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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was Thursday and the whole week so far Kenzie has been acting a little different to me. She was still nice and gave me candy, but she wants me to do stuff for it and scratches the spot on my back in front of everyone and it was so embarrassing. When Alex and Drew came back to school yesterday I saw they both had black eyes and when they were too close to me they would get scared and run and Tess would say "don't worry about them". When I got to school I saw the girls at the spot and Tess was mad and before I could ask her what was wrong she grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.


(Y/N)-Wha happened? *muffled*

Tess-Don't talk, just hold me.

Just wrapped my arms around her and when the bell rang we went to line up for class, but when we did I heard someone yell for someone else to shut up and that's when they came to the back of the line and it was Tess's brother. I thought he was supposed to be in military school.


We he got to the back of the line with us he just looked at me before he got mad again, but I didn't do anything.

Gavin-What are you looking at?!

Just then Tess held me again and tighter than last time before she got mad at her brother.

Tess-You remember what I told you this morning?... So. Back. Off.

Gavin-... *Tch* He's not even worth it!

That was weird and we got inside Trinity scooted closer to me while we did warm ups on english and the whole class she would use her foot to rub my leg. Not even past the first lesson and Gavin got a detention and sent to the principals office and Tess just sighed. The whole day was very interesting with almost everyone I know acting different and when it was almost time to go home I wanted to talk to Mr. Tesla, but Heather and Trinity both grabbed me and pulled me to them.


Heather-Hey (Y/N), guess what.


Heather-You're coming to my house!

(Y/N)-Umm... Ok, but I have to ask my mom first.

Heather-You can tell her when you drop your stuff off at him or even call her at my house. I got a surprise for you.~

Trinity-Um, "we" have a surprise for you.

Heather-Fine. My surprise and Trinity added something to it.

(Y/N)-You're not gonna scratch that spot on my back, are you? Everyone knows about it now.

Heather-And they won't touch it when you're with us. That spot is for us, but we promise that we won't scratch your sweet spot.

When the bell rang Bella, Kenzie, and Tess sad goodbye to me before we left to go to my house and after we got there, my mom wasn't home, so Heather just left a note for her saying I was at her house then we left after I put my backpack in my room and we went to Heather's house and I saw her mom in the living room.


Heather-Hey mom, I brought a few friends over!

Heather's mom-Did you tell their moms that they were coming over?

Trinity-My mom knows i'm here and were left a note at his house.

Heather's mom-*Sigh* I'll just call his mom myself.

Heather-Ok, we'll be up in my room.

Heather and Trinity pulled me down the hall and to Heather's room and there was a lot of purple and blue stuff in here, but I didn't know what the surprise was until Trinity reached into her bag and Heather went into her closet, so I just sat on the bed and soon Trinity got what she wanted.


Then next Heather got out a yoga mat and rolled it on her floor while Trinity closed and locked the door.

Heather-Alright, i'll turn on a show and (Y/N) take your shirt off.


Trinity-Well you don't want this lotion on your shirt. We took baths together with everyone, so you can't be embarrassed now.

Heather-Yeah, we planned this yesterday and kept it a secret from Bella, Tess, and Kenzie. I watched some massaging videos before bed last night and now i'm gonna try them on you and Trinity said she would bring lotion if we took turns. Now I think we talked long enough, so take your shirt off and lay on the mat before we make you.

They both looked a little mad, so I just did what they wanted me to while they put a show on, but it was a girly show. Heather just sat on my butt, before she put lotion on her hands and my back then started to rub it in kinda hard, but it didn't hurt.

Heather-Let me know if it hurts ok.

(Timeskip 30 minutes)

(Heather's mom POV)

I was just watching my show and I thought I would go check on the kids and when I made it to my daughters room the door was locked, so I just knocked on it.

Heather's mom-Heather, open the door.

Heather-Just a second.

Soon the door opened and when she did I smelled something good, like flowers or something, but I saw nothing that would smell like that in here and the kids were watching T.V. in here. I just walked in and saw the kids on the bed watching a show, but the smell was stronger.


Heather's mom-What's that smell?

Heather-Oh, Trinity got a new perfume and it smelled good, so we sprayed my room a bit.

I know some perfumes, but this was different. I was about to ask to see this perfume, but then I noticed my daughter and Trinity were sitting weird and hiding their hands.

Heather's mom-Girls, what are you hiding?


Heather's mom-Heather,... show me your hands.

