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((Y/N)'s POV)

My mom was going to have Kenzie's grandma over today after she got a call last night and she wouldn't tell me why, but maybe Kenzie knows. When I got to school I saw the girls were here and at our spot, so I went up to them and they saw me.



Trinity was the first to give me a hug and soon the bell rang, so we headed into the class and their was something written on the board and it was something about getting a work book today and I hated those back in kindergarten. Mr. Tesla was about to pass them out then I realized something... I was so busy talking about other stuff that I forgot to ask Kenzie what her grandma was coming over to my house for.

(Y/N)-Dang it. *whisper*

Now I have to wait until Recess to do it. The class was long and boring, but at least I was next to Trinity, bust she did something... she rubbed her foot on my leg. I wanted to ask her, but maybe this was another friend thing that she does that Mr. Tesla told me about. When it was time for recess I met up with Kenzie before we made it outside.


(Y/N)-Hey Kenzie.

Kenzie-Hey (Y/N). Did you come to me for a treat?~

(Y/N)-No, I forgot to ask you. Why is your grandma coming over to my house?

Kenzie-Aww, they told you? I wanted it to be a surprise.

(Y/N)-What surprise?

Kenzie-... Oh, I just wanna say it! I might be your new sister!

The whole class heard that and looked at us while Kenzie hugged me and when we made it outside the others come up to us and they gave us looks, but not like the others.


(Y/N)-Uh... hi.

Tess-What do you mean you're going to be his sister?!

Kenzie-Well my grandma is at his house right now with his mom and i'll find out if my grandma says yes then... she might have a few weeks or maybe less.

She didn't sound happy when she said that, but when she looked at me and smiled a little before she kissed my cheek.

Kenzie-She said I get her money and the house when I turn 18, but I need to go somewhere... I thought I would tell my grandma about my best friend.

Trinity-So... you're gonna live with him?!

Kenzie-And Hunter.

They were all talking and I was just quiet while still trying to wrap my head around Kenzie might be my new sister. While they were talking I had to go to the bathroom, so I just left and when I made it to the bathroom I just went and was about to leave, but then I saw 2 boys from class come in and stood at the door looking at me.


Boy#1-Well, well, well, if it isn't the classes girly boy.

Boy#2-I saw you get a kiss from your "girlfriend" or is it your sister.

(Y/N)-She's just my friend.

Boy#1-And they're "all" girls. Maybe because you're too much of a girl to make friends with boys.

Boy#2-Actually, I got something we think would look nice on you.

He reached into his pocket and tossed it to me and it hit my shoe.


Boy#1-Come on, your girlfriends might like it.

They were just laughing at me before one of them ran and grabbed me to hold me still and the other boy picked up the lipstick.

(Y/N)-Get away from me!


(Trinity's POV)

We were all still waiting for (Y/N) to come back and I didn't want to wait anymore and neither did Heather, so we went to go see what was taking so long, but when we made it to the bathrooms where I saw him go, we heard crying and 2 boys came out laughing while they walked past us. The crying was still happening and there was a running and soon (Y/N) walked up and his face was all wet.


Heather-(Y/N), are you ok?


He just walked past us while not talking and trying not to cry and we just followed him trying to talk to him, but soon the bell rang and we got in line to go to class and he still wouldn't talk to us and the others didn't like these and came to us at the back of the line and asked us what happened and we didn't know exactly, but we pointed at the boys.


(Timeskip to class)

(Drew's POV)

Alex and I were still chuckling about what happened while we were doing this page on the new workbook we had to do and it was so boring. I just wanted to stop and go home because all this was stupid.

Drew's mind-Why do we even need to know math? That's what computers and calculators are for.

While we were still doing this stupid math Alex pulled out his 3DS under the table to play and I wish I had something to play now, but then someone bumped into the back of him and made him drop his 3DS and this got the teacher's attention. We both looked to see who bumped into him and Alex was mad that they made him drop his 3DS and it was one of (Y/N)'s stupid girlfriends.


Heather-Oh, sorry.

Alex-What is wrong with you?! Are you blind?!

Mr. Tesla-What's going on here?

We looked and saw the teacher and he looked under the table and came back up with Alex's 3DS.


Mr. Tesla-Who's game thing is this?

Alex-Um... mine.

Mr. Tesla-Will then, you'll get this back at the end of the day and i'll see you in lunch detention.


Mr. Tesla-Heather, why are you out of your seat?

Heather-I just wanted some more water.

Mr. Tesla-Take the pass.

Alex-But what about her?! She probably broke my stuff!

Mr. Tesla-Stuff you shouldn't even be having out during work time and it was just an accident.


Mr. Tesla-No buts.

He just walked away and the girl left the class and Alex was mad the his stuff was taken and now he has detention.

(Heather's POV)

Tess said she would take care of them after school, but I wanted to get something in myself and so did the others. Trinity, Kenzie, and I were going to walk him home while Tess finds out what they did to (Y/N) that made him cry. I was still, so mad that they would be mean to him after he did nothing and this was just the first thing to happen to them today, so now one of them just needs to get the other boy before Tess gets them.

(Timeskip to lunch)

(Drew's POV)

It was boring out here without Alex to hang out with and it was that girl's fault. I was stuck playing basketball alone now then someone tapped me on the shoulder and when I turned it was 2 of the other girls (Y/N) is always with and I knew their names too.


Trinity-Hi. Can we play?

Drew-Don't you have a boyfriend to be with?

Kenzie-(Y/N) doesn't wanna play right now, so we thought we would play basketball. How about horse?

Drew-... Whatever. I'll go first.

After 4 rounds, I had an H and the girls had HO, so I was winning and now it was trinities turn and she was gonna try to do a half court shot. I just kinda laughed since not even a boy can make that shoot, so while Kenzie waited at the hoop I just stood a bit in front of her and watched the hoop to wait and see her fail then it's my turn. Suddenly the ball hit me in the back of the head and I fell to the ground and it my face and started crying.

Trinity-Oh no, i'm so sorry, it was an accident!

Drew-Go away! *sobbing*

Kenzie-So does this mean you give up and we win?


(Trinity's POV)

Kenzie and I just left to go get a teacher and told them it was accident, so they went to him and the most we might get is having to pull a card or something. It's worth it and we were both smiling and giggling while we walked to the others, but (Y/N) said he wanted to be in the library for lunch recess today with the Library lady and Bella went with him, so that mad us very angry that because them, he's too scared or something to come out and be with us.

Trinity-What do you think Tess is gonna do after school?

Kenzie-After what she did to that yard duty that was mean to us... I bet you 5 king sized candy bars that those boys end up crying.

Trinity-I already know they are, but... I bet $10 if they get a bloody nose.

Kenzie-You're on.

(Bella's POV)

I was sitting with (Y/N) on the bean bag chair in the library and he wasn't reading, so I just cuddled with him and the lady in here with us just smiled at us. He won't tell me what happened still, but I just kissed his cheek and held him tighter.

Bella-Hey,... I got some candy from Kenzie... It's a pack of skittles.

(Y/N)-... Ok.

I opened the pack and gave him a handful and we shared the skittles while cuddling and I wish this moment can last just a little longer, but when the bell rang we had to go back to class. I was mad again that the moment was over and I thought about those mean boys and how Tess was going to do something after school.

Bella's mind-Whatever those meanies did to you... they're going to pay for it... I promise.

I just gave him one more kiss, but a quick one on the lips to get me through the day and wait for Tess to do something and i'm gonna make sure I watch.


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