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(Alex's POV)

I got my 3DS back from that stupid teacher and that stupid girl was gonna pay tomorrow when I put gum in her hair. The bell just rang and we saw the girly boy leave with his girlfriends and Drew and I were gonna go to my house to play on my PS4. When we got off school campus and took our shortcut through the creek I heard other footsteps running behind us and when I turned I got hit in the face and saw 2 of the girls that are always around (Y/N).


Drew try to hit her back for me, but she grabbed his arm and pulled him to the ground and in the mud.

Drew-You're so dea-!

She kicked him in the stomach and he fell back down breathing hard, so I ran to her to hit her and did because she didn't see me coming, but she didn't go down and kicked me in the ball, so I went down crying, but she grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me up.

Tess-What did you do to (Y/N), huh?!... Bella, check their bags!

She did what she told her and when I tried to stop her I just got punched again then Bella pulled the lipstick out of my bag and gave it to Tess.


Tess-... Did you use this on him? Don't you lie to me.


Tess-Fine then, have it your way... Hey Bella, does a make over sound good for them?

Bella-*Giggles* Yeah, but hurry.

Tess-You heard her and hold still or your little 3DS is gonna meet my foot.

Just then Bella took it out of my backpack and Tess just smiled and brought the lipstick up to my face.

Alex-No, stop it! Get away from-!

She punched me again before she kicked me to flip me over and sat on top of me.

Tess-Hold. Still.

She punched me 3 more times until I was only crying then she got started putting the lipstick on me. Next was Drew and I was too hurt to help him and when she was done she tossed my 3DS somewhere and dragged Drew over to me and threw him on top of me, so we were both looking at him.

Tess-If you mess with any of my friends again, I "will" make it worse next time! Understand?!


Tess-Good, now one more final touch.

She flipped us both over and gave us wedgies before they both left us laughing and I just tried to crawl before I could get up to find my 3DS.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Trinity and Heather were holding my hands on the way home and Kenzie was with us too. They were trying to make me feel better by making me laugh and it was kinda working, but I was still thinking about what happened in the bathroom.

Heather-When you're done with whatever is happening at your home, you can come to my house.

(Y/N)-Ok... maybe.

Trinity-(Y/N), please tell us what happened.


Kenzie-Listen, i'll take him home and we'll find out tomorrow.

It was time for us to split up and Kenzie took my hand and we went the rest of the short way to my house and when we got in I saw a few nurses, her grandma, and my mom in the living just talking.


Kenzie's grandma-Oh, out of school already?


(Y/N)-Is Kenzie really gonna be my new sister?

Kenzie's grandma-"Step sister" and maybe. I can't find a thing wrong with this place, so that might be the case someday soon.


Kenzie's grandma-Yes, dear.

Kenzie just hugged me while hugging me and the adults just smiled at us except for my mom and Kenzie took me to my room while the adults talked and we got on my bed then she wrapped her arms and legs around me.

(Kenzie's POV)

I was so happy that we were gonna be brother and sister now and I was gonna be the best big sister ever and I knew I was 3 months older than him because of the get to know you project at the beginning of school. When I get home, i'm gonna learn everything about being a good big sister and I was gonna start by cuddling him and give him kisses. After a while a nurse came to the room and looked at us and she smiled at us, but I just held (Y/N) closer.

Nurse-Come on Kenzie, we're going home and I know you have to have homework.

Kenzie-Awww, can we stay just a little longer?

Nurse-Sorry, but your grandma needs to get home and you're still under her care.

Kenzie-Fiiinnee... I'll see you tomorrow.~ ... Oh, I can call you my baby brother!

Nurse-Not yet, now let's go.

I just let go of (Y/N) and left his room and went outside to get into the van to go home and i'm gonna miss my grandma, but just the thought of living with (Y/N) was enough to make me happy.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was alone right now and I wanna keep it that way, so I just stayed in my room and put a movie on and stayed in bed. Later my mom came in with some food for me and sat on the edge of my bed and put the food on the table.


