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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up and saw that all the girls were still asleep and off of me now, so I slowly and quietly got up to go to the bathroom. After I was done I went to the kitchen to get some water then suddenly I felt someone tap my shoulder and when I turned I saw Bella and she wrapped me in a hug.


Bella-Hey (Y/N), I go back home today and I had lots of fun over here.

(Y/N)-Oh, ok.

Bella-Maybe you can come over to my house sometime.

(Y/N)-I'll have to ask my mom first.

Bella-I think I have a feeling that she'll say yes. I was also thinking since the others are asleep maybe it would be a good time for a bath,... just you and me.

(Y/N)-Umm... I don't know.

Bella-We already took one with everyone, so if anything we have more room this time. Come on.

She took my hand and started to pull me to the bathroom with and when she got in she locked the door and turned on the water to fill the bath before she started getting ready to go in.

((M/N)'s POV)

I was driving back home after being forced to sleep in a hotel tonight because of those bras and those fucking pictures. When I pulled up I just headed inside and went straight to my room after hearing the hallway bathroom was being used for a bath and (Y/N) and Bella weren't in my bed. Just then one of the woke up and they looked around to see (Y/N) wasn't around, but saw me.


She just got out of my bed and walked out of my room and took my hand to pull me with her out of my room and she closed the door.

Trinity-Where's (Y/N) and Bella?

(M/N)-Probably the bathroom.

Trinity-And she didn't wake us up?!

She went to the hall bathroom only to find it was locked and this made her upset and just then my door opened for the rest of the girls to come out.


Tess-Oh, it's you.

Trinity-Bella, open the door!

Heather-What's going on?

Trinity-Bella snuck (Y/N) in a bath with her alone!

Tess-Relax. They'll be out soon.

She just stretched a little before she gave me a look and went to the kitchen and I checked my room to see if they did anything, but thankfully there was nothing wrong, just a messy bed that I quickly fixed before I went out to the living to see the girls watching a cartoon. When the bathroom door opened I knew Bella and (Y/N) were going to get dressed, so I just tried to make breakfast to make the time go faster for when all the girls go home. I was making omelets when I felt a tap on my back then when I turned I saw Tess and she had a smile I didn't like.


Tess-Hey, you want to do a favor for me.

(M/N)-Just go sit down and wait to go home.

Tess-I wasn't asking. Here's what you're going to do and you have until we leave.

She flashed the pictures to me and I just felt so angry, but I can't hit her or I can go to jail for another reason.

(M/N)-Fine... What do you want?

((Y/N)'s POV)

Bella and I just got dressed and walked downstairs and I saw my mom in the kitchen drinking water and the girls were watching T.V. on the couch, but when we sat down Heather and Trinity pulled me away from Bella and sat me in the middle of them.


Trinity-You hogged him for a bath!

Heather-Yeah and you were here for 2 weeks, so we get to spend the last moments with him!

Bella just stuck her tongue out before she sat down still kinda mad and when my mom called us all to the table for breakfast I saw that she made omelets this time.


We all ate, but when my mom finished her glass of water, Tess got up.

Tess-Do you want more water Ms. (L/N)? Here, i'll just go get some more for you.

She just went to go get my mom some water and that was nice of her and my mom doesn't look too mad. I guess Tess is trying to cheer her up and when she came back with the water she gave it to my mom before she sat back down to eat. She had 3 cups before breakfast was over and 4 more while we were watching a show and sitting in the big chair. She was kinda moving her legs around a bit here and there and it made us look at her.

Kenzie-Is everything ok?

Mom-I'm fine.

Tess-Well if you say so, but can I ask you question Ms. (L/N)?


Tess-So Trinity was planning to post something online later and I was gonna help her, but we can't figure out what to post.

Trinity-We have some pictures that you might know about... Should we post them and see what people think or do you need time to decide.

Mom-... Give me a minute.

She looked down a bit when she said that and Tess just smiled.

Trinity-Ok... I'll go get you some more water.

Mom-... Ok.

(Y/N)'s mind-Why is she drinking so much water.