She was hesitant and not wanting to show them, but when I went over to her and grabbed them and pulled them out to me I saw that lotion was all over her palms. I looked at Trinity spotted her hands under the blanket with lotion on them too. I didn't feel any lotion on their arms then I noticed (Y/N) didn't have any lotion on his hands, so I checked him next then noticed his shirt was sticking to his back a bit then I smelled the smell a little better and looked at the girls checking their backs to only know they did it to him.

Heather's mom-Girls, i'm gonna give you a chance to tell me what you did.

They were both quiet for a moment before Heather just shifted up a bit and looked at me in the eyes.

Heather-Well... I thought (Y/N) would like this.

Heather's mom-Heather, you don't need to be doing this to your friends. What else do you do with him?


Heather's mom-(Y/N), what do they do to you?

(Y/N)-... Um... Trinity does rub her... foot on my leg a lot during class and stuff... They also took a bath with me.

I couldn't believe what I just heard. Not only was Trinity playing feetsies under the table with him in class, HE TOOK A BATH WITH THEM AND MAYBE EVEN THE OTHER GIRLS!!! The idea of that was just wrong and when I pried into him he said it wasn't his idea and it was theirs. At this point I didn't care who's idea it was or if they liked it or not because my daughter taking a bath with all her friends especially a boy was unacceptable and I know how to fix this.

Heather's mom-I'm taking you both home and telling your moms "exactly" what's going on between all of you and i'll be talking to Tess's mom, Kenzie's grandma, and Bella's mom! As for you young lady, you're grounded!


(Heather's POV)

My mom just grabbed Trinity's and (Y/N)'s arm while she was still angry and closed my door on me and I tried to open my door to follow her, but she just looked very mad at me before she kept on going. I was too scared to follow her and started to cry that she took my friends and grounded me from just trying to be nice and do something special for (Y/N) and now she won't let us be friends anymore...

Heather's mind-Mommy, please don't do this!

I just kept on crying and just jumped into bed to cry into my pillow and I felt something and I think I felt this feeling before, but this time... I think it was worse.


(Bella's POV)

I was just drawing (Y/N) as best I could in my notebook, but when my door opened I slammed my notebook shut and I saw my mom come in and she was looking at me weird.


Mom-Bella, sweetie, I just got a call from Heather's mom.

Bella-... Ok.

Mom-Now, she said a few things that you and your friends did and I want you to tell me the truth... Did you take a bath with (Y/N) and the others before or anything like that?

She talked to me like she does with daddy with he was in trouble and I felt my chest getting heavy.

Bella-... Um... I... I-I mean.

Mom-Bella, did you do it? Yes or no?

Bella-... Um... K-Kinda.

Mom-Kinda?... Well then you're kinda grounded and after i'm done making dinner, me and you are going to have a talk about this, because this is "not" ok!

I was trying not to cry right now, but it was very hard not to and she walked closer to me.

Mom-I had a talk with (Y/N)'s mom too and now he's staying home tomorrow and until we get all of this sorted out, I don't want you going near him!

Just then I felt my heart feel worse and I had tears coming out of my eyes and tried to beg her and say sorry, but she just left my room as I just cried more. I can't lose (Y/N), he's my first and best friend in the whole world. My heart wouldn't stop hurting, but when I kept on thinking about my mom not letting me see (Y/N) and I was in big trouble for loving him, it just kept on feeling worse.

(Trinity's POV)

I was grounded and crying in my room and my mom took my tablet's battery, so I couldn't use it and I was just crying in my room. I tried holding onto (Y/N)'s hand when we came to my house first, but after what Heather's mom told my mom she pulled me away from (Y/N) and since then i've been in my room with nothing to do while she makes dinner. My heart felt like it just got stepped on over and over again and I was going to die if it doesn't stop soon. I just want want to hold (Y/N) close to me to make it stop, but couldn't do anything. Not even tell (Y/N)'s mom to do something on a private message because of my mom taking the battery, so I couldn't do anything AND IT MAKES ME SO MAD!!!

(Tess's POV)

After mom sent Gavin to his room after he kept on yelling about her about how stupid school was she got a call and was talking to someone and I wasn't paying attention to her, but when the screen to the T.V. went black for a moment between the show and commercials I saw her looking at me in the reflection and soon she walked into the living room.


Mom-Tess. That was Heather's mom and she told me that you... did some things. Like not just fighting.