Mom-Hey baby, I made some soft tacos and saw you didn't look happy. Is something wrong?

(Y/N)-... Mom... Do you think I act more like a girl?

Mom-What? No. Why would you say that?

(Y/N)-... I... 2 boys at school said it at school. They said because all my friends are girls, I am one too.

Mom-Sweetie, that doesn't make you a girl. You're still a boy.

She just pulled me into a hug and I looked at her pants and they were still dry, so I just got up and sat on her lap and she hugged me.

Mom-How about we just relax in the living room with dinner and watch a movie out there.

(Y/N)-... Ok.

She just took my plate and we went downstairs to watch a movie and I got to pick what movie we were gonna watch and it was (Favorite Kid Movie).

(Heather's POV)

I was still waiting for (Y/N) to get here and now the sun was going down, so before it was time for me to stay inside I decided to go over to (Y/N)'s house to see if he's ok. My mom didn't stop me and I walked over to his house and saw lights on in the living room window and when I saw what was happening from looking from the sidewalk... (Y/N) was cuddling and looked happy with his mom... without me.


Heather's mind-But... But,... THAT SHOULD BE ME MAKING HIM HAPPY!!!

I can't do anything right now since the street lights are going to be on any minute and I need to be home, but tomorrow the others will hear about this. If taking it easy on him to make him feel better doesn't work then i'll do better than that. I'll spoil him if I have to! I started to think about ways to do it like that spot on his back that he likes getting scratched, cuddles, candy, there is nothing I won't do. I just went back home for the night and had to started getting ready for dinner and I was thinking about all I could tomorrow.

(Kenzie's POV)

Hunter was with me in my room right now while the nurses were getting ready to leave for the day and they got me In-and-Out on the way home and it tasted great. When I was finished and went to throw it away I saw my the nurses about to leave and I sat on the couch next to my grandma's chair and she looked at me.


Grandma-Hello dear. Did you enjoy your dinner?

Kenzie-Yeah... I know we talked about this, but when... you know... it happens and I have to leave, what do I take with me now?

Grandma-Weelll... She did insist on taking you and Hunter, but the head nurse did bring up that Hunter is a service dog and her sister could really use one.

Kenzie-What?! Hunter isn't coming with me?!

Grandma-Now settle down sweetie. You can visit Hunter, but he does have a job to do. You'll have a whole new family to be there for you and your best friend is gonna be in that family.

Kenzie-Yeah, but still-.

Grandma-You will be seeing him again. I promise because he'll be helping her get out of the house and meet new people and who better than your new family?

Kenzie-So,... i'll be seeing him a lot then?

Grandma-And if she feels like she doesn't need a service animal anymore, I believe he'll go back to you.

That did make me feel better that I was going to see Hunter still and my grandma wanted to give me a soft hug, so we did and I went back to my room to let her watch T.V. out here and I think i'll get a cupcake for dessert in a bit. I just wanna go lay down with Hunter while I still got him.


I was still sad about this, but then I pulled out my good luck charm and just looked at it.


Kenzie's mind-I'm gonna miss having you home all the time Hunter.

(Tess's POV)

I was at the dinner table with my mom alone and I just love that dad and Gavin aren't here anymore and when I got home earlier I just did my homework and took the best nap after what I did to those 2 punks.

Mom-Tess honey, can I ask you a few things?

Tess-What is it?

Mom-So I know you might not like this, but... I was thinking about pulling Gavin out of military school early.


Mom-After what happened with your father, I just want my kids with me and I think he's learned something by now.

Tess-He was not even there for a month yet!

Mom-I know, but I still want him home. He was there was a good almost 2 weeks.

Tess-Mom, you said you were going to follow through on this!

Mom-He'll go back if he isn't behaved.

Now this just made me kinda mad because mom always did this with Gavin and I know he's not gonna be changed, but it's not like I can stop her.

(Flashback Start)


(Flashback End)

Tess's mind-If you so much as hurt or even yell at him Gavin, I "will" make you regret it.


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