a little and I just loved it. I was even doing this in front of his mom and told her it was only a game we were playing, but I think she was holding a lot of anger, but I still gave (Y/N) a mini peanut buttercup for his treat.

Kenzie-Good boy.~

As long as Trinity has her tablet, she'll have the pictures, and my new stepmom will do nothing to stop me. I patted the couch and he came up kinda like a dog like I showed him and I kissed his cheek and pet his head then I looked at "her".

Kenzie-Mom or stepmom, what's for dinner?

New mom-I'm ordering take out tonight.

(Y/N)-Can we get panda?

New mom-Fine, i'll get what we usually get from Panda Express.

Kenzie-I love Panda Express.

We went back to playing until he said he got bored of it, but I got him to keep the collar on at least while we just watched T.V. and his mom went on Door Dash to have the food brought here. While we were watching the movie he picked I just had fantasy's of having (Y/N) with me in bed every night, I can even make him a cute smaller bed made of my old blankets for naps, since he wants to change what our bed looks like to something we both are happy with.

(No POV)

While Kenzie and (Y/N) were playing and now watching a movie, (Y/N)'s mom as been trying to get a hold of the other moms for help, but because they were too "busy" they couldn't get to the phone right now. The only mom to be free-ish right now was Tess's mom and because of her submissive and weak willed nature, she was already calling the military school to have Gavin enrolled again and this Tess was going to make sure she followed through on this punishment. As for the rest of the moms, their daughters were still pretty angry and were most likely to be "busy" all weekend. Trinity tried calling and texting the other mom's phones and got ahold of the other girls and told them to take pictures and send them to her and Tess's tablet or computer.

Tess/Bella/Trinity/Kenzie/Heather's minds-I hope you understand now... (Y/N) is mine.~


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