(Tess's POV)

She was going to do it right in front of us to knock herself down a few pegs or she was going to lose everything. My dad did this to me when I was 4 to put me back in diapers for the summer and now for the first time, i'm using something he taught me and it'll help show her who's boss. When Trinity came with the water and gave it to (Y/N)'s mom she drank it and I could tell she was doing the same thing I did when my dad made me do this... she was holding it in until she finally does it because it's very embarrassing and I don't blame her, but unless she wants those pictures up, she's going to do it. After this, she'll do almost anything and I know because that's what I did for a long time before I met (Y/N).

Tess's mind-This might be the last embarrassing thing we make you do unless you give us a reason.

During the show we saw cars pull up and I saw one of them was my mom's and when (Y/N)'s mom looked outside then back to us Trinity was pretending to have her finger over the button, but she was actually video recording it. (Y/N)'s mom was looking at me while (Y/N) was watch the show and mouthed me "please", but when I shook my head no she slowly closed her eyes before... she finally did it in front of us all and Trinity got it on video.

(Y/N)-... Mom?

Heather-Oh my god! She peed her pants again!

She just got up and ran to her room and believe it or not, I did the same thing too and just then there was a knock on the door and (Y/n) went to answer it and it was 3 of our moms, even mine, so I went to get my stuff, but I whispered something to Kenzie to tell (Y/N)'s mom after I leave.


(Timeskip 20 minutes)

((M/N)'s POV)

I just got out of the shower after I was forced to humiliate myself in front of my own son and those sick little girls. I was still having tears leaking out of my eyes and thinking about what my son could be thinking right now. I know he still loves me, but he's never going to forget this and might even treat me different for a while and I can only assume there is more like this coming. Just then my door opened and I turned expected to see Tess, but it was Kenzie.



(M/N)-Haven't you already done enough?!

Kenzie-Just came to say that we're done... for now. Tess wanted me to tell you that we think we made our point, so just let us do what we want with (Y/N) and you won't have to do more stuff like that ever again, but if you do, she does not have a problem with doing this again.

That's basically saying, remember this next time we want something to do with (Y/N) and if I step out of line, i'll regret it one way or the other. She just left and I just sat on my bed alone with my hands covering my face feeling nothing, but shame right now.

(Timeskip 2 hours)

I was laying in bed and when I heard my door open I looked to see who it was and it was (Y/N).


(Y/N)-Mom,... are you ok?

(M/N)-Go play with your friends.

(Y/N)-They all went home.

He just crawled onto my bed then laid next to me and cuddled with me trying to be loving and I appreciate this, but I didn't want to be seen by anyone right now.

(Y/N)-Um... about your accident... Maybe you shouldn't drink that much water and not go to the bathroom. You always tell me to go to the bathroom when I got to go.

(M/N)'s mind-Great, now i'm being lectured by my 6 year old son. How can this get any worse?

(Y/N)-Kenzie told her grandma's nurse what happened and helped cleaned the mess and said if you need some, they have adult diapers.

(M/N)'s mind-That's how they can get worse.

I'm not putting up with this because of some brats trying to make me look stupid and humiliate myself like that and I quickly thought of a lie.

(M/N)-Sweetie, mommy just needs to see a doctor about her bladder... It's just in bad shape right now. I couldn't get up without having an accident, so I tried to make it go away, so I could get up and go.

(Y/N)-Oh... I guess that makes sense... Oh and Kenzie wanted to talk to the nurses about something and they will talk to you about something... It's not about... you know what ot at least I think it doesn't.

(M/N)'s mind-Great, now what do these girls want from me?

(No POV)

Kenzie's grandma was already 2 months past her date when she was expected to die and looks like she's doing fine, but they still expect her to pass sooner or later. When she passes, the house and money goes to Kenzie since she's the only relative the grandma left them too since other family members are dead or criminals that she disowns, so Kenzie would be in an orphanage and Hunter will go to a shelter or with one of the nurses when she passes, but if Kenzie can convince her grandma, she can be arranged to be in the custody of (M/N) (L/N) and she has a feeling her future guardian will say yes. When she does Hunter and Kenzie will both be living with her, but nobody knows when that might be... The grandma said she wants to talk to the mom while she's at school tomorrow.


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