Just then I was starting to get worried, but I played it cool and acted like nothing happened.

Tess-Ok. What happened?

Mom-It's about (Y/N) and one of the things she said was that you and girls took a bath with him... Is this true?


Mom-Tess, don't lie to me. Honestly I don't even think it's your fault you act the way you do.

Tess-Yooouuu don't?

Mom-After what your father did to you behind my back and hurt you for all those years, you're most likely... you just think differently because of what your dad did to you.

She was taking this "too" well, but at least i'm not in trouble with her.

Mom-I think I know how to fix this problem too and it's going to be tough for the both of us... I'm gonna take you and Gavin out of school tomorrow and be put into private school and have you be in therapy with your brother.


She was gonna take me out of the only school that I actually made friends in?! I just stood up and looked at her in the eye.

Tess-No, you can't pull me out! This is first school that I actually made friends!

Mom-And you'll see them again when you're all better and worked through what your father put you through. You just need some space from boys right now, but I can let the moms know about your issues... I'll even let you say goodbye to your friends tomorrow and pull you and Gavin out on Sunday, but (Y/N) is gonna be staying home from what his mom said.

I was so angry and sad and I never felt this helpless since whenever my dad was alone with me and my mom wrapped me in a hug, but this just made me even more angry.

Mom-Don't worry sweetie, we're gonna get you through this and you'll understand this when you're older that this is for the best.~

(Kenzie's POV)

I was playing with my toys in my room when Hunter came in and took me to my grandma and she just looked at me a little weird. Her new heart monitor and blood and air pump thingy keeping her alive was the only sound in the room because the T.V. was off and she had the house phone in her hand.


Grandma-Kenzie, I just spoke to Heather's mother and she told me something about you taking a bath with the other little girls and that little boy and she caught two of them massaging that little boy with lotion.

When she said that I started to feel nervous.

Grandma-Young lady, what you did was "very" bad. I shouldn't have to tell you not to take baths with boys because I know I raised you better than that.

Kenzie-Grandma, I-.

Grandma-No, not another word. It's clear to me what I have to do. When the nurses get here in the morning, i'm telling them you're not living with that lady and her son. I'll be telling his mom this tomorrow when the nurse calls her.

Kenzie-No, grandma please!

Grandma-No, when I look over you from heaven, I don't wanna see the little girl I raised to be a naughty girl!

I was starting to cry that I wasn't going to be (Y/N)'s sister anymore and when I started crying my grandma said I was grounded, but I barely heard that then she snapped her fingers to make me look at her and I did while trying to stop crying.

Grandma-Go to you room young lady, you're grounded!

Kenzie-... *Sniffle*... No.

Grandma-Excuse me missy?! Come here, now!

She snapped her fingers at me again and Hunter went to his bed, but I was just so angry at what my grandma said. I walked past her and she pulled out her whistle she keeps in the pocket of her chair and she blew it and while my ears did hurt a little, Hunter was whining and I still didn't listen to her... I soon just looked at the plugs in the wall.


I just walked at the plugs and when my grandma saw this she stopped blowing the whistle and looked scared... maybe she should be scared.

Grandma-Kenzie, get away from those!


I just grabbed the cords and yanked them out of the and the machines turned off and my grandma was starting to breath heavy and Hunter came to us, but I just took the whistle from my grandma and blew it to stop him.

Kenzie-*Giggles*... *giggles* Don't worry Hunter, i'm not gonna hurt you. You're a good boy and we're gonna go to our new homes soon now.~

My grandma tried to reach for me, but I walked away from her and to her before and sat next to him as I heard my grandma trying very hard to breath.

Kenzie-Who's my good boy and guess who's getting a pet brother tomorrow?... Me.~

I just sat with him and gave him kisses until I was getting bored and was about to go to my room and plugged the machines and only heard a long beep, but when I closed my door I didn't hear it anymore. I can stay up as long as I want now and I was so excited because tomorrow is when I start living with (Y/N).

((M/N)'s POV)

I was so happy to have those girls taken care of and my life was back to normal. Trinity's mom said she took the battery of the tablet for now and plans to take the tablet after and when I get my hands on it, the photos will be gone and they lose power over me forever. I was so happy that I decided to sleep with my son tonight and tomorrow i'll talk to Kenzie's grandma about changing my mind. I just looked at my son sleeping one last time before I finally fell asleep myself.


(M/N)'s mind-It's over... It's finally over.


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